Tell me, how did you find me?

Upon hearing this, Cheng Jinshu was completely stunned.

No, where is it all?

I really came here to study and ask questions.

Why is this teacher a bit strange, he knew him from the very beginning?

I obviously don't know him at all, but judging by the appearance of my husband, it doesn't look like a fake.

I don't know if this is a test for Xiaosheng.

But he was born with an unusual body shape, and was often ridiculed and tested.

Cheng Jinshu was already familiar with these things.

The next moment, there was no turmoil in his heart.

He cupped his hands and said: "Xiaosheng does not change his name when he is going or sits without changing his surname. Cheng Jinshu is also from Dongzhou."

"I was poor since I was a child, but I have always been passionate about learning."

"I've heard for a long time that Mr. teaches without discrimination, and never refuses to accept students because of the conditions of the students."

"Therefore, I've walked six thousand miles, and I'm here to pay my respects!"


He growled, his attitude became more and more respectful, and his waist became more and more bent.

He also thought that Own was dishonest.

So Mr. Li does not accept it.

But he himself knows how sincere he is about learning.

No one can imagine his determination to overcome all difficulties.

And he went to school, not just for himself.

That was a dream he had when he was young, and for this dream, he was willing to abandon everything.

in the Legends,

There is a Book of God in the world, which can contain all the literature and directories in the world.

Those who get this book can change their own destiny, turn the world around, and save the common people.

It's just that the book is illusory, and it needs the most knowledgeable person in the world to control it.

For this great goal in his heart, Cheng Jinshu will study hard.

He believed that one day he would find the Book of God.

What he didn't know was that almost no one in the world knew about this legend.

Only in his dream can he hear the legend.

Li Yongjin laughed when he heard this: "You bastard, come with me."

Immediately afterwards, he waved his sleeves.

The heaven and the earth are reversed, and time and space change suddenly.

They came to a place, a small world of nothingness.

Here, it is the Samsara Minor World mastered by Li Yongjin.

In the decades since he obtained the Dao fruit, his mastery of the power of Samsara has increased every moment.

Finally, he realized such ability in a long time.

Can bring so many targets into the world he created.

In this world, he is the supreme existence!

As long as the world is not destroyed, Samsara will not be broken.

No one here can disobey Li Yongjin's thoughts.

He can really do one thing:

Those who follow me prosper, those who oppose me perish!

Coming to such a strange world, Cheng Jinshu watched in astonishment as he was suspended in nothingness.

In front of him, there was only the kind-hearted Mr. Li, who suddenly panicked.

Good guy, is it possible that sir is a fairy?

With a wave of his sleeve, he brought himself to a mysterious and strange world?

Here comes the inspiration.

If he goes back here, he will have to write an article "Journey to Nothingness"!

Thinking of this, Cheng Jinshu panicked and knelt down: "Xiaosheng to have Eyes but fail to recognize Mount Tai, offended the immortal, I hope you can have a lot of adults."

"Xiaosheng really didn't mean to offend, please forgive me, Immortal."

Panic, really panic.

It's over.

It's so dark here that there aren't even a single ghost.

The immortal doesn't want to kill himself, does he?

Seeing that the other party was so scared, Li Yongjin also sensed that something was wrong.

Could it be that he really admitted the wrong person?

But no, this person is not in The Three Realms, nor in Five Elements.

Even after death, they will not enter Samsara.

It's exactly that flamboyant Ruyi Scepter.

In this world, there should be no other special existence like him.

This person is standing here, is it Feng Ruyi Scepter or who?

Just when Li Yongjin was thinking, an inexplicable fluctuation surged out from his arms.

buzz buzz.

Mysterious's stirring sound rose and fell, and a wordless book flew out.

That's right, it is "Shang Shu! "

Seeing such a situation, Li Yongjin became more determined to own the idea.

Didn't run away, it's you boy.

You even reacted to the letter, and you still say that you are not the boss?

You don't have to think about it.

Feng Ruyi Scepter, this bastard, must be thinking of acting and cheating himself.

When Cheng Jinshu read this book, his breath froze.

Trembling, endless trembling.

Shocking, mind-shocking. that the Book of God?

That's right, this is the book.

He is too familiar.

Countless times, we met in dreams.

In reality, although the two of them have never met.

But in the dream, they are the ones who are most familiar with each other.

At the next moment, Cheng Jinshu raised a hand.

I don't know how to push it, I just feel a mysterious character appearing in my mind.

Ancient text: "Shou".


The book immediately flew in front of him, and even started to turn the pages automatically.

Hush, huh, the pages kept turning backwards.

Stop until it stays on one page.

Immediately, on the blank page,

Numerous words emerged.

All of a sudden, all the poems and books in the world where the word "shou" was written were unfolded in front of his eyes.

The first song is: "Although the tortoise lives long, there is still a time to compete."———"The tortoise lives long", Cao Cao.

The second part is a long paragraph: "The sky prolongs its longevity, and the earth carries its breadth... The true fruit of longevity can be called longevity. Unfortunately, the longevity of the world is also falsified." —— "Tao Zhang·Tian Shou ", Nian Jin


The last sentence is a poem from a poet ghost.

"Only when the moon is cold and the sun is warm, come to fry life." —— "Bitter Days are Short", Li He.

The translation is: only seeing the change of cold and heat, the sun and the moon running, killing people's life. Using extremely weird adjectives, it describes the passage of time and the shortness of life.

Li Yongjin had heard a little about Poetry Ghost's poems in his previous life.

It is best at creating a strange atmosphere of sadness and coldness, giving people a sense of "magic and strange".

Now, Li Yongjin's expression became very rich.

In the complex, there is a touch of banter and playfulness.

Tut tut.

You keep pretending.

Why don't you pretend?

This is too much force, is it exposed?

Even the "Shang Shu" has directly recognized the Lord, but I want to see what you have to say.

"Boss, continue to perform."

"Why don't you act anymore?"

He folded his hands, looked up to the sky and laughed wildly: "According to me, you should stop acting, it's really not suitable for you, it's really crotch!"

As expected of you, the number one evil cultivator in the world.

So far it hasn't exploded.

With this thickness of skin, no one is as good as you.

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