I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 1010 New materials pass the clear road

What are you all making such a fuss about? You've never seen the market before making such a fuss! Jing Nai paid homage to the gods and Buddhas from all directions and more than 300 gods. What if one of the gods in heaven who was blessing them knew that they were dissatisfied? He murmured: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm not surprised. We have no intention of doubting it. Please continue to bless our Lao Jing family...

After talking about it, Jing Nai spoke again, saying that these days, if you just eat what you have, why do you care so much? In short, if you don't steal or rob, you are rewarded by the above, so that's right.

Therefore, these supplies can be regarded as having passed through Lao Jing's house.

Jing Nai has spoken. Although Jing’s father and Jing’s mother still feel that something is a little strange, they have received it well. There are a lot of things, but it can only mean that the girl has done a good job. She has brought back such a big boat, and she can get some more. What happened to the supplies when they came back? Although these supplies are a bit more and a bit miscellaneous.

After all, it was Jingshu who didn’t dare to cross the open road before.

The people in Lao Jing's family began to classify these gifts: those that can be stored for a long time are safe here.

But I still took back some daily necessities, so Jing’s dad said, “We just don’t have much body soap, soap and toilet paper anymore, so take some back.” He is a practical person, and he only needs soap and a towel for the whole bathing process. But I can't stand my wife's exquisiteness. She has shampoo, shower gel, essence, conditioner, etc. In the past few years, if conditions have improved, I will naturally use them.

Jingye took back most of the food and asked the Hulk to come in and pack it into boxes. The bacon that Jingshu made on the way had to be taken back. It happens to be the Chinese New Year soon. These New Year's goods are really timely.

Jing's mother's eyes lit up. There were a lot of foreign products inside that she had never seen before. The things inside were very miscellaneous. It seemed that there were things from all over the world, ranging from daily necessities to luxury goods. The one that appeared in a while was American. The ones over there suddenly had the characteristics of Laofa, but they did have some characteristics of the Middle East. She took a fancy to several handmade blankets, which were thickly woven, I've been coveting this for a long time. I'll give it in advance. I see them all over the house and hanging on the walls. I can’t believe how soft they are when I walk on them.”

What can we do? Let's take some back. After all, these things were luxury goods before the end of the world. They are not valuable even if they are not valuable. If they are valuable, they are no longer available after all.

Jingshu also got a few for herself, preparing to fill her house.

Neither Jing Nai nor Jing Ye asked for it: This thing is soft and uncomfortable to step on. We don't want it. It was snowing in Wucheng at that time. It would be nice if there were more blankets like this. Now that the South China Sea is so hot, I'm afraid we won't be able to use them in the future. , do you want to take it apart and make clothes or something else?

Jingshu thought about it, and when she returned to Wucheng in the future, the weather would be cold, so she could use it without wasting it, so she shook her head and said, The milk will be used in the future.

Everyone picked and picked and took a lot of things back to the big villa in Nanhai.

Jingshu also specially brought out the gadgets from the Middle East and gave them to everyone, and the lively night passed.

Jingshu was woken up early in the morning after a long absence. She practiced the Rubik's Cube for two hours at night and went to bed late. In the morning, she could only hear Jingnai's chopping sound and knew she was making dumplings, so she continued to sleep with her earplugs. , Jing’s mother, Jing’s father, and Wu Youai went to work. The third aunt has been living in the unit for the past few days. I heard that she is too busy at the end of the year.

After sleeping until twelve o'clock, Jingshu yawned and got up from the luxurious cabin. She went to the kitchen and ate the shrimp king dumplings made by Jing Nai. Plus the shrimp dumplings, I don’t know what else was added, but when I took a bite, the strong and delicious flavor almost swallowed my tongue.

Other people's houses are too expensive to eat shrimps, but Jingshu's house is full of shrimps. On the contrary, pork and beef are not much. In the past, Jingshu secretly subsidized it, and the family had plenty of fish and meat every day. After Jingshu left, everyone As the appetite increased, the dozen pigs were not enough to eat, and it always felt tight. Fortunately, Jing Shu also came back.

Jingshu ate two hundred large dumplings in a row, and she was still a little bit unsatisfied. On the surveillance camera, she saw fat chickens running around like dogs and cats. Jing Nai and Jing Ye were spitting like stars, and they were discussing how to improve the ship. .

However, everyone has saluted the fire and worshiped the stove, and we still have to go back to our home. After all, there are chickens, ducks, cows and pigs to feed at home.

I heard that after Jingshu left, the family suddenly felt that there was not enough meat to eat, so they unanimously decided to raise more livestock this year. Just in time, I had a few litters of piglets and they were about to give birth, and the cow Dahua was also pregnant. .

The pregnant livestock at home also need to be taken care of, so after Jing Nai and Jing Ye finished the discussion, they hurried home with Jing Shu.

Jingshu gave the mothership a vulgar name, the Pearl. The employees she trusted on the Pearl evacuated with confidence.

Master Jing hesitated, Is it safe?

Jing Shu nodded: It's all the people sent from above to help collect it.

The surroundings were densely packed with mud mermaids, watching everything eerily. She had found bodyguards for the Pearl and it was safe. There were also surprises on the ship.

Jing Nai was hesitant to say something at the same time: With such a big boat and so many people, how much food do you have to eat?

Nai, I have a surprise for you when we get home.

After returning home, Jing Nai saw the bald Mai Rui.

Jingshu said with a smile: From now on, Mai Rui will come and help us do three hours of work every day. The rest of the time will naturally go to the company and visit factories in six places.

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