I Will Never Die, You Can Do Whatever You Want!

Chapter 94 Boss, Why Are You Here?

At this time, Wang Xiaoyao was indeed a little abnormal.

But anyway, he can be regarded as having a little reaction to the outside world.

Perhaps, this is a good start.

After he said this sentence, he fell into a state of sluggishness again.

As if everything just now was not what he shouted out.

Regarding this, Gu Beihan froze in place, not daring to move.

In the end, Li Yongjin stepped forward and patted her on the shoulder: "It's okay, you go out first, the situation of Xiaoyao is a bit complicated. Let's not disturb too much, you will know later."

"Sir, will he be all right?"

Gu Beihan was still worried, so he mustered up the courage to ask.

Li Yongjin hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, "Well, it will be fine."

Whether there is something wrong, in fact, he really doesn't know.

But what he knows is,

As long as there is a glimmer of life, they will not give up.

Little Junior Brother Ji Ren has his own heaven.

When he figured it out, he would definitely come out.

After all, now, except for him who wants to come out.

No one can help him!

Then give him more time.

Li Yongjin believes that as a child of the Wang family, there is a spirit of perseverance.

Give him a little more time, and he will come out by himself.


For the rest of the time, Li Yongjin was eager to return.

Even at this moment, he can no longer go back to the Green Mountain Sect.

But I still want to go back to Misty Continent, to the original familiar place.

Even watching from a distance is better than being sad alone in this foreign land.

But before that, there is one last thing to be done.

That is, "Book! "

Back then, he had promised old man Peng that he would stay here to pass on the letter.

The so-called passing on books, in addition to spreading knowledge.

The most important thing is to pass on the "Shang Shu"!

Now, there are thousands of students under him.

Everyone learns something from themselves.

after graduation.

These students went home one after another and used what they learned to build their own hometown.

Their departure did not touch Li Yongjin much.

In Li Yongjin's eyes, these students are not far behind.

As for what was missing, Li Yongjin couldn't tell.

Anyway, before finding a real descendant.

He won't leave here in peace.

Some things, or not to do.

Once you do it, you must do your best!

He won't do such a thing of picking someone halfway.

Even today, Li Yongjin has figured it out.

Perhaps, a person like him should not be considered a lazy dog.

In a sense, he is not really a salted fish.

He is idle!

If you have nothing to do, you will not be interested in everything.

But as long as he finds something he is interested in, or as long as he promises to do something.

Then he will be the best and he will be the last.

And the last thing is to find a real heir for the letter.

In order to get this candidate, Li Yongjin can be said to be devastated.

As for Gu Beihan, this girl is not bad.

But it just lacks a little bit of understanding and a little bit of spirituality.

What's remarkable is that she also has a tenacity to not give up until she reaches her goal.

But if you want to control "Shang Shu", you can't do it by hard work.

You have to get its approval to check out the content through some keywords.

This thing contains all the books and knowledge in the world.

But only the user can see the above content.

The content adopts the retrieval system, and the retrieved content is related to each other.

in other words.

This "Shang Shu" is actually the world's largest search engine!

Over the years, Li Yongjin tested Gu Beihan several times on the sidelines.

In the end, all ended in failure.

Obviously, Gu Beihan can't do it.

She is not the next master of Shangshu, nor can she pass on the knowledge.

If so, then wait a little longer.

Give the younger brother a little more time, and give yourself a little more time.

Junior brother is waiting for me,

And he is waiting for the successor!


Spring goes and autumn comes.


Another winter.

Time, did not keep Li Yongjin waiting too long.

Just one year later, a tall figure stepped on the snow and walked into the academy.

Covered in wind and snow, like a snowman.

He spoke in a low voice, but gave Li Yongjin an extremely familiar feeling.


He shook the coir raincoat on his body and sprinkled the wind and snow off his body.

Added some bright colors to the courtyard.

"Sir, I heard that you have the most abundant library in the world."

"I'm here to ask."

The snowman spoke, his voice thick and clear.

It actually penetrated the upper academy, all the reading sounds.

In the courtyard, all the students stopped reciting and became distracted.

Seeing this, Li Yongjin shook the pointer in his hand severely.

There was a snap.

The volleying pointer drew back these distracted people.

Li Yongjin looked up when the students continued to recite.

When he looked up, his pupils shrank suddenly, and an earthquake started.

On the snowman, he actually saw Samsara!

In the endless realm of Samsara, Li Yongjin saw a familiar figure.

boy, this is...

"Boss, why are you here?"

He couldn't help asking, and the next moment he came to the snowman.


When the students heard this, their inner curiosity was aroused to the extreme.

Mr. Li is a well-known OP Expert in the neighborhood, and even the mayor is obedient to him.

Such a strong man, how strong should his boss be?

After a while, this group of people made up a big show.

The originally neat reading sound also began to become more and more erratic.

Like snowflakes constantly flying in mid-air, they fell evenly and freely on everyone's shoulders.

Snowman was shocked when he heard this call.

He was dumbfounded and froze in place.

This teacher, did you admit the wrong person?

It was clearly the first time for me to come out to study, and it was also the first time I came to this place.

It is absolutely impossible to know this gentleman.

Thinking of this, the snowman cupped his hands and said, "Sir, you have misunderstood the person. My name is Cheng Jinshu, so it shouldn't be the one you know, right?"


Li Yongjin sneered disdainfully: "We two brothers are here, so you don't have to pretend to me that there are five people and six people."

"Boss Feng, haven't you seen me for a long time and miss me?"

"But I think your recent performance should be quite good, and you have saved enough tickets to come here so quickly."

As he said that, he walked over very familiarly and hooked the other person's shoulder: "Tell me, how did you find me?"

In fact, Li Yongjin also thought about it.

I am in Shengxuan Continent, will I wait for that familiar friend?

It's just that every time he thinks of this, he shakes his head.

According to Boss Feng's picky personality, basically all the money he got was spent.

Either to passers-by who have nothing, or to spend on his children.

According to the speed of this cargo, I am afraid that it is impossible to save enough expensive tickets in a lifetime.

But now, the boss is still here.

It's good that the boss is here.

The mess of "Shang Shu" was given to him by Boss Feng.

Now that he dumped the blame on him, he could carry the bucket and run away.

Hey, this is your fault, take care of yourself.

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