I Will Never Die, You Can Do Whatever You Want!

Chapter 84 Looking For The Tomb In The Morning, You Can Die In The Evening

Now, standing in front of Li Yongjin is a mortal.

A mortal who has lived for more than a thousand years.

Li Yongjin was shocked and directly pulled his lifeline.

I don't know if I don't see it, but I was really shocked when I saw it.

This is a mortal, an ordinary to the extreme mortal.

Almost all his life was spent waiting.

In life, only do two things.

One is to find the tomb.

One thing is to wait for someone.

Unfortunately, until now, he has not been able to find the tomb he wants.

But in the end, he finally got the person he was waiting for!

This person's name is Fu Sheng, who used to be called Peng Sheng.

He is the one that Feng Ruyi Scepter said, and he must deliver the book to him.

"Mr. Li, I'm waiting for you."

The old man held Li Yongjin's hand, and his bent back seemed to straighten a bit.

The originally gloomy temperament has also become a little brighter.

As if, came back to life again.

But Li Yongjin couldn't laugh.

He knew that the old man would not live for a few years.

In fact, Peng Sheng can live until now.

Even in the cultivation world, it is considered a miracle!

A miracle of good fortune!

Standing there, he is like a history book of mortal years.

It makes people wonder if he made a deal with Heavenly Dao.

A deal that can completely stop time on him.

"Mister, I'm here to deliver books."

Li Yongjin was afraid that the other party would misunderstand, so he directly stated the purpose of owning.

To avoid wasting the old man's few time.

Apart from delivering books, he really doesn't know anything.

The book was delivered, and it was time to go.

"I know... Mr. Li."

With the only remaining tooth, the old man tried his best to say: "There are too many people here, let's go to another place, cough cough, and talk."

After speaking, the old man fell down.

He poured so crisply that he even closed his eyes.

Li Yongjin supported him, fearing that the old man would close his eyes, he quickly took out a jade bottle and poured a drop of the spring of youth into it.


Inside the tile house.

Old man Peng still slowed down.

The Fountain of Youth was secretly brought by Li Yongjin.

It is a specialty of the Shengxuan Continent, and I want to bring some back to the turtles and make up for Ruyi Scepter.

But now, I can't control that much.

It is important to save lives.

Beside the bed, old man Peng opened his eyes and looked at Li Yongjin excitedly: "Sir, are you still there? Thank you for saving my life."

As he said that, the old man forced himself to get up, looking like he was going to give Li Yongjin a drink.

Li Yongjin held him down: "Old man, you'd better take a good rest, I can't bear it."

The old man was older than himself, and was born much earlier than himself.

Really, he should call the old man senior.

Li Yongjin still has these points.

Don't look at his mental age, but it really hasn't been a thousand years since he came to this world.

At most, it will be hundreds of years.

Hundreds of years, for a powerful cultivator.

It's just a flick of the finger, and there is no way to get on the table.

"Where are you, Mr. Li, you are a fairy..."

The old man was very stubborn, and finally bowed deeply to Li Yongjin with his hands clasped.

"Sir, the book."

"Here, see if it's this book?"

"That's right, that's right..."

When the old man saw the "Shang Shu", tears burst into tears: "Wuuu, Mr. Xie, Mr. Xie..."

Trembling all over, he buried his head in the bed and cried.

At the beginning, I could cover it up, but then I cried directly.

A thousand-year-old man, it stands to reason that he should have gone through vicissitudes and be indifferent to the world.

How could it be, crying like this?

But Li Yongjin won't ask more questions.

he knows,

This is the situation, I can't help it.

He also knew that the old man actually took life and death very lightly.

When old man Peng was young, he had read most of the books in the former palace.

The old man is a strange person, possessing the ability of photographic memory and the ability to see it.

The old man is very interested in Feng Shui geomancy, and also has a lot of research.

He always firmly believes that people should find a destination.

As for the own tomb, it must be taken seriously.

Only when a suitable grave is found can one die a worthy death.

So the old man searched all his life, carrying a shovel, and traveled all over the famous mountains and rivers in various countries.

Unfortunately, he has not found a satisfactory one so far.

When other people in the town saw him, they enthusiastically half-joked:

"Old man Fu, went to dig the grave again, did you find it?"

Every time at this time, the old man would put on a profound look, shake his head and say:

"Don't say it, don't say it."

In fact, the old man had nothing to say.

Because his requirements and standards are too high.

It's not enough to be humane.

From the previous dynasty to today, he even changed his name and surname in order to escape the famine.

Pay tribute to the sages in the book, and change his name to Fu Sheng.

But the old man will not forget,

own's surname is Peng, and own's hometown is Pengcun.

Unfortunately, I can't go back.

He was the most famous and knowledgeable bachelor in the previous dynasty.

At the age of only eighteen, he was the number one scholar in high school, and he was famous in the imperial capital.

Deeply loved by the first emperor, he was awarded the title of Bachelor of Wentian Pavilion.

As the head of civil servants, he also became the youngest bachelor in the history of the previous dynasty.

For a while, there was no two in the limelight.

No one in the world knows him, Bachelor Peng.

But Bachelor Peng still loves books and learning.

Just like in the past, the days of chiseling the wall in the thatched hut in Luzhou to steal the light.

Later, the mountains and rivers shattered and the wind fluttered.

The previous court was over, so it stands to reason that old man Peng should also go with him.

But just when he was preparing Bai Ling, and preparing to pursue the late emperor.

The statue of the patriarch of the Confucian Academy suddenly opened its eyes.

That night, there was a loud thunder in the sky.

That ray of white light shone in Peng's eyes and completely illuminated his world.

From then on, he began to flee, hiding his name to save his life.

