I Will Never Die, You Can Do Whatever You Want!

Chapter 80 Heavenly Dao Can't Sit Still Anymore, Why Don't You Come And Be The One (Big Ch


On Li Yongjin, Firefox suddenly felt a strong pressure!

This is a kind of suppression from the superior, from the soul level.

It is also the suppression of the Realm and Cultivation Base levels.

No, it's impossible!

How could this be?

Could it be that this kid has been pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger before?

Why is his strength suddenly so strong?

Strong enough to surpass the feathered Realm, there is a feeling of rebirth.

At this moment, I saw this scene.

No matter whether it was the old monster on the top of the mountain or the old monster at the bottom of the mountain, they couldn't sit still.

"No, is this... Fuyao's breath?"

"How did he do it, boy?"

"Terrible, so besides us, is there another Fuyao-level existence in this Purple Heaven Realm?"

"After making trouble for a long time, it turns out that they are comrades!"

"Impossible, could it be that he is also a certain Power reincarnation?"

"Stop talking nonsense, go and stop him, or the little fox will be in danger."


"Hey, take it!"

"I have a knife, which is nothing special."

Li Yongjin felt the turbulent Magic power all over his body, and he swung his knife vigorously with a smile.

The little fox in front of him was trembling at this moment, looking very pitiful.

It reflects itself, like a villain.

However, he now feels like he has entered a new Realm.

There is also a new understanding of the replication function of the system.

Previously, he thought that the replication of Cultivation Base was just overwriting.

But now it seems that this copying is not just a mindless overlay.



As it is now.

It's impossible for his Cultivation Base Realm to surpass Feather if it's just duplication.

In fact, he made the leap anyway.

In this new Realm,

He felt a brand new world, and also felt a qualitative change in his life level.

At this moment, it seems that the entire Sacred Land is under his feet.

Even the entire Shengxuan Continent is within his induction.

There are no big or small things in the world.

Take a panoramic view!

He could feel that the Firefox that had fled into Realm was just a little chicken in front of him.

Raise your hand with a knife, you can kill it at will!

Just right.

Since those, the real old monsters are not willing to come out.

Then kill you little fox first, to pay homage to the young master's bad name.

Anyway, there are countless dead souls under his men.

I don't care, there are only one or two more.


Firefox stiffened his body, and his limbs began to struggle feebly.

The whites of the eyes also rolled out.

At this moment, Firefox only felt his own throat being strangled by an invisible giant hand.

It could only struggle feebly, quietly waiting for the butcher knife to fall.

That knife, I can't avoid it.

Only wait to die!

What kind of despair is that?

No, I can't die.

I am the Lord of the Sacred Land!

"This kid is really crazy!"

"Fellow daoist, please keep someone under the knife!"

"Good guy, what is this called?"


Suddenly, countless streams of misty purple air surged from all directions.

All kinds of exclamations continued to come from all directions.

Under the ground, on the top of the mountain.

The primordial aura that seems to represent chaos extends from the ground and falls from the sky.

Not for a moment.

The purple gas turns into a Ribbon and hangs down into a purple curtain.

The curtain flowed and turned into a purple waterfall, abruptly blocking Li Yongjin's knife.

tear up.

With one slash, the purple waterfall was directly cut through one layer.

But the purple qi is endless and endless.

The sound of tearing and tearing is endless.

After a few breaths, the violent attack of the knife was finally blocked.

The tip of the knife finally stopped one centimeter in front of the tip of the Firefox's nose, and could no longer make an inch of progress.

Boom boom boom.

Between life and death, Firefox even heard Own's heartbeat.

Alive... survived.

At this moment, a wry smile appeared on its face.

Sure enough, those old monsters were right.

Between life and death, there is great terror!

It used to sneer at this.

Now, it even smelled the foul smell between its own legs.

Actually, I was scared to pee...

It's over, this holy master is still a hammer, it's not right.

Seeing that he missed a knife, Li Yongjin withdrew the knife.


He propped the tip of the knife on the ground, squinting his eyes and looking around.

Are the nine shrinking turtles finally coming?

Yes, that's right.

On the way here, Li Yongjin had already inquired clearly.

On Fuyao Holy Mountain, there are still nine invincible ancestors.

He told Mo Elder that he would definitely learn one by one.

It's just that it's good now, so I don't have to learn one by one.

They don't talk about Wude, let's go together!

"Hahaha... the nine invincibles are gathered here."

"Come on, then fight with me!"

Li Yongjin also wants to know, where is the limit of own?

Bang bang bang.

There were nine muffled sounds in a row.

I go with the wind and clouds, and return when the fog clears.

I have to say, it's quite interesting.

I saw nine streaks of purple energy condensed around the Sacred Land.

The purple air dissipated, and the fog disappeared.

The appearance of nine old men with different appearances dazzled Li Yongjin.

Red, orange, yellow, green, indigo, gray, white, and black, but purple is missing.

Their strength cannot be described with Magic power energy.

Because all the rules that exist between heaven and earth are completely controlled by them.

They represent the way of this side.

They are the strongest among all concepts in the lower realm.

Each of them standing there represents the supreme power of every era!

Good guy, unlocked so many new and old men at once.

Li Yongjin is still not used to it.

But he knows.

This group of people should represent the pinnacle of combat power in this world.

