Do you have a piece of advice for me?

At first, Li Yongjin thought he heard it wrong.

Afterwards, Qingshan repeated it again, and he finally realized it.

However, the more he thought about it, the more wrong he became.

In the past few years in the Qingshan Sect, I have not said that I have worked hard.

At least it can be regarded as well-behaved, right?

What kind of big mistake did you make?

As for letting the old patriarch cross the timeline of ten thousand years, do you have to warn yourself?

Could it be...

This time, Li Yongjin thought of a lot.

His face became more and more serious.

Something is wrong, this atmosphere... is very wrong!

Seeing Li Yongjin like this, the other party was not in a hurry.

Aoyama always had a deep smile on his face, just looking at Li Yongjin with a smile.

Now, seeing Li Yongjin felt guilty.

This is me, is there a flower on my face?

But if the other party doesn't speak, then I won't speak either.

In this way, the two stalemate for a long time.

When the night fell into dusk, the moon quietly climbed the branches.

The picture scroll was fluttering in the wind, and Qingshan said slowly: "I'm sorry, I was disturbed by the rules of heaven and earth just now, where are we talking?"

Li Yongjin: "..."

What the hell, can I swear?

I thought your smile had something to say!

After a long time, it turned out that you were stuck?

Does that make sense, old man.

"Oh, I remember."

"As a disciple of my Qingshan Sect, I should act more for Sect. Is that okay?"

Qingshan first raised a question, a question that people could not refute.

Li Yongjin could only nod his head.

At least on the surface, he still belongs to the Qingshan sect.

This sense of collective honor is still necessary.

"Then now, as the ancestor, I beg you one thing, I hope you can make the right choice!"

"I can foresee that you will be the most talented and peerless evildoer in the history of Qingshan Sect. Therefore, Qingshan cannot do without you, and should not give up on you!"

Having said that, Qing Shan changed the subject:

"However, now you want to go up the mountain with a huge Karma that the Green Mountain Sect can't bear at all."

"Do you know that the small Green Mountain Sect can't accommodate Cang Gu at all?"

"As a legacy of Canggu, why don't you just let it return to Canggu?"

"Why do you have to provoke this dust?"


Now, Li Yongjin understood.

He took off the tree eggs he was carrying, and asked with a smile: "Patriarch, you mean, do you want me to give up this?"

Grandpa, grandpa.

Do you know.

This tiny egg was exchanged for the life of my dearest loved one?

This is me, dearest...

Junior brother.

Now you want me to give up?

Then this Qingshan sect, don't wait.

For those who practice the Tao, the so-called Karma is simply unbearable.

In Li Yongjin's eyes, it's not worth mentioning.

Still the same sentence, if there is something that can obliterate the existence of own.

Then he is naturally, welcome with both hands and feet.

If that doesn't work, consider you a fart.

Seeing Li Yongjin's expression, Qingshan let out a long sigh:

"The matter has come to this, the old man will get straight to the point. I give you two choices, one is that you give up this thing and let it return to ancient history."

"The second is to ask you to leave the Green Mountain Sect."

"Stay far away, and completely sever the relationship with Qingshanzong."

"Yongjin, you are a smart person, you should know the pros and cons. If you insist on resuscitating this thing, you must not be able to bear the consequences."

In the eyes of old monsters like Qingshan.

This is not just an egg, but it is very likely to be the entire Canggu Great World!

In the face of such a magnificent era, everyone seems so pale and powerless.

After experiencing that horrible liquidation, Qing Shan never wanted to experience it again!

Because the knife was cut on the body, it was really painful!


Qing Shan's words made Li Yongjin inexplicably angry.

He sighed briefly, and said in a deep voice: "Old Ancestor, you are wrong in saying that."

Then, he held the tree egg in his palm:

"This is not a 'thing', but a disciple of your Green Mountain Sect, the direct descendant of the Canggu Wang family, the grandson of my Master Wang Mo, and my junior brother..."

"Hey, you don't understand. It is because this child is special that you need to think twice."

Qing Shan also let out a long sigh, and his snow-white hair became even paler.

Aoyama dare not say too much about Karma luck.

All he can do is try his best to stop Li Yongjin.

If you can't stop it, try your best to disassociate Qingshanzong from it.

Otherwise, when the tide of the great world is photographed, they will be completely bruised.

"So please make your choice, now!"

Qing Shan gritted his teeth, but still resolutely spoke harshly.

Short-term pain is worse than long-term pain. This kind of thing needs to be cut quickly.

In any case, they can be considered to have a teacher's relationship.

Everything should not be too indecent.

However, the Green Mountain Sect is his foundation and the key to his enlightenment.

He was able to get to this point, all thanks to the continuous incense and luck of the Qingshan Sect.

So the Green Mountain Sect is everything to him, and it is what he cares most about.

Patriarch Qingshan absolutely does not allow any existence that can shake the foundation of Qingshan Sect.

Having said that, Li Yongjin also understood.

He nodded immediately, and carried the tree egg back again.

Facing the patriarch, cupped hands bowed: "Since this is the case, Junior can only reluctantly choose to stay away from Sect. From then on, the sky is high and the road is far away, and we will each go at both ends."

"Don't worry, I won't mention anything about the Qingshan sect in the future, and I will completely disassociate myself from the Qingshan sect."

Li Yongjin understands Patriarch's concerns very well.

Anyway, he is in Sect, so there is nothing to worry about.

Simply retreat, and then find another place to harm.

he said.

Between heaven and earth, the surging power of Taoism suddenly surged.

The next moment, Li Yongjin condensed a green mountain dharma image behind him.

Between the eyebrows, there is also a mark of a green mountain.

