I Will Never Die, You Can Do Whatever You Want!

Chapter 65 Welcome Back, Little Brother

"One in nine quadrillion?"

Li Yongjin was shocked: "Where did this data come from?"

Anyway, how did he feel that this data was outrageous.

Logically speaking, if it is this data.

That's not bad. It's really hopeless.

She smiled wryly: "I don't know either, but Cang Gu told me this."

"In the long Canggu, there are many existences that I still can't understand."

"Like the forbidden hand covering the earth, it brought endless darkness and fog to the former world."

"That big hand is also the key to opening the Great World's reckoning..."

Speaking of which.

She stopped abruptly and said no more.

For some things, it is better to rot in the long river of time.

Anyway, this is the end of the matter, and everything is over.

This world is about to usher in another brand new world.

The name of the great world may also be named by the man in front of him!

Li Yongjin asked: "Can you still communicate with Canggu?"

"No, Canggu is gone, but the characteristics it gave me... will last forever!"

She smiled wryly again and shook her head, her expression full of bitterness.

To stand on the highest peak in this world is to enjoy the greatest loneliness in this world.

Li Yongjin continued to ask: "Canggu, what kind of characteristics did you endow with?"

His curiosity was completely aroused.

He is still more interested in the great era of Canggu.

Because before, I have been hearing about the Wang family.

Except for the royal family,

He didn't know what other terrifying families and powers there were.

But now, at least he knows many secrets about Canggu.

When we meet again in the future, our eyes will not be blackened.

"Guard this world, and guide...all living beings (you)!"

She hesitated, but informed Li Yongjin anyway.

"Is there anything special in this world that needs you to guard it?"

Li Yongjin laughed and said, "Could it be that the world is going to be destroyed?"

After such joking words fell, the old vine's face changed slightly.

Li Yongjin suddenly narrowed his eyes slightly.

Could it be that he really guessed right?

"Okay, let's not talk about this, let me give you a try!"

She waved her hand and began to fiddle with the longevity lock in her hand.

No matter how amazing this thing is in the eyes of others.

In Li Yongjin's eyes, it is always a long-lived lock.

After Wang Mo went down the mountain, he gave his grandson a life-saving talisman!

This is the deepest love of the grandfather and the greatest happiness of the grandson.


I saw a blue vine protruding from the old vine body, directly protruding into the longevity lock.

In the process.

Li Yongjin found that there were blossoming blood plum blossoms above the sky.

The petals enveloped the sky and the earth, covering the sky above.

And above the petals,

In the body of the old vine, there is a face that is familiar to Li Yongjin.

At this time, Li Yongjin remembered the three principles.

He lowered his head consciously and stopped looking up.

wobble wobble.


Inside, there was a constant sound of vibration.

After half a quarter of an hour.

With a muffled bang, the rattan shattered into sawdust all over the sky.

Li Yongjin's eyes widened, and he stretched out his big sleeve to cover his mouth and nose.

He didn't expect this behavior to be so dangerous.

"Senior, what's the matter?"

He hurried forward, wanting to care.

In the end, the beautiful woman who had transformed raised her hand to stop him.

"Don't, don't come here. This is Canggu turbulence, you can't bear it!"

"Also, you don't need to call me senior, if you want to call... just call me Nian Jin."

"Flower, step back!"


After she finished speaking, she stretched out her hand and waved a gentle breeze.

With Li Yongjin and Taoyao, they retreated hundreds of meters away.

Then, the old vine stretched out another vine.

He did not give up, and continued to fish.

Seeing this, Li Yongjin felt distressed.

He immediately said: "Then... why don't you let me come, I can try to find it too!"

As a result, it was naturally rejected by him: "No, absolutely not! Your entry will cause turbulence and riots in it, and it will cause irreversible consequences."

"I can salvage hundreds of times a day, just wait a moment."

Hearing what he said, Li Yongjin could only give up.

It's hard work, old vines.

No, it's Nian Jin.

Tongtian Vine, whose real name is Nian Jin!

Immediately, Nian Jin continued to try.

The transformed human form shattered instantly.

This time, he had the previous experience.

Changed to a smaller rattan, trying to reduce consumption.

Unfortunately, the result is still the same.

In the face of absolutely slim probability, all attempts are futile.

As time passed, Li Yongjin watched Nian Jin's failures helplessly.

He clenched his fist slightly, and his limbs became stiff.

The day passed quickly, with no results.

A week passed with infinite failures.

Half a month later, there is still no sign of success.

After thousands of trials and failures.

Nian Jin finally stopped.

At this moment, there were thick piles of sawdust and rattan remains under His feet.

The light in the main body has also dimmed a lot.

He, who was severely injured, needs to recover for a while.

At this time, Taoyao suddenly pointed at Li Yongjin's chest, and exclaimed: "Li big brother, what's in your place? Look, it's lit up, it's lit up!"

"Could it be, is it going to burn?"

At this time, Li Yongjin thought that Xiao Taohua was talking about her own Black Tortoise pattern.

Didn't care too much.

"It's okay, nothing to make a fuss about."

Since this thing fits perfectly, it will be highlighted every once in a while.

At the same time, a strong heat is emitted.

And the frequency of coming is very regular, almost more punctual than the girl's relatives.

However, he didn't feel the familiar warmth this time.

So he lowered his head, but what he saw was a strange golden flash.

Wait a moment.

Golden light?

Black Tortoise pattern, not this color!

what is this?

He stretched out his hand, only to grab a brocade pouch with a golden lotus on it.

By coincidence, Li Yongjin held the sides with both hands and opened the kit.

call out!

There was a soft groan.

The next moment.

A golden light shot out from the kit and went straight to the longevity lock in front.

Seeing such a miraculous scene, all three present were stunned.

Nian Jin stopped her own movement, and Tao Yao was so shocked that she forgot to bloom.

Li Yongjin remained motionless, maintaining his original movements.

Suddenly, he thought of the words left by that confidant:

"Brother Li, I beg you again."

"Please take it and give it to a young man who walks away with Tianya with a sword like me, and is as chivalrous as I am."

"This is mine, a little blessing."


Yes, this is from Sun Siruo,


A Heavenly Dao sheltered, son of destiny blessing of luck!

At this moment, the momentum in Changshou Lock was like a rainbow!

A bright rainbow bridge that astonishes the world, gushes out directly from the longevity lock.

There are thousands of debauchery, illuminating the entire forbidden area.

Above the Longevity Lock.

In the endlessly resplendent rainbow bridge, a dazed and thin figure slowly condensed.

Looking at the extremely familiar figure among them, Li Yongjin's eyes were moist.

He immediately stretched out his palm, choked with sobs and said, "Welcome back, Junior Brother!"

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