Lanxian Town.

The mayor of the Megatron side wants to compete with the mysterious Mr. Academy!

After such news spread like wildfire, there was an uproar in the town immediately.

After everyone heard the news, their first reaction was disbelief.

Just kidding, that is the peak cultivator of God Transformation Realm!

One step away, you will be able to enter the late stage Realm of the practice world.

Become the supreme cultivator Powerer!

Such a strong man in such a remote town.

Not to mention the supernatural powers, but at least the prestige.

Stomping your feet can really make a town go through a major earthquake.

Before the competition begins.

The mayor, Lei Ling Tian, ​​also sent people to arrange the scene very seriously.

The scene is an open field at the entrance of the academy.

It has a Taoist platform, and dozens of tables and chairs are placed below it.

Invite the famous old people in the town to come and be referees.

Under the altar, Li Yongjin took Wang Bulai's hand and patted his head lovingly.

Not at all will Lei Ling Tian To put in one’s eyes.

He said:

"It's not bad, next you have to study hard..."

"I always believe that reading can also reveal a sage!"

Speaking of which.

Before Li Yongjin's eyes, the scene of old man Peng's deathbed was reflected again.

Already, several years have passed.

I don't know if the Evergreen in front of the old man's tomb has grown more lush?

Wang Bulai clenched Li Yongjin's hand, suddenly lowered his head and began to think.

As if, if you feel something.

"Come on sir!"

"Sir, you are the best."

The little girl Gu Beihan dressed cutely, dressed herself up like a porcelain doll, and cheered Li Yongjin on.


Almost all the idlers who were free came to watch the excitement.

They ate melon seeds and yelled: "Mayor, how can this match be compared, please don't be fooled."

"Yeah, we can't wait."

"Then who do you think will win?"

"Needless to say, it is naturally the mayor who is wise and mighty!"

"That must be true. You support that teacher. Do you want him to teach you more reading? Hahaha."


Most people are full of contempt and disdain for reading.

The air at the scene was suddenly filled with an atmosphere of incomparable happiness.

Regarding the result of this competition, most people at the scene felt that it was a certainty.

Even the parents of many students do not have much hope for Mr. Li.

They have also listened to some of Mr. Li's classes.

It is true to quote from many sources and learn a lot.

And the way of teaching is novel and unique, which is easy for students to listen to.

Since then, I have experienced the joy of reading, broadened my horizons, and learned more knowledge.

After all, reading is always reading.

It is a way out for mortals who cannot cultivate.

Lei Ling Tian waited until the guests were seated, looked at Li Yongjin with the tip of his nose disdainfully, and said with a smile: "Mr. Li, can you open the altar?"

In other words that is.

Get out of the way, I'm going to start preaching (pretend).

Li Yongjin naturally disdains to fight with this kind of idiot, and slightly cupped his hands to signal: "Mayor, please!"

to be honest.

Even the Mahayana cultivator dare not say that he can preach and understand the Tao.

The world of God Transformation Realm in this area is so brazen.

Then he should listen carefully and listen to what this guy can say.

If he speaks badly later, he will inevitably laugh out loud.

After all, I am a professional.

usually don't laugh...

Unless, I can't help it!

The sermon begins.

When Lei Ling Tian spoke with joy, his mouth was drooling.

Li Yongjin was drowsy after hearing it, and by the way, even Wang Bulai was not interested at all.

In the end, he didn't know what Lei Ling Tian said.

Li Yongjin suddenly laughed out loud.

This time, Lei Ling Tian was extremely disgusted.

He suppressed his own anger, gritted his teeth and said, "Mr. Li, what advice do you have?"

Immediately, Li Yongjin took a step forward and said something that shocked the audience:

"Major Lei, you said that in the cultivator Realm, the limit is feathering."

"But did you know that there is a brand new Realm above Yuhua, named Fuyao?"

"You said that in this world, there is only one unified system of cultivation."

