I Will Never Die, You Can Do Whatever You Want!

Chapter 78 Firefox And Night Crow


I will level the Sacred Land.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the audience was shocked.

All the Elders looked at each other in blank dismay, wanting to say something but were speechless.

Everyone was undecided, how confident was this fat boy?

Facing the stunning scenery of the holy mountain, he dared to say such words.

Could it be that this is heart wide body fat?

Then your heart is too big, right?

Thinking of this, everyone secretly admired this kid.

It doesn't matter if this guy is a human or a ghost.

Just this kind of boldness is worth remembering in their hearts.

My cultivator, go forward bravely.

Even if you die, why bother fighting?

However, they are now in opposing camps after all.

Even if he was shocked in his heart, he still had to maintain the majesty of Sacred Land on the surface.

At least it can't be too obvious, so as not to be difficult to deal with.


"What a breath!"

Finally, halfway up the mountain,

A fiery red flame was lit.

The light intensified, like a balloon that was constantly expanding.

Moments later, the red light spread out like waves.

A great sun that scorched the world just like this appeared in front of Li Yongjin.

The imposing manner that suppresses the heaven and the earth is continuously suppressed like a tide.

as if,

The universe shattered, Yin & Yang overturned.

And in Li Yongjin's two pupils, two golden lights were also burning fiercely.

The aura of Taoism also erupted from his body, and the power of the world was for his own use.

In just an instant, the two auras collided.

Then it was instantly annihilated, and the invisible air wave swayed away, and everyone retreated a step.

Finally, the golden pupil gradually extinguished.

In his eyes, this woman is a beast,



Nine Tails Firefox.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered what Feng Ruyi Scepter said.

"According to legend, in Fuyao Sacred Land, there are two suns."

"Also, the most hypocritical person in the world!"


Li Yongjin narrowed his eyes immediately, looking at the big sun vigilantly.

Has the first sun appeared?

So, it is the most hypocritical person in the world?

After the fire appeared, it exploded suddenly.

Gradually, in front of Li Yongjin's eyes, a beautiful woman appeared.

"I have seen the Holy Lord!"

After she appeared, the Elder group behind Li Yongjin took another step back, bowed their heads and greeted with cupped hands.

"Free gift."

The woman giggled.

The next moment.

She fell lightly on the tree, leaning slantingly on a branch,

He also hooked his fingers at Li Yongjin: "Little guy, do you really think this is your playground?"


After speaking, she caught off guard and spewed out a burst of fire at Li Yongjin.

The flames were eerily strange, and waves of heat were coming.

Like a flaming drill bit, it strikes unreasonably.

Enveloped by the flames, Li Yongjin couldn't help covering his own face with his big sleeves.

Unfortunately, it was still a step too late.

When his technique of transformation met the flames, it was like ice and snow meeting the scorching sun.

It was dissolved in an instant.

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, Li Yongjin returned to his original state.

What a handsome young man!

"I admit, I underestimated the enemy."

"As expected of the Holy Master, you can break my transformation."

Li Yongjin shook his head helplessly.

What to do, suddenly there is a feeling of being slapped in the face.

[Ding, since the host's lifespan is longer than the opponent's, the skill duplication condition is met. 】

[Congratulations to the host for successfully copying the other party's Talent supernatural power——Delusion-breaking Foxfire! 】

This flame was extremely strange, with the ability to destroy all illusions, it broke his Taoism.

However, it doesn't matter.

Originally, Li Yongjin didn't think that this change in himself could hide the old monster from Sacred Land.

And the flame didn't cause any damage to him, it seems that it only has the ability of Shattering Void.

It's harmless.

It's just that I can't hang up on the face.

In order to retrieve Face, Li Yongjin slowly raised a hand.


The flames lit up, illuminating everyone's surprised faces.

At this moment, the audience...

Petrified, suffocated.


That is.

That is the exclusive supernatural power of the Holy Master, the delusion-breaking foxfire?

how is this possible?

At this time, everyone began to look at Li Yongjin with a trace of scrutiny.

Could it be that this kid is also from the Firefox family?

That being the case, it was really flooding the Dragon King Temple, and my own family beat my own family.

"Hmph, what a nasty kid."

Seeing this scene, the Holy Master also pinched his nose with his hands: "You have a smell that I hate very much. You night crows really like to plagiarize."

"As early as the ancient times, it was annoying enough!"

Night Crows?

Li Yongjin was at a loss.

Where is this all?

Hello, are you misunderstanding something?

Just as Li Yongjin wanted to ask clearly, he thought of what Feng Ruyi Scepter said.

I... am a dead man, a living dead man.

Mass graves, night crows.

At this moment, all the information seems to be connected in series.

Li Yongjin closed his eyes and took a closer look.

When he opened his eyes, his eyes were full of clarity.

I understand, I understand everything.

So that's what happened,

So, is this the truth of the matter?

Firefox, Night Crow.

They hate each other and are enemies.

And there must be a lot of connection between the Shengxuan Continent and the Misty Continent.

The next moment,

A bold idea appeared in his mind.

Might as well, imagine it boldly.

Could it be that in the ancient times.

These two continents are actually merged together?

"Boy, plate displacement, huh?"

"It's really changed, and this change is too big."

Now, Li Yongjin was amused by the strange thought in his heart.

However, the more he thought about it, the more likely it was.

It seems that this is the only way to explain it.

Otherwise, how can you explain,

The Night Crow from Misty, and the Firefox from Shengxuan.

The two great clans were old enemies in ancient times?

"It's useless to talk too much, the sword will win."

Li Yongjin gripped the machete tightly and held the iron ax in his left hand.

"Since the Holy Master is here, you should report it yourself."

"I, Li Yongjin, came here today just for the Fountain of Youth."

"It's not a request, it's a notice."

He looked into Firefox's extremely charming eyes, and said with a smile, "Holy Master, if I win, can you be the master?"

"Hahaha, good boy."

The Holy Master twisted his neck, and a fiery red tail gradually extended from under his skirt.

"If you want the Fountain of Youth, hit it first."

"Let me try it first, you are number one in the world!"

As she spoke, the Realm breath on her body soared again.

In an instant, he crossed the Mahayana realm and reached Yuhua directly.

When old enemies meet, they are divided into jealousy.

Coupled with this kid pressing so hard, the Lord felt that his own patience was exhausted to the limit.

She can't take it anymore!

Even if the restriction seal is lifted, this kid must be beheaded.

It is absolutely impossible, and then put this disaster back to Misty Continent.


The real feathered Realm, the breath is swaying.

Inspired by the feathered breath,

On the top of the holy mountain, a Tongtian portal gradually coalesced.

The gate of heaven is open.

"Hey, town."

"The little fox is still so irritable when he does things."

"Yeah, if you press it a few more times, you won't be able to hold it down anymore. We old guys, I'm afraid we're going to be born again."

Swinging the top of the mountain, sighs resounded.

As the words of mantra fell, magical powers emerged.

The boundless spell appeared in the void and turned into a circular rune light curtain, covering the entire Fuyao Holy Mountain.

The appearance of the talisman immediately blocked the ever-diffusing aura of feathering.

Above the head, the gradually solidified Heavenly Gate also slowly closed.


ps: The foreshadowing of the three great worlds of Taikoo, Canggu, and Shanggu has been completed.

What is hidden between the three great worlds, and what is the connection?

In the endless time and space, who is the one who remains unchanged and looks down on the past and the present?

For details, please watch the book "He Comes from the Great World"!

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