He raised his hand and slapped his sky cap.


A muffled sound appeared.

The dharma is shattered, and the imprint is broken.

Under the ruthless Taoist power of Daoist, all the green mountain breath on Li Yongjin's body was washed away.

There was no trace left by Qing Shan on his body anymore.

see this scene,

Qing Shan couldn't bear to look any further, and closed his eyes directly.

"Hey, why is this, why is this..."

"Since you have made up your mind, let's all be safe from now on."

The scroll slowly closed, and the old man's voice gradually weakened.

In the end, he left a sentence: "Go back and have a look at the end, and say goodbye to them. On behalf of Qingshan, I wish you a smooth and smooth journey in the future."

"If we meet again in the Immortal World in the future, you and I will be called fellow daoists."

After Qingshan finished speaking, the black crane let out a long cry, and flew up into the sky with the scroll in its mouth.

Soaring upwards, I don't know tens of thousands of miles.

All of a sudden, it disappeared into the boundless sky.

Qingshan knows that owning the Qingshan sect has no blessings.

Can't keep such a surprise.


Xuan Jiuzhou, Qingshan Town.

outside the town.

Li Yongjin bought a lot of presents and hung them all over.

When was the last time you came?

Oh, it seems to be one or two hundred years ago, right?

At that time, there should be a lot of hamster stalls here.

Only now, they have switched to selling peach blossoms and fruits.

in a trance,

He looked in the direction of the Qingshan Sect in the distance, and he didn't dare to bother him for a long time.

I'm afraid it was a dream.

When I wake up from the dream, everything disappears.

Feeling Li Yongjin's embarrassment, Taoyao said softly: "Brother, you always have to face it, go up."

"Yes Yes."

Xiaobai leaned on his shoulder, and kept nodding.

In that way, there was even a hint of excitement.

In its view, traveling around the world with Li Yongjin is the real thing.

Otherwise, this product stays in Sect all day, then it will never find its own owner.

"it is good."

Li Yongjin gritted his teeth and nodded firmly: "Let's go up the mountain!"

At the foot of the mountain, Li Yongjin walked on the stone steps of the mountain gate step by step.

He has never discovered before, why the bluestone steps at this door are so long?

It seems that this road will never come to an end.

However, no matter how long the road is, there is also an end.

Big Brother Deadwood Peak is back!

According to the usual practice, it was another boring disciples of the whole sect, who came to the mountain gate to welcome the elder brother back.

Only this time, there was no smile on Li Yongjin's face anymore.

"What's wrong with this kid?"

Elder, a woman on Good Fortune Peak, hugged her chest with a puzzled look on her face.

"Who knows, it's probably sad again."

Bai Luo chuckled.

At the beginning, this kid knew how to pretend.

He still remembers the smear of lime on his face.

Thinking of this, Bai Luo couldn't help but raised his hand and wiped the corner of his eyes.

Today's sandstorm seems a bit big.

This time, Li Yongjin didn't speak.

He bowed deeply to everyone.

After that, he went to the ancestral hall without saying a word.


The originally clear sky suddenly exploded with thunder.

The sky suddenly darkened, covered with a large cloud.

I don't know if this scene shocked the scene, or this scene set off the scene.

There was a heavy downpour, and it suddenly fell like this.

"Taoyao, hold an umbrella!"

On the way, Li Yongjin held the tree eggs in his hands and said in a deep voice.


Tao Yao immediately jumped up and sat directly on Li Yongjin's shoulder.

With a bang, a huge peach blossom umbrella opened.

Looking from a distance, I don't know whether the tree has become a person, or the person has become a tree.

ancestral hall.

Wang Mo's golden body is placed directly under the statue of the patriarch.

He was facing the patriarch, but his back was facing everyone in the Qingshan Sect.

His arms were spread out chicly, and his chest was exposed in a very free and easy way.

In his hand, he was holding a jug of unopened wine.

It bumped into my arms with the breeze and bright moon of Qingshan.

With the wine that fell from the cliff, I invited a full cup.

"Master, we are back."

Li Yongjin knocked his head three times, without a tear in the corner of his eyes.

He dropped the tree eggs and told everyone to get out.

The two of them, the master and the apprentice, should talk about what is in their hearts.

That night, no one knew what they talked about.

Wang Moran only knew that Li Yongjin was at his door early in the morning and asked for instructions to go down the mountain.

"Where are you going on this trip, and when will you be back?"

"Go down the mountain."

"I know you are going down the mountain, I ask when you will come back?"

Li Yongjin shook his head.

At this time, he changed into a green robe.

When Li Yongjin left, Wang Moran was still confused looking at his back.

He murmured repeatedly in his mouth: "Cangshan will return when he dies."

What's the matter with this kid?


When we were getting ready to go, there was another heavy rain.

Li Yongjin looked at the muddy mountains in Sect, shook his head and said, "Why do partings always take place on rainy days?"

"I really hate the rain!"

It was the same in Baihua Valley last time.

Now come to Baihua Valley, it's still the same!

He came to a flower tomb and put down all the presents.

Subsequently, there is no nostalgia.

Li Yongjin turned around and said, "Taoyao, open your umbrella!"


Tao Yao still repeats the old trick.

The wind is fluttering and the rain is swaggering.

Boundless torrential rain blocked the way for pedestrians.

In the storm,

Li Yongjin carried Taoyao and the tree eggs on his back, and led the excited Xiaobai, staggering on the stone steps of the Green Mountain Sect.

As for Ding Cangtian, he had already been looking forward to it below.

Walk up the last section of stone steps.

He raised his right hand and waved vigorously:

"The green hills remain unchanged, and the green waters flow forever..."

"We will meet later!"

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