The most powerful combat group under the ascension is here!

But Li Yongjin took a glance and frowned.

Among the nine people present, none of them had real longevity.

In other words, this group of people...

None of them have Yangshou!

Their lifespan, in Li Yongjin's eyes, is clearly empty.

It turned out to be zero.

It stands to reason,

These people should have been a group of dead people.

"what happened……"

"These nine legendary true invincibles are actually nine dead people?"

With a thud, Li Yongjin couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Such an unreasonable thing made him not calm for a moment.

Before the living dead, after the real dead.

This is myself, have you poked a weird nest?

It's very scary, okay?

"Fellow daoist, why do you have to be so grand?"

The old man in red stood up and wanted to be a peacemaker.

Li Yongjin didn't like this, he raised his hand and said: "Okay, unless it's about the Fountain of Youth, we don't have to talk about it."

On the way he came, he had already figured it out.

Fist is the last word.

If you are stronger than them, you can set the rules.

So there is really information about the Fountain of Youth in Sacred Land.

He won't check it out himself.

He wants someone else to personally deliver it to him.

"Fountain of Youth."

All the old men looked at each other, their faces were full of embarrassment.

The Fountain of Youth, that is the biggest secret of Fuyao Sacred Land, and it is also the belief they guard for their whole lives.

Unless, they all died in battle.

Otherwise, the Fountain of Youth would never be betrayed.

In other words, there is nothing to talk about.

Seeing this, the old man in gray sighed:

"Little friend, if we change the conditions, we will definitely help. It's a pity that this fountain of youth is really special, and there is really nothing we can do to help."


Li Yongjin raised the big knife again: "Then don't do it!"

The patriarch in yellow was not annoyed, pointed at his nose and cursed: "Li Yongjin, don't push yourself too far, you are deceiving others too much! The Fountain of Youth is my lifeblood in Sacred Land, do you want to kill it all?"

"Yes, that's the case...it's a pity."

"Then they all die!"

Li Yongjin acted directly, not prepared to listen to any reason.

If you refuse to say it, you will die.

Anyway, you should not exist in this world.

And all I have to do is send you where you need to go.

Under his command, he just added nine new souls!

"Sure enough, if you don't listen to me, I'm dazed."

"Do it!"

The nine people instantly stood up as a nine-pointed star.

Everyone stood at a corner, forming a complex and mysterious nine-pointed star formation.

They all know that Cultivation Base Realm has reached their level.

Killing is not killing.








"seal up!"



The nine people opened their mouths and began to form seals.

In the mouth, also spit out the nine-character mantra one by one in order.

The next moment.

Nine ancient characters are condensed.

It turned into a net, enveloping Li Yongjin in the center of the formation.

This is a forbidden seal.

It can only be cast within the range of Fuyao Sacred Land.

As soon as this technique came out, the heaven and the earth surrendered.

No matter what kind of existence you are, you must be completely suppressed.

As long as the Fountain of Youth remains, the subject of repression will be exiled forever, with no possibility of escape.

When the formation was formed, the nine seals turned into a light cocoon, wrapping Li Yongjin tightly.

Seeing this scene, the nine old men let out a sigh of relief.

All of them were pale, and their blood was surging.

Obviously, it also hurt the root cause.

But all this is worth it.

They solved a scourge for Fuyao Sacred Land, and also solved a hidden danger for themselves.

"Well, a good technique..."

"I confiscated it!"

Inside the light cocoon.

Li Yongjin's lazy voice, like the whisper of Devil, came out again.


The rune exploded and the seal disintegrated.

The entire Fuyao Holy Mountain began to shake.

At this moment, Li Yongjin has gathered all the Cultivation Base Realms of the nine invincible ancestors.

The strength of the breath, straight to the sky.

When nine Cultivation Bases of the Soaring Realm are condensed in one person.

what happens?

"This... what kind of monster is this?"

"Like a demon descended from the sky, he is the most vicious god in the world!"

"This kind of power is not much different from the original master, right?"

"No, stronger, this kid is stronger!"

"Yeah, stronger than the original master!"

At this time, the nine ancestors were all crazy.

What is Tongtian Thoroughly?

This is called, Tongtian thoroughly!

Above Li Yongjin's head, there is a chaotic figure that is constantly climbing...

Its head supports the sky and its feet touch the ground.

Raise your hands high and stand proudly with your legs.

Like the Chaos Demon God who opened the sky, he seemed to feel the bondage of the heaven and the earth.

Suddenly swung a fist and threw it towards the endless heaven.


The world shakes, the sky and the earth change color.

The big sound has no sound, but the elephant has no shape!

The world became quiet and turned into darkness.

And in the sense of horror of the nine ancestors.

The Heavenly Dao in this world seems to be a bit unable to bear this kind of energy.

The sky on the top of Fuyao Sacred Mountain actually...

A corner is broken!

God, collapsed.

The ground collapsed.

They can still feel it.

The will of Heavenly Dao belonging to this world is gathering.

Can't even sit still with Heavenly Dao order?

Or this Heavenly Dao,

Are you here?

At this moment, this funny idea flashed through the minds of the nine people at the same time.


ps: In order to keep updating the key points, Xiao Jin desperately added a new chapter.

In the next few days, more updates will be added one after another, and we will ask for a wave of free flower tickets as usual, thank you readers.

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