I Will Never Die, You Can Do Whatever You Want!

Chapter 67 Dialogue Between Ancient And Modern Times, Aoyama's Advice

Outside of the secret realm, they fulfilled their promise.

Seeing this, Xiaobai on the side also rushed over.

At this time, it has a feeling of falling out of favor.

Hmph, the boss has fallen in love with Peach Blossom Essence, and doesn't love himself anymore!

Seeing this, Li Yongjin laughed.

In order to show that he was not partial, he also patted Xiaobai's head: "Let's go, it's time to go back, let's go home..."

At this moment, a strange breeze hit.

The originally windless field was suddenly filled with gusts of breeze.

The endless breeze blows from Li Yongjin's back like a curtain.

It's like a fresh breeze blowing and wrinkling a pool of spring water!

"Honorable, the old man finally found you... Please wait a moment."

"Cough, cough, junior... Please wait a moment."

An incomparably vicissitudes of voice came leisurely.

Its sound quality is so thick that Li Yongjin immediately thought of the thick green hills in the distance.

Neither fast nor slow, neither fast nor slow.

High mountains and flowing water, the water waves are not happy.

You don't need to look to know that the visitor must be a vicissitudes old man with great temperament.

There must be stories written all over him.

As a result, Li Yongjin turned his head and found a crane.

A black one, Crane?

And around the neck of the black crane, there is a piece of Spirit Stones.

A green mountain surrounded by clouds and mist is engraved on the stone, constantly glowing with spiritual light.

Thinking about it, the sound just now came from it.

Seeing this object, Li Yongjin immediately recognized it.

Isn't this the Qingshan sound transmission stone of their Qingshan sect?

It is equivalent to the big horn in the previous life, but it consumes Spiritual Qi.

Seeing this object, Li Yongjin felt a little kind to this crane for no reason.

Although they had never met, Li Yongjin felt a very familiar atmosphere from it.

Well, it's the taste of green hills!

"Sister, what advice do you have?"

Meeting an old friend in a foreign land is also a warm feeling.

So Li Yongjin arched his cupped hands and said hello very politely.

The black crane just waved its wings, straightened its long neck, and pulled out a blue scroll from its tail feathers.

On the outside of the scroll, the logo of their Green Mountain Sect is engraved.

Li Yongjin looked at the seal above, and couldn't help but twitch his eyelids.

That is, a big "one".

Representing the Green Mountain Sect, the first generation Sect Leader!

In other words, the first generation of ancestors?

Good guy, this is a long trip.

They actually met the first generation ancestor of their Qingshan Sect?

Li Yongjin stood still immediately, and his attitude changed from lazy to serious.

In front of a senior, one still has to look like a junior.

In order not to be seen as a joke by the ancestors, give Deadwood Peak Losing face.

Seeing this, the black crane held the scroll in its beak.

The next moment, use the wings to tear off the strip.

With a swipe, a landscape painting unfolded in front of Li Yongjin's eyes.

In the picture, it is a majestic and evergreen mountain.

Clouds and mist linger, and spring water flows.

Even without any characters, it gives Li Yongjin a sense of immortality.

However, since this is the scroll of the old ancestor.

What about the old grandpa?

Just when Li Yongjin was thinking wildly, the mountain in the picture scroll actually moved!

It began to distort, and gradually turned into an old man's head with white beard and hair.

The old man curled his temples and had a pair of eyes of incomparable wisdom.

As if, see through everything.

"My descendant, you should be the most talented disciple of the Qingshan Sect for ten thousand years, right?"

"I am the Patriarch Qingshan, who created the Qingshan School, I am Qingshan!"

"You can also call me Patriarch."

"Old Ancestor, I am here to give you a piece of advice."


Qingshan made a long story short, and he was also afraid that Li Yongjin would not believe it.

In the scroll, the old man gave a wink.

Blue runes lit up the black crane's wings.

At the same time, the aura of the Daqingshan Longevity Kungfu, which belongs to the origin of Qingshan, fluctuated, adding a lot of unique temperament of longevity to it.

Feel the [imprint] of Qingshan and the original rune of Canggu seal.

Li Yongjin raised his hand: "Patriarch, I have already believed it, so I can accept it!"

Enough is enough, enough is enough!

These special items are all branded with the brand of Qingshan Sect, and they are genuine.

Li Yongjin felt that if he didn't believe it, he would be a bit deceitful.


The first Patriarch of Qingshan came to him suddenly, could it be something serious?

Or, does he feel that he has the talent of a fairy and is the savior to save the world, so what great task will he entrust to himself?

If so, Li Yongjin has to think about it.

He is not a casual guy.

"Okay, then can you tell me, what's your name?"

Qing Shan chuckled, his snow-white beard fluttering.

"Junior Li Yongjin, have met the Patriarch."

Li Yongjin cupped hands again.

Facing this old monster from ten thousand years ago, he dared not neglect.

Who didn't memorize the ancestor's ancestral training when they first started?

Which disciple has never paid homage to the reputation of the ancestor, and has never read his legendary deeds?

It looked really extraordinary today.

It turned out to be a real Qingshan cultivating the Tao, no wonder the Qingshan sect was created.

"Li Yongjin, what a good name."

"Old Ancestor, I counted my fingers, and I knew that your name is smooth sailing on the road to longevity. It is like blooming flowers, meaningful and beautiful."

The other party first praised politely.

I am a little embarrassed to praise Li Yongjin.

This name is generally nice, not as exaggerated as you exaggerated.

"Old Ancestor, if you have anything to say, just say it."

"If there is anything Junior needs to do, just ask."

Li Yongjin was also polite, and muttered in his heart:

Although, I may not necessarily agree.

Qingshan didn't see Li Yongjin's old sixth mentality, nodded and said:

"Then I won't play around, you kid is also a smart person. Before I ascended, my ancestor, I left this pine crane behind, and let it send the scroll here ten thousand years later."

"Now it seems that you should be the predestined person I want to find."

"Don't be surprised, what you see now is exactly me ten thousand years ago."

"We are indeed talking between ancient and modern times."


The words of Patriarch Qingshan caused ripples in Li Yongjin's heart.

Guys, is this a conversation spanning thousands of years?

Dialogue between the past and the present must pay an unimaginable price!

The ancestor must have very important information and advice, should he leave it to the Qingshan sect?

Thinking of this, Li Yongjin replied with a serious face: "Ancestor, do you want me to bring something back? Or, if you have any advice, I will definitely bring it!"

The old ancestor worked so hard, and he couldn't let him down.

As a result, Qingshan laughed loudly when he heard the words: "Advice? Yes, I do have an advice, but it's not for them, but for you!"


ps: Thank you very much for the gifts brothers, it was really expensive, I am flattered. I can only repay you with better quality.

However, we have to wait for the seven-day vacation before making more changes. Recently, overtime is a bit frequent. Finally, thank you readers, brothers and sisters, for your support.

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