Just to pass down a book that can never be cut off for this chaotic world with constant disputes.

He said: "This is the wisdom of countless sages, and it is also the step leading to the truth of the Dao. Even if you give up this body, you must continue the Secret Technique for the past saints and spread the Dao for the people of all ages."

From then on, he suddenly realized.

Start sorting out the previous dynasty, all the famous sage books.

He also collected famous ancient books from all over the world for the former dynasty.

Perhaps his efforts have inspired the world.

One morning, when he was sixty years old, he suddenly had a dream.

In the dream, Confucian sage, one of the patriarchs of the Three Religions, said that he would pass on a wonderful book to him.

A book that can run through everything in ancient and modern times, and let the world understand the Dao.

He opened the door ecstatically, and sure enough, he saw the front of his house.

Put an ancient sheepskin book.

Because this book was given by God, the old man finally took it from God.

Name it:


"Mr. Li, this is my old man's story, it's interrupting your time."

On the bed, the old man touched the book as if he had found a treasure.

That way, it seems to be talking earnestly with an old friend who has been away for a long time.

Li Yongjin was full of emotions: "Old man, how did this book get lost?"

If so, this book is so important.

The old man will definitely keep it intact, right?

Unfortunately, this "Shang Shu" does not seem to belong to this world.

In this world, Li Yongjin couldn't find any information about it.

I can only ask.

Hearing this, the old man smiled wryly and said, "Hey, you can only blame me! I, the old man, am still too stupid. I was really too stupid back then."

"One day, a demon king came to me and said that he wanted to borrow the book. He wanted to borrow it back and let all the monsters in Monster World learn a lot."

"Mr. Li, you don't know how sincere it was at the beginning. It just visited the thatched cottage three times and visited the door many times to study. It said that it would spread the knowledge to the Monster World."

"In the end, I made the worst decision in my life, and I am ashamed of my patriarch."


The story behind it can be described as shocking.

Li Yongjin was dumbfounded, as if he was listening to a fairy tale.

turn out to be,

The initial letter was written.

After the demon king brought it back, he didn't know what method he used.

From the book, he actually found the taboo method of refining the demon god sword with human life.

From then on, the lives of the common people in the mainland were miserable, and under the invasion of monsters, the people were in dire straits.

In order to practice the sword, the human race suffered heavy injuries, and they were at odds with the monster race.

But maybe it was the behavior of the Yaozu, and it was retribution.

Some people say that they saw a Purple Qi from the East on Wanyao Mountain, and a Sword Ray came from the sky.

The demon sword shattered, and the demon king and countless big demons died tragically.

Since then, the whereabouts of Shangshu are unknown.

Then, somehow, it came into the hands of Feng Ruyi Scepter, the number one evil cultivator in the world.

"This is the story of the book."

Speaking of this, the old man was full of guilt, covered his face and cried bitterly: "I know, my hands are covered with the blood of innocent people, even if I die, I will not be reborn."

"But, sir. Even so, I still want to pass on the book and pass it on to the generations to come."

"But I know, I'm not worthy!"

On that night, the old man passed on the way of driving the book to Li Yongjin.

He threatened Li Yongjin with death and asked Li Yongjin to stay here to pass on the book.

Li Yongjin was naturally unwilling, he was used to being carefree.

At this moment, Wang Xiaoyao in his arms woke up from hunger and began to cry.


Looking at the baby in his arms, Li Yongjin still agreed.

"Sorrow for a moment of my life, envy the infinity of the long river!"

The old man suddenly had unlimited strength, and even struggled and stumbled out of bed.

He knocked heavily on the ground, and thanked him: "Peng Sheng, who is guilty of Confucianism, will first take the place of scholars in the world. Thank you, Mr. Li!"

Li Yongjin shook his head helplessly: "Forget it, anyway, my time is worthless, you are so righteous, so let's keep it for a while."

Just right, change your mind.

When Wang Xiaoyao became sensible, he could leave with peace of mind.

When he was dying, the old man took Li Yongjin's hand again: "Sir, your time is not worthless, but just like each of us, it is equally precious and valuable."

"You may wish to see that the water in the long river is endless, but isn't the water in the long river not water?"

The water of the long river is endless.

But is the water of the long river not water?

Hearing this remark, Li Yongjin was shocked and felt taught.

It turns out that unlimited time is also very valuable!

Own time is also valuable.

"Old sir, let me take you to see Changhe at last."

"Wait a minute, can I prepare one or two?"


Li Yongjin nodded and waved his big sleeve.

Shengxuan Continent, the ruins of the previous dynasty.

Changhe - Shenzhou section.

Looking at the endless river, the old man regained his strength.

He took the shovel and began to dig a hole in the nearby hill.

After digging, he lay down in it contentedly and sat up.

He threw away the shovel and held a small statue of the Patriarch in his hand.

"Old man, is it still the old days?"

Before the pit,

Li Yongjin supported Wang Xiaoyao with one hand and stood behind his back.

His robe fluttered, constantly surging with the strong wind of the long river.

Knowing that you can't get it suddenly, entrust your legacy to sound in the sad wind.

The wind in Changhe is really strong.

In the pit, old man Peng laughed loudly: "Naturally, it hasn't changed at all!"

"Looking at the river again, I think of my youth again, how wonderful it was then..."

"Thousands of years have been magnificent, but they can't change this long river."

"I can see this magnificent scene again, old man, I will die without regret."


In the end, he spoke too much.

"Mr. Li, you must love books and study hard."

"There are thousands of phenomena in the book, and there are even more great truths."

"When you are at a loss, you can read more books, and I believe you will gain some understanding."

After he finished speaking, he lay down directly.

After the eyes were closed, they never opened again.

He said so.

Find a suitable tomb and be damned.

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