"But you know, just in a different secret realm. You can encounter another system of the Eldar, comparing the Gold Core to the rain-covered realm?"

"You said this is the main world, and we all have only one common view, called the upper realm. But do you know that there are countless Minor Worlds and Xintiandi in just one place called Juehai?"

"Is what we know so far is everything in this world?"

"You said that reading is useless, but do you know that there is magic in books, which can make people understand the art of change?"


Such words made Lei Ling Tian sweat profusely.

He still wanted to open his mouth to explain one or two things, but found that he couldn't say anything.

In front of the calm and composed Li Yongjin, he finally realized his ignorance and ignorance.

Yeah, if that's true.

That himself knew nothing about it.

I don't know anything about this world.

What he thought of as his way of thinking might just be a heretical way of doing things, and he couldn't get on the table.

This is the tragedy of ordinary cultivators, they can only stay in a small place for a lifetime.

Even if he has cultivated to a very deep Realm, he still has a lot less knowledge than those geniuses.

With such knowledge, it is enough to be placed in the small town of Lanxian.

But looking at the whole continent, it's nothing.

Lei Ling Tian was defeated amidst the exclamations and sighs of the crowd.

In the end, the mayor said with emotion: "We Lanxian Town, it seems that there are really immortals."

After that, he went on a long trip.

After returning, he immediately sent someone to deliver a plaque.

Engraved: Academy Immortal Master, Exiled Immortal Linchen.

A cultivator noticed that,

The mighty mayor returns, breaking through years of shackles.

Seeing this, other people in the town also flattered and said: "Congratulations to the mayor, our town can be regarded as a big cultivator who refines virtual Realm."

Every time Lei Ling Tian heard the words, he would wave his hands again and again, shaking his head and saying:

"No, no, I'm just a little cultivator of the Void Refining Realm."

In front of that gentleman, he didn't dare to say "big" anymore.

In this way, this simple discussion came to an end.

But in Wang Bulai's heart, a small seed called Xiaoyao was planted.


The words of Zhu Yan, the mirror, the flowers, and the trees are the most difficult to keep in the world.

In a blink of an eye, Wang Bulai grew up to be eighteen years old.

Under his exclusive eighteen-year-old sky.

Wang Bulai got rid of his childishness and gradually grew up in the direction of a young knight.

at the coming-of-age ceremony,

Li Yongjin looked at the handsome and handsome boy, and nodded with satisfaction.

The Master once said...

Not bad when you become an adult, don't call him by his nickname anymore.

Not very nice.

He patted Wang Bulai's shoulder lightly:

"Xiaoyao, you have grown up. If you are equipped with a sword, you may be able to go out and roam around."

"However, I still hope that you can stay in the academy and continue to pass on the book."

At this time, he thought of Sun Zhiji's kit again.

Sun Siruo has a good vision, he will definitely act like a knight in the future.

Walk Tianya with the sword, fight for righteousness!

During these years, Wang Xiaoyao learned the true biography of Li Yongjin and mastered the method of using the book.

Li Yongjin felt that perhaps it was time for him to let go.

Academy should be handed over to young people.

However, Wang Xiaoyao looked seriously into Li Yongjin's eyes.

Suddenly, he whispered:

"Brother, I want to take a leave of absence."

"A long, long, family leave..."

this moment,

Li Yongjin's hand that filled the crown for him was immediately suspended in the air.

He thought back to that afternoon.

Wang Xiaoyao picked up his luggage and walked down the mountain slowly.

Thinking of this, Li Yongjin laughed heartily.


He suddenly understood.

Perhaps, this is an event that can never be intervened,

Different routes lead to the same goal!


ps: In the last few chapters, I have changed to a relatively plain perspective and writing style, which may seem a bit uncomfortable. I am also beginning to gradually transition to the style of writing in this article. From a more relaxed direction, it has become a little deeper, I hope everyone understands.

As for the knife, let me wait a few more days. Everyone can breathe a sigh of relief, don't worry. The road ahead is smooth, sweet without a knife!

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