I Will Never Die, You Can Do Whatever You Want!

Chapter 83 Mr., Why Did You Come...

[Ding, the special reward of One Yuan Hui Shou Yuan has been activated, and the reward is being distributed. 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully obtaining a special reward——mysterious dao fruit! 】

Cave, Fountain of Youth.

In these eighteen years, the only thing worth saying.

It is the special reward of the system One Yuan Club, which has finally reached the activation progress and has been successfully issued.

Other than that, nothing major happened.

At this time, Wang Xiaoyao was born.

Time to get out too.

There are still some things outside, waiting for him to solve.


"Are you guys waiting for me?"

Li Yongjin held Wang Xiaoyao in his arms, and arrived at the foot of the holy mountain in an instant.

The Fountain of Youth at this time has completed its mission.

It has been passed down for countless years, and it is gradually dissipating.

Come to the foot of the Sacred Land,

Li Yongjin saw nine sluggish old men who were almost exhausted.

They sat together, holding their last breath.

Seeing such a situation,

After a short period of doubt, Li Yongjin realized the relationship between them and the Fountain of Youth.

It turned out that I had overlooked this point.

If these nine old men died, it would be considered as their own death.

Perhaps, this is called fate.

The two sides have different positions and look at issues from different angles.

Hearing this familiar voice, the nine people raised their heads at the same time.

When they saw clearly the baby in Li Yongjin's arms.

Everyone nodded in relief, smiling brightly.

This is the new life.

Where there is new life, there will be withering...

It should, with time.

Seeing Li Yongjin, all nine of them braced their bodies and stood up.

"I have offended you so much before, please forgive me."

The red-clothed patriarch headed by him is the oldest, with a very immortal temperament.

At this time, his eyes had become cloudy.

The whole body exudes a twilight energy from the inside out.

This is a sign of decay.

The years finally began to work on him.

Li Yongjin also nodded slightly and bowed slightly.

Because he held Wang Xiaoyao in his arms, it was inconvenient to make a bow.

It's fine anyway.

These nine ancestors have guarded this place since ancient times, and their perseverance is worthy of respect.

If it was him, it might not be able to last for so long.

Boredom is driving people crazy.

After he finished speaking, the others also echoed a few words.

The implication is similar, that is to ask Li Yongjin to let Fuyao Sacred Land go.

Fuyao Sacred Land, always innocent, should not be involved in such fights.

In the battle of Heavenly Dao, no force in this world can bear it.

Li Yongjin said with a smile:

"Okay, one or two, how about explaining the funeral to me?"

"Did I say... let you die?"

Each of these nine ancestors is very strong and very appetizing to own.

He would be very sad if he lost any of them.

Moreover, no matter what I said, I also destroyed the fountain of youth that existed.

If these nine ancestors were killed again, how embarrassing would it be to meet them in the future?

Now that I have the ability, I will naturally raise my hand.

These people really can't die.

"You, you mean, we can be saved?"

The patriarch in green was dumbfounded, quite surprised that he survived the catastrophe.


Who wants to die if it is not imperative?

And they have been guarding this place all the time, and they have never experienced the prosperity of the outside world.

Now that the Fountain of Youth is gone, they can feel their own mission accomplished.

From then on, the sky is high and the sea is wide, so don't they just let them go wandering?

"That...little mister, what should we do?"

"Yes, if there is anything we need to do, you can just ask."

This time, several other people came together.

They had flattering smiles on their faces, no longer the suddenness and calmness they had seen through everything.


Can not die, who wants to die?

Whoever loves to die will die, anyway, they will not die.

"Don't worry, I know."

Li Yongjin handed over the baby in his arms, and the ancestor in red took it immediately.

Then, he looked at the chaos above: "You shouldn't be able to die for a while, I'll fix this Heavenly Dao first."

Make up for the sky?

When everyone heard this, they all gasped.

These words are simply too bold and shocking.

After all, such deeds only exist in legends.

In reality, who has actually seen it?

"That's right."

Li Yongjin laughed: "I'll go to Heavenly Dao's brother and have a chat."

After he finished speaking, he turned into a stream of light and soared into the sky.

Everyone looked up, and could only see the back that was going forward.

They were completely shocked.


Ahead, there was chaos.

within the chaos,

Contains the "nothingness" where all things return to zero, and also contains the "existence" that all things create.

Li Yongjin stood proudly in the chaos with his hands behind his back.

This is a small part of Heavenly Dao destroyed after his Realm is strong to a certain extent.

God, a corner is missing.

It takes him to fix it.

However, everything between heaven and earth always follows an "order".

Including this kind of breaking by oneself, it is estimated that it was written in the Heavenly Dao program long ago.

This is called, fixed number!

Heavenly Dao knew a long time ago that he would have such a day.

Also know that the one who started it will help him fix it.

So Heavenly Dao was not in a hurry, and just waited quietly with his will appearing and disappearing.

After Li Yongjin arrived, the so-called Heavenly Dao's will slowly condensed.

That is a pair of eyes.

To be precise, it was three eyes.

There is a mighty river rushing in one eye, representing the past;

There are endless Galaxy Clusters in one eye, representing the present;

There is a faint light in one eye, which represents the future.

Heavenly Dao observes everything in the world through these three eyes.

Gain insight into the past, present and future and rule over Karma, Destiny and Samsara.

These three eyes are the manifestation of the will of this world.

