Under the Fountain of Youth, a tree egg quietly sank to the bottom.

The endless essence of life flows on the surface of the tree egg.

In this process,

Li Yongjin could feel the soul within the tree egg beating.

If there was any life force in it, it finally began to beat weakly.

Seeing this scene, Li Yongjin nodded in satisfaction.

The Fountain of Youth began to flow, and the water of the Fountain of Youth, which was full of divinity and cleanliness, was continuously absorbed by the tree eggs.

"Hey, interesting."

"Can't even hold me back?"

At this time, Li Yongjin found out in surprise.

When the fountain of youth begins to dwindle,

The power of own Heavenly Dao has loosened a bit.

But when he thought about it again, he found it reasonable.

Whatever it is.

The owner of the Fountain of Youth was stronger than Heavenly Dao.

Perhaps there are deeper secrets hidden under the Fountain of Youth.

When the Fountain of Youth begins to flow, the power of Heavenly Dao cannot function properly.

But he didn't care.

I have my own seat here, and no one can cause trouble if anyone comes.

Thinking of this, Li Yongjin waved his hand.

From his big sleeves, countless Heavenly Dao silk threads suddenly appeared.

The terrifying power of Heavenly Dao shrank into a circle, condensing into an impenetrable invincible Restrictions.

As a result, without his permission.

No existence can enter here.

After Li Yongjin finished all these, he sat cross-legged and started Meditation.

The process of resuscitating Wang Xiaoyao by the Fountain of Youth seems to be difficult for him to interfere.

In order to prevent any accidents, Li Yongjin decided to let nature take its course.

Just wait here.

When Wang Xiaoyao condenses his body again, he will come out again!


"It's over, Fountain of Youth, something happened."

Fuyao Holy Mountain, nine invincible ancestors formed a circle.

At this moment, they are like ants on a hot pan.

"How to do how to do?"

"We promised our lord that we will not let anyone get their hands on the fountain of youth."

"It's useless to say anything now, it's Heavenly Dao."

"It's no wonder this kid is weird. He turned out to be the incarnation of Heavenly Dao. We didn't deserve to lose."

They discussed it for a long time, and finally sighed.

Speechless, looking up at the sky.

destroy it.

Anyway, they can't control this matter.

As far as they know, there is some kind of existence suppressed under the Fountain of Youth.

That was the turmoil of the age, the source of chaos.

However, even they don't know what's underneath.

They just have a mission to guard the Fountain of Youth here.

Become the guardian of the fountain of youth.

The nine of them are all dying people whose lifespan has expired at the end of the ancient times.

It was the supernatural master who endowed them with the ability of [immortality].

Since then, they can no longer live without the Fountain of Youth, but they can draw the power of youth from it.

The nine of them work together to gain eternity by guarding the fountain of youth.

For them.

The price of eternal life is endless guarding and guarding, which is eternal...


Today, this loneliness is broken.

When the fountain of youth runs dry.

They also don't know how they will end up in the end.

Yes, Death?

Or doom?

However, I should live enough, right?

Ask yourself.

From ancient times until today.

Enough is enough!

But can they calmly face the coming Death?

For this question, they do not know the answer.

Perhaps, this is what they have been looking for.

Eternal price bar.

"Boys, sit down."

At this moment, the nine ancestors laughed.

They looked at each other and suddenly realized.

I am already old.

"Let's cherish the last time and have a good chat."

"Yeah, how can there be any real eternity in the world?"

"Where flowers bloom, there will be flowers fall. In fact, I have already prepared for it."

"It's all agreed, we will die calmly together when the time comes. If anyone is afraid, don't blame me for looking down on him!"

"Hahaha, old devil Fang, don't cry the loudest then!"

They sighed and sat down together.

Prepare to say the last words of this life.

Seeing this, all the Elders in Fuyao Sacred Land bowed deeply to him.

Afterwards, the crowd dispersed and this place was designated as a restricted area.

Don't let anyone disturb you, the last time of the ancestors.

so far.

at the foot of the holy mountain,

The nine invincibles died calmly.


Three thousand zhang clear and worrying temples, eighteen years of spring dreams and prosperity.

As time goes by, melancholy continues.

Time is like Sun Wukong's three strikes against the bones of the dead, it's just a blink of an eye.

In the blink of an eye, another eighteen years have passed.

During these eighteen years, Li Yongjin learned from that scholar when he had nothing to do.

Bored, read a book.

Nothing to do, read books.

At this time, he was still wandering in the world of the sea of ​​books.

Suddenly, the Fountain of Youth bottomed out.

The river bed dried up and the springs stopped flowing.

There is only one huge tree egg beating violently like a heart.



Such a dull sound is especially obvious in this quiet cave.

The sound is hollow and reverberant.

Li Yongjin felt the strangeness outside, and his eyelids moved a few times.

In the endless sea of ​​books, he seems to have grasped some key.

It was a strange feeling, and it also made him feel that he had overlooked something.

But obviously, the matter of the junior brother is more important.

Suddenly, countless blood vessels began to expand.

The surface of the entire tree egg began to emit juice, and began to expand and contract with a certain special rhythm.

Ka Ka Ka,

The next moment, the tree egg cracks.



A cry woke up Li Yongjin completely.

Li Yongjin opened his eyes, and his figure disappeared instantly.

When he appeared again, he held a baby in his arms.

"Heck, welcome back."

With a relieved smile on his face, Li Yongjin teased the baby in his arms with his hands.

The corners of his eyes shone with a crystal light: "Junior Junior Brother, you are still exactly the same as before."

"what a pity……"

"Brother is getting old."

The so-called years make people old, that is the case.

When you face a child and start to feel at a loss,

That's when your change begins.

It's not that you are old, but that you should grow up.

Immediately, the baby seemed to understand his words.

He stopped crying all of a sudden, opened his big eyes suddenly, stared straight at Li Yongjin and smiled.

Smile innocently, innocently.

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