I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 1009 The Jing family gathers together for a warm moment

It was rare for Jingshu to get such a big guy from the Middle East. As a family member, it was natural for him to come over and take a look.

But Jing Nai said: It's like moving. You have to respect the God of Wealth and the Stove King, and you have to cook a meal.

No, my family brought the ingredients when they came over, and decided to have a meal here and stay another night. It was fun.

Jingshu: ...

When they saw Jingshu coming back, Jing's mother and Jing's father gathered around them. They were very happy when they saw that their daughter was fair and fair and seemed to have gained weight. Jing's mother also said:

Daughter, we all thought you were going to lose weight after going out, but we didn't expect you to gain weight. It seems that the food is not bad. You are nagging about the loss of milk every day. I am afraid that you will starve, and you are reluctant to eat the good things at home. I want to keep it for you.

Jing Nai felt a little ashamed when she heard this. She was the one who talked about worrying about others. Now she would be told that she was worried about her granddaughter in front of others, so she couldn't help but cough:

This is not a year of disaster, so of course you have to save money. You young people don't know how powerful you can make every day. If it weren't for my old lady, the things would have been made long ago. Okay, so what, girl, look at the thing about calling the police. Toy, Lao Xiang…”

Jing Shu went up to look at it for a long time, but still couldn't fix it, so she contacted the people on the ship to lock it up. Master Jing squatted down to study the things in the room and said, It seems that the kitchen needs to be renovated. We are still not used to the foreign devils' things. Then install a range hood or something...

Today is the best meal for Lao Jing’s family in the past week. The box of leeks is also wrapped with shrimp meat and eggs. Jing Nai is also willing to add oil. When she bites it, the oil comes out and makes Jing Shuxiang confused. All over.

In addition to this, there is also the milky white fish soup that Jing Nai made in the afternoon, but it was simmered for three hours over a slow fire. Speaking of which, this is Jing Nai’s specialty vegetable soup, and it is also one of Jing Shu’s favorite soups. , that fried plump crucian carp with golden brown on both sides, instead of heating the water, fry three or four eggs again, and then add the boiling water until the incomparable burnt smell comes out.

It instantly becomes a milky white soup. Add the crucian carp and cook it. After simmering for half an hour, break the fish into pieces with a wall breaker and continue to cook until it turns into a pure milky white fish soup. Then filter out the residue and sprinkle it with water. Add chopped green onion and salt, and the aroma hits your nostrils instantly.

The dregs were not wasted, and the fat chicken was given as a snack.

When Jingshu drank the pure white crucian carp soup in one gulp, her soul almost left her body. It was so fragrant. She took another bite of the eggs soaked in the fish soup, ah! It’s so delicious!

Jing Nai knew that she loved to drink, so she cooked a whole steel-bar cauldron.

Wu Youai sighed contentedly at the side: It means you are back, otherwise grandma would not be willing to waste fish and meat and just drink soup.

Jing Nai: Damn girl, I can't stop your mouth even if I eat.

Jingshu hugged Jingnai: Nai, you are so kind to me. I also brought you a gift. I'm sure you will like it.

When making ordinary crucian carp soup, after frying it, add the soup and still have fish meat to eat. To make this kind of pure soup, you don’t have to eat the meat. Just for the sake of the more delicious soup, Jing Nai is usually reluctant to part with it.

Jingshu ate, and there were four fish dips at the bottom of the bowl. They were smooth and delicious. She smiled. It felt so good to be home, and it felt so good to be hurt.

The delicious food at Lao Jing's house is the taste of home, and every dish is well cooked. After drinking Lingquan for several years, everyone's appetite has grown a lot. This table of meals that usually serves more than 20 people was eaten by Lao Jing's house. It was so clean that everyone licked the bottom of the bowl and rested on the sofa for a while with satisfaction.

Then Jingshu took everyone to see the gifts.

You don't know, the Middle East is still very fun, there are many interesting things, and the things are cheap, very cheap, so I brought more. Of course, most of the things inside are rewards from above.

Jingshu repeatedly emphasized that things are cheap and come from above. In this way, her boyfriend bought a computer assembly machine worth NT$40,000 to NT$50,000, but she told her girlfriend that it was actually the same kind that cost NT$300,000.

However, in order to prevent Jing Nai and others from selling them at a low price, Jing Shu added a few words: These things are very cheap in the Middle East, but they are very expensive here, and I also took advantage of them.

In short, Jingshu's expression was very simple. She didn't spend money on random things, really!

Hey, she is the youngest in the family, and she has troubles with happiness.

However, when Jing Shu opened the warehouse on the second underground floor and passed several levels using pupils, fingerprints, and irises, Jing's family felt that it was a bit exaggerated: Isn't it just some gifts? Why are they kept so secretly? ?Is it so exaggerated?

However, when Jingshu really opened the door and saw the mountain of things, everyone still opened their mouths and couldn't close their mouths: Jingshu, you said this was a gift you brought back. Are you sure you didn't bring it back? Has the small country moved back? There are too many things like this, right?

Jingshu, you didn't rob some place, did you? Why do you think these things you brought back are much more than those in our warehouse?

No, this is not a problem. I just want to ask, do foreigners also have smoked duck, smoked chicken, and smoked sausage? Also, why are some foods similar to those in China?

Jingshu held her forehead and was about to say something when Jingnai spoke up.

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