I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 233 Robbery of the Wedding

It was really thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi. Wei Zheng, who no one in Wuxian County wanted at that time, is now eager to get it. Fortunately, Qiaolian's family sold their daughter and gave away 200 kilograms of grain. I heard that Qiaolian was married before You are making trouble to hang yourself, what now? Now who doesn't envy Qiaolian for finding a good man.

This is fate.

Then it depends on whether Qiaolian is good at carrying it.

On New Year's Eve, all China has a special power supply, and various governments have organized self-service with unlimited 0.5 virtual coins. Some places have worm eggs and mushrooms, some have garlic sprouts, and some have aquatic weed eggs. The characteristics of each place are They are all different. Generally, you can grow whatever you can grow, and you can eat whatever you grow in abundance.

Jingshu sympathizes with people who eat garlic. She covers her mouth to greet people every day. The smell is awesome.

The Spring Festival Gala in the evening started on time, and the host was still without makeup. This year's program was mainly about cross talk and singing and dancing in a relaxed and promising future. Generally speaking, it told everyone: the sun will always appear, just like the dawn will always appear. Yes, don't give up hope.



Along with the Spring Festival Gala, the family also had a sumptuous dinner. Qiaolian's family had never eaten such a sumptuous meal before the end of the world!

There are several kinds of seafood that I don’t recognize. Anyway, there are several kinds of shells. I heard that it is abalone, but it tastes the same. It is not as delicious as pork belly.

Speaking of which, my brother-in-law’s daughter Jingshu grilled the pork belly this time. She also used barbecue ingredients extravagantly and put lettuce in the end. When you bite into it, the tenderness of the pork belly and the deliciousness of the lettuce are combined. This is the first time for Qiaolian’s family. Such delicious barbecue!

There are also dumplings, shrimp and three delicacies dumplings, leek and egg dumplings, and pineapple dumplings. There are so many to choose from. Basically, I feel full after just a few bites of each dish. I hate that I can’t eat more. If I eat any more, I will almost vomit!

Look, it's too much for you to bring so much food to our house. The aunt said embarrassedly.

Sister, you're welcome. When I got married, you three sisters also contributed a lot. Jing's father raised a glass. Of course, it was not wine, but milk made with milk powder.

Jing Nai smiled from ear to ear. The old man likes brother-sister friendship the most. In the past, she favored her younger son, which caused her daughter's dissatisfaction. But now she treats everyone equally and it is much better.

Speaking of wine, the grapes in the space are also ripe. Jingshu plans to make a batch of rice wine fermented glutinous rice while making wine. It will be served with poached eggs and glutinous rice balls in the morning. It is perfect!

The family spent the New Year's Eve happily. On the New Year's Eve before the end of the world, they didn't sleep or turn off the lights. The adults played mahjong and the children played poker all night long. At twelve o'clock, you could hear gun salutes everywhere. Unfortunately, it's the end of the world now. No more, the whole world fell into darkness and silence.

Just after twelve o'clock, with the conclusion of the gala, the electricity also stopped, and the whole family could only sleep. Jingshu gave each hot water bottle a hot water bottle to boil water, and put it under the quilt to warm the bed. Last night's sundries Although there was an earthen kang burning in the room, the bed was still cold, and it took more than half an hour of human body warmth to regain any remaining warmth.

Jingshu suddenly remembered that she went to Suning to draw a lottery and received a dozen rechargeable constant-warming handbags. She had to wait until the extreme cold of minus 70 degrees before using them. The hot water bottles would not be able to stay at low temperatures for one or two hours in the future, and they would still have to boil water, which was a waste of time. So why not Hand warmers are convenient.

With the hot water bottle, it was very warm under the quilt. I have to say that Jingshu was really thoughtful, and the family fell asleep quickly.

At four o'clock in the morning on the first day of the Lunar New Year, the whole family got up to prepare for the wedding of Wei Zheng and Qiaolian. Everyone was basically very busy.

My aunt invited about sixty people to attend the wedding. Some were classmates and friends, some were from Wei Zheng, some were from my uncle, and of course, colleagues from the livestock farm.

There was no hotel at this time, so I set up a table at my own home. All the raw materials and dishes were prepared yesterday. Today I will make the washed and processed vegetables into wedding banquet dishes.

It is quite challenging to cook meals for 60 people at one time, especially in the last days when everything is lacking.

So Jing Nai and the aunt who knew how to cook all went to help. As a disabled person, Jing Ma could only help with other things, such as collecting gifts and keeping records.

Be careful when accepting gifts, Dad. Follow Mom and be prepared. There will inevitably be jealous people. This is a gun. Keep it on your guard.

How can a bunch of random gifts be so valuable that a few people need to watch over them? Okay, all the men will go out as guards.

Jingshu and Wu Youai had nothing to do, so they just helped Qiaolian put on makeup.

The red dragon and phoenix robes that Jing Nai sewed for the two of them were very festive and beautiful. They immediately felt like a Chinese wedding. Jing Shu first used cucumber to apply a facial mask on Qiao Lian, and then used some of the remaining cosmetics to put on light makeup. Pose your head again, perfect.

Qiaolian was originally frustrated because she didn't have wedding clothes. She had always wanted a decent wedding in her life. She didn't expect Wei Zheng's grandmother to come with so many good things, including wedding clothes, wedding quilts, and rearrangements. A decent wedding room fulfilled all her wedding fantasies.

How did her mother-in-law's family treat her? He provided her with good food and drink, and also supported her family, but her family possessed her like a vampire. Qiaolian made a decision at this moment.

The wedding officially started at twelve o'clock as scheduled.

Although there were no firecrackers, there were gongs and drums, which were all brought by my eldest uncle. The whole Wuxian County knew that Chang Wei’s family had married a daughter-in-law. As the first batch of people came, the aunt’s house was quickly filled up. Well, the good thing about the bungalow is that the yard is big enough. I moved two cars out and put them all with tables and chairs borrowed from various places. Although it was a bit nondescript, it managed to squeeze in everyone.

The eldest uncle even specially set up a stage and hired a host to host the wedding.

There is a place to receive gifts at the entrance of the yard. There is also a red gift list. Basically, every person who comes will receive a gift. Then Jing’s mother is responsible for recording, and Jing’s father and Jing’s father are responsible for checking.

The purpose of recording is to facilitate repayment in the future. This is the exchange of favors.

Before the apocalypse, it was popular to give money directly, and after the apocalypse, it was popular to give things. After all, virtual coins and other things were life-saving food, so Jing’s mother received a mess, but at least it still had some value.

Let's go, there's no one here, put your things in and let's get started.


At this moment, there was a strong braking sound, and then a pickup truck rushed over and hit the yard door.

In this exciting moment...let us warmly...


Bang bang!

At this moment, screams rang out, followed by gunshots. Jing Shu, who was still watching the excitement in the yard, rushed out without saying a word!

The wedding scene was in chaos!

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