"Hey, old ghost."

"Well, what are you doing? Watching a show, don't disturb daddy!"

"These two little guys are fighting, what do you think?"

"How else can you see, just use your eyes."


at the same time,

Under the holy mountain, in the dark cave.


The stalactites hanging above the head are constantly dripping milky white liquid.

The hollow sound echoed in the cave.

Ripples sway, clear springs flow.

Under the prying eyes of Fuyao Sacred Art.

Several figures who couldn't see the silhouette gathered together, pointing at the fight that was about to start in Sacred Land.

It's not easy to have so much fun and entertainment in their endless hours.

After all, they are Fuyao Sacred Land, the veritable No. 1 Sacred Land in the world.

In Sacred Land, there are nine invincible [Fuyaojing] sitting in the town.

Like this kind of stunned youth who directly hit the door, how many can there be?

In the days of guarding the bottom of the mountain, the sun was not seen.

Boredom is the only theme in their life.

Don't watch the show anymore,

These old ghosts are going to suffocate to death.

"But this kid is so strange, the little fox was misled."

"Yes, this is a wizard!"

"He's not from the Night Crow Sacred Clan at all, why can he also steal the Fox Clan's inheritance of the holy art?"

"Ham, don't care. There are all kinds of wonders in this great world. Haven't we seen so few strange things in this life?"

"Yeah, don't say he can't win, so what if he wins? There are nine of us, which one won't beat up the little fox when we go out?"

"Hey, what a navel fart - I don't know how he made it sound!"

"Pfft, old ghost, your allusion is really good, hahaha, you died laughing."

"It seems that you have experienced well this time. The joke is that old sows wear bras, a set of suits."

"Stop arguing, let's start!"


In the picture, the Holy Lord after becoming a feather is particularly irritable.

She could no longer suppress the restless divine flames all over her body.

Behind him, flame tails appeared one after another.

One tail, two tails.

All six tails condensed, and then the change stopped.

Li Yongjin looked very stiff,

Under this coercion, the machete he held seemed a little unsteady.

The whole person also seemed extremely cautious, as if he didn't know how to place the knife all of a sudden.

Everyone can see that Li Yongjin doesn't know how to use a knife.

He has always used a sword.

And those legends that amazed the world were all created by him with his sword.

But this time, he didn't seem to bring a sword.

Could it be that he really wants to practice his sword in the game of life and death?

Damn, this stunned young man.

Unfortunately, Firefox doesn't care about that at all.

In the life and death fight, it will not show mercy at all.


The scorching flames pierced the air, rushing towards Li Yongjin with violent psionic energy.

Because the speed was too fast, the surrounding void was blasted.

Sparks splattered and heat waves hit.

The whole world seemed to be filled with only this flame.

The flames become waves, with the potential to swallow the sky!

To know,

The burning sparks on it carry the rules of heaven and earth of the Feathered Realm.

Any point that explodes and drips down the dust is an Earth Fire meteor, a peerless disaster.

A spark falling into the sea of ​​mortals can instantly boil the sea water into steam.

A cluster of flames can burn mountains and seas, burning all life within a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

In the face of such a terrible flame, Li Yongjin Half-step does not retreat.

He stubbornly raised the knife in his hand high.

That way, extremely restrained and unfamiliar.

Just like before, he stood on the top of the dead wood peak and touched the sword for the first time.

Sword Technique, like Saber Technique, is rough to the extreme.

But so what?

He still clenched the knife in his hand, facing the flames in front of him.

Cut down heavily.

Just like the undefeated will of a young man, he shattered the sky.


"Tsk tsk, what a stubborn and good boy."

"Yeah, I'm a little touched, woo woo woo."

"Now I really hope that this kid can teach the little fox a lesson, so that the little fox will not be lawless all day long, and don't put us old guys in one's eyes."


Li Yongjin didn't know.

Under their feet, there is also a theater troupe.

Facing their performance, pointing fingers.

And best of all,

The camp of the spectators seems to be neutral.


Endless flames exploded.

There was no one there.

Under the protection of the Sacred Land rune, this fight belonged to the continent's top experts, and did not hurt Sacred Land at all.

It's just that the surrounding Elder group saw something wrong and withdrew a long time ago.

Instead, it left the two of them with an extremely wide fighting space.

"Hmph, vulnerable!"

As soon as Firefox took a picture, feeling that the space in front of him had been completely annihilated, he sneered.

In its induction, there is nothing in front of it, and it has completely fallen into a state of nothingness.

Not to mention human beings, even the ashes of immortals will not be left behind!

this one?

Is this the number one startled talent in the Devil's Nest, the so-called number one invincible person in the Misty Continent?

Even if he couldn't bear a single move, he directly turned into nothingness.

Is it too hard?

If I had known earlier, I would not have opened Liuwei.

Fortunately, I still regard him as an opponent, which is a waste of origin!

Then, Firefox didn't wait for the dust to clear.

Then he turned around and gradually manifested a human form as he walked.

Really strong, never look back at the explosion!


In the flames and dust, a faint voice came: "Are you... talking about me?"

At this moment, the world was quiet again.

In the induction of Firefox, there is a piece of heaven and earth behind.

The original "nothingness" state was broken.

A strong vitality and aura slowly condensed from nothingness.

Such a process, as if from scratch.

From zero...to one!

This is—— Tao!

Before, Firefox didn't know what Tao was.

However, at this moment, it seemed to understand something.

A young man with a machete on his shoulder walked slowly out of the flames.

The firelight lit his hair, and the ashes dimmed his eyes.

Looking at the stiff Firefox, he laughed and said, "As I said, I am invincible...You guys, please feel free!"

"Next, take the move!"

"Using his own way, he will treat his own body."

On him, a Cultivation Base beyond the Feathered Realm,

It exploded spontaneously!

At this moment, he seemed to have entered a brand new Realm.

His whole body turned into a scorching sun, a fierce and bright light.

Compared with the light on his body, the flames of Firefox are like a bright moon competing with the sun.

It looked ridiculous.

At this moment, at this moment.

In front of countless creatures in Sacred Land.

Li Yongjin did it all by himself.

This side of the world,

Turned into white!

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