With the joining of the first student, Gu Beihan, the academy regained some vitality.

At least,

Finally, Li Yongjin is not like before, doing nothing all day long.

As a teacher, at least one student must support him to be considered decent.

With Gu Beihan's joining, Upper Academy became a veritable academy.

In the early morning, the first sound of reading was heard in the academy.

The neighbors around heard it and smiled knowingly.

In any case, Mr. Li's academy has finally opened.

They also felt secretly happy because of the proximity to the academy, and felt that their home was also contaminated with a bit of cultural atmosphere.

However, the good times did not last long.

Gu Beihan's father found out the whereabouts of the academy, and angrily came over with a stick.

In his opinion, what kind of truth does a child know at a certain age?

It must be Li Yongjin who deceived the public with his evil words, and bewitched his daughter to go to the academy.

The purpose is also to defraud the tuition fee.

However, Li Yongjin said, no money.

Her father still doesn't believe it, being a powerful Nascent Soul Realm cultivator.

He is well-known in Lanxian Town.

The nearby residents met him, who wouldn't sell him some Face?

So while chatting, they pulled Li Yongjin to sign a letter of guarantee with him.

Li Yongjin didn't change his face, and said with a faint smile: "Okay, but Mr. Gu, let's talk about it behind closed doors."

Then, the main door of the academy was closed.

After a while, the main door opened again.

No one knew what they were talking about.

They only knew that when this grumpy Mr. Gu came out, he was even more docile than a little sheep.

After coming out, Mr. Gu continued to nod and said:

"Sir, please stop and let the little girl be handed over to you. I have a hundred hearts. From now on, if she does anything wrong, you can just teach her, and I will never say anything!"

This time, the surrounding residents were completely stunned.

They couldn't understand at all what happened in it.

Most people think so.

There is a magical power in Mr. Li.

It can make children fall in love with Zhihu Zheye, and it can also make a powerful cultivator accept the influence of the great way in the book.

Perhaps, this is the breath of culture.

Under this word of mouth,

Things about going to the academy are getting more and more outrageous.

Some people say that Li Yongjin is the reincarnation of a born sage of literature.

Come down to the world to spread literature and save the world.

It is also said that Li Yongjin is a banished immortal from the sky.

Possesses the divine power that is the best in the world, but is willing to live in such a small town, and has lofty ideals that the world cannot understand.

However, for all these gossips, Li Yongjin just smiled.

As usual, he always likes to sit at the gate of the academy and quietly watch the flowers bloom and fall in front of the court.

The only difference is that there are indeed many more children who come to the academy to study.

In line with the idea of ​​passing on books without discrimination, Li Yongjin accepted them all as long as the size of the academy allowed.

After accepting the students, it is natural to teach.

After all, it is an academy, and Li Yongjin can't do it badly all day long, falling into the "own" sign.

So, he began to imitate the teachers in his previous life and started his first teaching career.

In order to make the students understand, Li Yongjin spends his whole day sorting out teaching plans and preparing lessons besides eating and drinking.

As for sleeping time, that can be completely saved.

It has fully fulfilled what the old man Peng said, even if there is an infinite river, every drop of water must be used in a meaningful place.

Even though own time is unlimited, Li Yongjin also makes full use of every minute and every second.

Because time never waits for anyone.

He knew, waiting for the west wind to blow in a blink of an eye.

It's time for Wang Bulai to grow up!

Li Yongjin was a little flustered when he first started taking care of the children.

Changing diapers, feeding, putting the baby to bed.

These things were extremely novel experiences for him.

Fortunately, Wang Bulai is really good, and this troublesome time didn't last too long.

He was only one month old when he was able to stop crying on his own.

Half a year after birth, they can run on the ground and have the basic ability to take care of themselves.

Since he was one year old, Wang Bulai has been able to speak well and has become a well-known mischievous boy in Lanxian Town.

Because of his often surprising words, Wang Bulai has also become a well-known child prodigy nearby.

No matter what kind of books and texts, Wang Bulai will be able to understand them after just a few glances.

It can be recited quickly, even backwards.

Seeing this, the other students in the academy were very shocked.

Sometimes, even Gu Beihan would hold the book and run to ask Wang Bubai for advice.

As the dean of the academy, Li Yongjin watched all this silently.

No matter what other people say, and no matter how others ask.

He always smiles without saying a word, just saying that Wang Bulai is his distant little brother.

He came to take care of Little Brother on behalf of his deceased relatives.

In fact, in his heart, he was very happy to see...

Wang Bulai, this kid, has a completely different life.

In this kind of life, he doesn't need to work hard, nor does he need to practice swords crazily.

Carefree all day, playing with children of the same age.

Such a life, isn't it good?

However, the peaceful life was still broken.

After recruiting a hundred disciples in the academy, the mayor didn't know who heard the rumors.

According to Mr. Li, reading is 10,000 times better than practicing.

Scholars are better than cultivators. Lanxian Town should provide a more favorable welfare policy for scholars.

Li Yongjin heard the words, didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Although he thought so in his heart, he really didn't say it everywhere.

No need to think about it, someone must be jealous and deliberately framed.

Ever since, on a rainy afternoon.

The mayor visited the academy with a haughty attitude.

He said he was going to preach at the entrance of the academy, so he asked the academy to move aside and suspend his studies for a month.

If it was just such a thing, Li Yongjin wouldn't care.

But he absolutely shouldn't.

After seeing Wang Bulai, he also commented disdainfully: "Oh, deep love will hurt you if you don't live long and wisdom will hurt. The knowledge of ordinary people is after all something that can't be put on the table."

This time, Li Yongjin was completely on fire.

Wang Bulai is extremely smart, so he eo directly after hearing this.

Tears rolled in his eyes, obviously hurt by these words.

In order to keep Wang Bulai happy, Li Yongjin still decided to make a move.

to be honest.

This world is so restless because there are so many people like this.

Finally, Li Yongjin decided to compete with the mayor.

It compares knowledge and Taoism.

He said, "Dao, actually, I would also like a little bit."

In Li Yongjin's heart, he wants Wang Bulai to be happy every day.

To know.

The scope of this small academy is the entire sky of Wang Bulai's childhood.

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