"You finally came."

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, Jin big brother."

Heavenly Dao's voice came into the brain, and it turned out to be a lovely Loli voice.

Li Yongjin was stunned, Heavenly Dao is a Loli,

God, is it a girl?

"Cough cough."

Li Yongjin's scalp was numb with embarrassment, and his hands were a little at a loss: "As Heavenly Dao, can you be more stable? I'm afraid!"

"Hee hee, isn't this what you're looking forward to the most?"

"I'm Heavenly Dao, and I'm you too."

"I am the deepest projection of your heart, why do you and I need to stick to the form of dialogue?"

Heavenly Dao didn't forgive anyone, and started a series of verbal attacks.

Li Yongjin was stunned.

So, he turned out to be a goddamn Lolita?

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

"Okay, the young demon's words are confusing everyone."

"Let me fix it for you, how about you help me get rid of the nine old men below?"

Li Yongjin waved his hand and got straight to the point.

This Heavenly Dao chaotic space is really too big.

After staying here for a long time, he has a very unaccustomed feeling.

"Hee hee, okay."

Heavenly Dao's Loli voice continued: "Deal!"


"How is it? Sir, is it resolved?"

"I suddenly felt that I was contracted by Heavenly Dao, how about you?"

"Yes, yes, I feel the same way."

Swinging Sacred Land, the nine old men exclaimed.

They suddenly discovered that they had somehow become Heavenly Dao's wage earners.

The Power and Cultivation Base are back, though.

That's good news.

They don't need to die.

At this time, Li Yongjin appeared like a ghost, and they didn't react too much to Li Yongjin's appearance.

After all, Heavenly Dao cannot be found or detected.

"It's okay, just a little wear and tear."

Li Yongjin hugged Wang Xiaoyao from the ancestor in red: "For that Tsundere guy from Heavenly Dao, it's just a small injury."

"Everyone, you are free."

"From then on, we owe nothing to each other."

Hearing what he said, the nine of them felt absurd.

Are you really free?

"But sir, after all... we lost the Fountain of Youth."

The yellow-clothed patriarch smiled wryly, feeling that it was a bit difficult to say what he said.

People like myself were born from the fountain of youth.

But I failed to complete the mission, I am really ashamed of the Lord.

"It's okay, I will find him sooner or later and explain everything to him."

Li Yongjin smiled confidently: "I did this, it has nothing to do with you!"

"Thank you sir!"

The nine people stood in awe and bowed collectively with cupped hands.


On a sunny afternoon, Li Yongjin left Fuyao Sacred Land.

His memory has never been good.

But he will never forget that there is still a group of people waiting for him on the other side of Zanxian Ocean.

Now things are resolved.

It's time to come back, too.

But before returning, there is still an order from Boss Feng to complete.

"It's time to deliver the books, I hope it's not too late."

Li Yongjin pinched Wang Xiaoyao's cute little face, and the traces of existence completely disappeared in this piece of time and space.


Qingshan sect.

"What? You said that your senior brother, Kumufeng, is handsome and handsome."

"He is the Ruyi Scepter man in the minds of countless girls within a thousand miles around?"

Yun Ling looked at the two disciples in front of her in astonishment.

She began to doubt life.

"Fuck, you guys are idol filters, you guys are blind."

When she recalled the rich image of Li Yongjin back then, she felt her stomach churning.

"I don't care, I will seek your Qingshan sect to recover this loss!"

"Miss, please respect yourself."

The disciples guarding the mountain gate are very stubborn.

He squinted at Yunling coldly: "I know you really want to see him, but he's not in Sect right now."

"Where it went, we don't know."

I really want to see him?

At this moment, Yun Ling almost ran away.

She was so aggrieved that she wanted to kill someone.


Lanxian Town.

This small town, located in the southeast corner, is the center of the mainland.

There are many tourists and tens of millions of residents.

After repairing the Heavenly Dao, Li Yongjin, whose original source was mostly damaged, was unable to accurately find a mortal from countless mortal threads through the Heavenly Dao.

So, he can only rely on constant inquiry.

By inquiring, Li Yongjin knew.

There is no Peng Sheng in the town.

There was a very old man named Fu Sheng.

No one in the town knew how old he was.

They only knew that the oldest known old man in the town was a child in front of him.

Fu Sheng leaned on a cane all day long, looking for a graveyard for himself.

He used to say that after finding the right cemetery...

Damn myself!

After several twists and turns, Li Yongjin finally found Peng Sheng.

It turned out that Peng Sheng was Fu Sheng.

It was a very old man.

Her beard and hair are white, and her temples are snowy and frosty.

He was hunched over and leaning on a mahogany cane.

The whole person is bent there, like a rotten pine.

His whole body exuded a strong and extremely dead air.

Vicissitudes of life, stagnation, depression.

No words can describe this old man.

Yet he was still alive, even as a dead man.

Still, stubbornly alive.

After seeing Li Yongjin, he seemed to regain his brilliance all of a sudden.

He dropped his cane and ran over.

Pulling Li Yongjin's hand, weeping.

“Mr. Li, you are finally here.”

"Why... did you come here?"

"I've been waiting for you for nine hundred and eighty years here!"

Hearing this, Li Yongjin felt his head boom.

If struck by lightning.

He took a closer look, but still got it right.

This is a person who exudes a mundane aura from head to toe...


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