Before the long river, the water is surging.

Li Yongjin stayed until late at night before taking Wang Xiaoyao away.

The old man is a very picky person, and this pickiness is reflected in his journey to find the cemetery.

In order to die well for himself, the old man chose all his life.

But this time, he walked very hastily.

Li Yongjin knew that he still had a lot to do.

Don't stay here for long.

Before leaving, he waved his sleeves and covered the old man with soil.

A monument was also erected.

Letter: The tomb of Peng Sheng, a scholar of Tianwu University.

Tianwu is the reign title of the previous dynasty, which means that he was a bachelor in the Tianwu period.

Maybe in the future, a few evergreens can be planted near here.

The old man's courtyard is full of these things, he should like it.

Do it all.

Li Yongjin patted Wang Xiaoyao on the back:

"Let's go, let's go to study."


Lanxian Town is a famous town for cultivating immortals, and it is also a well-known immortal residence.

It attracts visitors from all over the world, and the cultivator is open to all visitors.

Even, in order to allow more cultivators to live here, there are many preferential household registration policies in the town.

The mayor is a powerful God Transformation Realm cultivator.

Every once in a while, a pulpit will be opened for the cultivator in the town to preach.

This is, the benefits and benefits for cultivators.

It is also because of this that Lanxian Town has really attracted many immortals.

This also makes this small town, Immortal Qi.

This is a place where demons and ghosts least want to invade.

Whenever a monster strays into this place by mistake, it will leave resolutely with fear.

Before leaving, I will give the town a knock.

In this way, I would like to thank the righteous cultivators for their grace of not killing.

Although it sounds a bit outrageous, this is Lanxian Town.

A magical town where monsters and residents coexist peacefully.

In the town, an academy was established.

At first, there was not much disturbance.

This is the famous Xiuxian Town, but it is not a reading town with a strong scholarly atmosphere.

Therefore, within half a year after the completion of the humble academy, few people in the town knew about it.

Only old man Peng's neighbors will know the existence of this academy.

The name of the academy is also very strange, it is called "Shangshuyuan".

That's right, it's going to the academy.

It sounds similar to going to a brothel or a tavern.

But it has a unique charm to read, and it is really catchy.

There was no one in the academy.

At the door, there is only one man who always wears plain clothes.

The man seemed to be pretending to be mature, holding a teacher's pointer.

In order to show seriousness, there is even a fake beard that is out of place.

In his hand, he often held an old parchment book.

Still don't turn the page, just sit there quietly staring at a page.

Next to it, there is a baby crib.

The baby in the bed is very well-behaved, always playing alone quietly, neither crying nor making trouble.

This saves a lot of trouble for men.

After half a year, people on this old street gradually became acquainted with men.

Know his name, called Li Yongjin.

There are also old men who like to come over with a rocking chair and chat with Li Yongjin.

Through small talk, the old men learned.

It turns out that Mr. Li is not a professional teacher.

While raising children, he is also learning how to be a real teacher.

Hearing this, the old men only felt very strange.

But they also thought in their hearts that they should try not to send their children here in the future.

In their minds, the academy with only one trainee is not a qualified private school.

In fact, Mr. Li seems to have never considered the issue of admissions.

Every time the academy is empty, old men and women will ask him with a smile: "Mr. Li, there are no students in your academy, are you not in a hurry?"

The mysterious Mr. Li also always replied with a smile: "Don't worry, there will be."

Hearing this, the old men and women would always laugh in agreement: "It's really a strange academy, Mr. Weird."

They were all extremely curious, who would be the first student of this academy?


Mr. Li is really right.

As long as the academy opens the door, the students don't need to worry about this matter.

Over time, there will always be.

After all, he is a teacher, the most important thing is to improve his own knowledge.

With high knowledge, students will naturally come here especially.

The most is the March day in the world, all the way hazy grass grows and warblers fly.

In the seventh month of the academy's completion.

A girl holding a small windmill broke into the academy.

This is not a good weather, the drizzle is like the broken soul of pedestrians.

The little girl broke into the academy with an oiled paper umbrella. At first Li Yongjin thought she was here to shelter from the rain.

He was also speechless, just nodded his head as a greeting, and signaled the little girl to find a place to sit.

After the little girl sat down, she didn't stay idle.

The small eyes are rolling around, looking curious about everything around them.

But she still knew the etiquette, so she sat upright.

Without Mr.'s permission, I dare not tamper with the contents.

"Sir, your place should be the academy, right?"

She grabbed her hands nervously, and even started to introduce herself:

"My name is Gu Beihan, and I want to study with you, is that okay?"

Li Yongjin finally laughed when he heard this.

This kid actually took the initiative to study?

Even adults don't have this awareness.

So he asked: "Girl, can you tell me why?"

Li Yongjin always feels that he is not ready for teaching this kind of thing.

So when there were no students, he kept reading.

I hope to make Own more knowledgeable and get more influence in the book.

In the past six months, Li Yongjin has learned a lot of knowledge by relying on this unwritten book.

The so-called Shangshu is actually a search guide that collects all the ancient books and knowledge of the predecessors.

Through keywords, Li Yongjin can retrieve all the information he wants.

For example, with the word "big", he can learn about all the books with the character "big" written in it throughout the ages.

One of them, "Great Poems", caught his attention.

After reading that book, Li Yongjin understood.

This book is obviously the poem written by the bard back then.

Seeing this, he knew that this "Shang Shu" actually ran through countless Minor World libraries in the vast sea!

Such a discovery shocked him extremely, and made him feel the vastness and infinity of the sea of ​​books.

So he redoubled his efforts to study, hoping to complete what the old man said.

Pass on this magical book for real!

Today, he feels that he is not ready.

But life is like that, things never wait until you are ready.

Gu Beihan looked at Mr.'s face and said seriously:

"Sir, I often hear people say that the outside world is very big, and I want to play outside."

"But Daddy said that girls are from every family, and that lack of talent is virtue, and he also said that studying is useless."

"I don't want to let me study to increase my knowledge, and I don't want to let me go out to play."

"In the end, I promised my father and made a bet with him. Give me ten years, and I can learn more than him just by studying."

"I just want to prove one thing, reading... must be useful!"


Li Yongjin listened quietly, and finally laughed.

I see.

He looked at Gu Beihan's face, and replied seriously:

"The prejudice in people's hearts is like a mountain. I never expected to hear such absurd words in this small town of cultivating immortals."

"From today onwards, you are the first female student in my academy."

"You're right. Reading is naturally useful. It depends on you. It's hard to eat or not."


At this moment, Li Yongjin thought of many things, including his old friend.

Scholar, Old Man Ge, Sun Siruo, Feng Ruyi Scepter...

There are many, many friends who I just met but couldn't remember their names.

They all seem to have a stubborn tenacity and spirit.

Li Yongjin also wants to emulate them and learn from them.

Like the legendary Yu Gong, try to see if the mountain is too high or not.


Gu Beihan put down the windmill and jumped off the chair.

She knelt down on both knees and kowtowed firmly: "Student Gu Beihan, thank you teacher!"

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