I Will Never Die, You Can Do Whatever You Want!

Chapter 64 Probably, One In Nine Quadrillion

In the forbidden area, the three looked at each other in blank dismay.

There was a long silence.

After a while.

Maybe she sorted out her own language and finally knew how to speak.

"I really don't know who you are, but I know you..."

"I've known you a long time ago."

Li Yongjin was even more confused. Did you know me a long time ago?

He asked suspiciously: "Could it be that you have admitted the wrong person?"

No matter how you say it, the history of the old vines can be traced back to the Canggu years.

And his own history can only be traced back to hundreds of years in this world at most.

After all, the time within the Great Sea is not equal.

The elapsed time over there cannot be counted in the real world.

So, old vines need to know themselves.

At most, it was hundreds of years ago.

In the end, she just shook her head and said with a smile: "No, there is nothing wrong! The unique imprint and aura on your body are exactly the same as the person in the picture scroll of your lord..."

"This is a unique brand, and no one can change it, so it must be you."

"Do you know? You are the person she most wants to wait and see in her life."

"And I, too, was born out of thinking about you."

"In other words, there would be no me without you, and I would be born because of you!"


She kept her posture low.

Taoyao next to her is almost doubting her life.

God, kill me.

What did I hear?

My lord, picture scroll!

Li Yongjin only felt his scalp tingling.

Another picture scroll!

The complexity of such a plot is comparable to elementary school students doing advanced mathematics.

It is not understandable by ordinary people.

Through these words, Li Yongjin somehow felt that he had overlooked something.

However, he really couldn't remember it for a while.

Then, Li Yongjin sighed, "When were you born?"

To figure it all out,

In terms of timeline, it must be clarified.

If so, there is really something wrong with something.

That must be the time!

If you can understand the time, maybe you can dig up more information.

She said without hesitation: "I was born two and a half years ago, probably belonging to the middle stage of the Canggu Era."

Two and a half dollars will be before.

That is, two and a half million years ago.

Li Yongjin was shocked.

This old immortal has lived a really long time.

Incredibly long!

"Then... who is your lord?" Li Yongjin asked again.

In her mouth, that person seemed to have unreasonable thoughts about herself.

From the description of the old vine, Li Yongjin even felt a little familiar.

Isn't this the same as those dog lickers I met in the Qingshan sect period?

Could it be that dog licking became the king of kings and embarked on the road of forcing the king Li Qiye?

I traveled through the long river of time, and a seed I planted at random became a Tongtian vine that wiped out The Three Realms?

Tsk tsk, there is an internal taste.

It even has a sense of the picture.

Li Yongjin shook his head, driving away those strange images in his mind.

Anyway, he doesn't know the truth yet, everything is just guesswork.

Maybe when I become stronger in the future, I will know.

As for that lord, Li Yongjin is not very interested.

Faced with this problem, Old Vine shook his head very sorry and said:

"I'm sorry, but I can't tell you about your lord."

"She said that the time has not come. You will meet later, and you will know when the time comes."

Yo, still the Riddler.

Li Yongjin could only learn from Taoyao, he nodded and stopped asking.

For such an answer, he had expected it.

Generally, this kind of existence likes to hide behind.

Enjoy the thrill of being the mastermind behind the scenes.

They will not reveal their identities easily, just like the super villains in Shuangwen.

Only at the finale can you see their real bodies.

This is also very reasonable.

However, no matter what purpose the other party had, he didn't care.

At present, it seems that the other party should not have too much malice.

Even if it is malicious, he is not afraid.

I will never die, please you six old...


You think you can, kill me?

Then you give it a try.

Li Yongjin just wanted to know,

Is the own system awesome, or are those taboos powerful!

"Okay, I'm here to ask a question."

Li Yongjin will not forget the purpose of this trip.

He took out the longevity lock and handed it over.

"Help me see, what is this, and what price do I have to pay to get the answer?"

Hearing this, Teng Man smiled embarrassedly: "You're out of touch now, how dare I accept your things."

After finishing speaking, she took the longevity lock carefully.

After just a glance, he was shocked and said: "The Wang family's [Samsara Soul Lock] has the function of locking the soul and suppressing the soul, making the soul immortal and reincarnating Samsara!"

"This thing comes from Canggu, where did you get it?"

Li Yongjin was satisfied with this answer.

Well, I'm overwhelmed.

Facing this question, he also shook his head imitatively.

The old vine immediately understood.

Well, another can't say.

Afterwards, Li Yongjin asked: "You mean, through this thing, I can reincarnate the spirit inside?"

Junior brother, you are really saved!

Thank you soon, Master.

Afterwards, she showed a look of embarrassment, and nodded again: "It's okay, it's just..."

"Just what?"

Li Yongjin was a little anxious.

Seeing that hope is in front of him, he can't accept another failure.

The Wang family, always keep something in mind.

This is what he promised his senior sister and Master to take good care of his junior brother.

"It's just that this thing is too old, the spirituality in it has almost disappeared, and the function is not very complete."

"At present, at most, one soul can only be stored and sealed, and it cannot be well summarized and collected."

"After the precipitation and scouring of Canggu's endless years, coupled with the special turbulence in it, the traces of spirits contained in it may have been completely washed away..."

"In such an endless river of history, the probability of finding a drifting soul is extremely slim."

"I can only say that I will do my best, and I cannot guarantee success."


The more she spoke, the quieter her voice was, and her eyes were also dodged, not daring to look into Li Yongjin's clear eyes.

"The probability is very small, how small?"

Li Yongjin licked his lips.

He's already, ready to go through the years.

If we say that all these probabilities can be healed with time.

Then he is willing to try it!

"To be more precise."

She gave a data:

"Every catch, the probability of accurately catching the target soul."


"One in nine quadrillion!"

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