I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 234 Smoke bombs and fire oil bottles

Jingshu smelled a pungent smell before she even reached the door, and then saw thick smoke quickly spreading in, instantly flooding the already dark courtyard! There was thick smoke everywhere and nothing could be seen!

It's a smoke bomb!

Jingshu took out the gas mask from her pocket and put it on while running. For the sake of her own life, regardless of whether it was poisonous or not, she just put it on anyway. The thick smoke soon spread to the entire yard, making people in the yard Screaming.

Everyone knew that something big might be going to happen.

Jingshu sped up and ran towards the door of the yard. The more she faced this critical moment, the calmer she became. However, her heartbeat would speed up and her blood vessels would swell, as if she was on adrenaline!

Under the thick smoke, Jing Shu couldn't see anything. She just went there based on her memory. Jing's mother, Jing's father, Jing's father, and Qiaolian's brothers were all there. Jing's father also had a gun. Logically speaking, there were several people on each side. She is not afraid of gangs committing crimes.

But the problem is now that the other party has smoke bombs! Her line of sight was severely obstructed, and she didn't know how many people were coming.

Just before Jing Shu found her family, she heard the sound of a loudspeaker:

People inside, listen up. We only need all the food and items. Those who are sensible should stand still and don't move. Let our people get the things and leave before leaving. Otherwise, haha, what will we, a group of desperadoes, be afraid of?

Don't make any moves. Just keep your current seat and don't move. We can clearly see any of your moves under this thick smoke. Otherwise, don't blame us for being ruthless! As long as anyone of you dares to make any strange move , just don’t blame us for killing people directly.”

As soon as he finished speaking, there was another burst of screaming and panic.

Don't think about calling the police. It will take at least ten minutes for the police from Wuxian County to arrive. In these ten minutes, you will have died without a burial place. If we find that someone wants to call the police, haha, we will kill you without mercy! We will kill you without mercy. There are a lot of weapons here!

No one thought that after half a year of no law and violent killings, in this peaceful world, in a world with big data and no escape, there would be robbers, and they would be so blatant!

As the host, my eldest uncle immediately shouted: You can have anything you want, but don't hurt anyone. We won't move, absolutely!

The eldest uncle's words put everyone's safety first, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Everyone was afraid that the eldest uncle would be confused and shout at this time, there are many of us, go ahead, go up and do what they say, here What should I do if I can't see anything?

Unfortunately, there happened to be an old policeman shouting: Everyone, don't move. Our lives are the most precious. Don't do stupid things. He also sent a text message to the police station for help.

Jingshu frowned. The visibility in this thick smoke was less than one meter. If the other party really had such a field of vision that could see clearly under the thick smoke, it would be bad if she was reckless, because she didn't know Are there any guns on the other side? There are even smoke bombs. Are you still worried about not having guns?

Speaking of which, she knew about an instrument called thermal imaging, which could be seen in smoke bombs. Its principle was to use thermal imaging to form an image. Although the details could not be seen, at least it had a field of view, and it was indeed Like the robber said, you can see any movement.

This thermal imaging can see several different gases, and is usually used in airport security checks or other places. There was once a very popular image on the Internet, where a person who passed the security check farted, and the result was clearly seen by the thermal imaging. The irradiation was recorded and posted on the Internet. The trajectory of the fart erupting from the body made people clearly understand: how the fart is produced, how far the fart spreads, and how it is surrounded by people smell it.

The most important thing is that everyone also understands this truth: Never fart when passing through the security check, otherwise it is very likely to be posted on the Internet and everyone on the Internet will laugh at you.

Jingshu clapped her hands quietly, forgetting about the bees in the space. It was when she went to the mall to search, and she also found several pinhole cameras and various infrared monitors from the library, and installed them around the community. , and some Jingshu settled on the bees.

Thinking of this, Jingshu found a backlight, released the bees, adjusted the pinhole camera, sent the bees to investigate, and released the poisonous bees at the same time. Since she has a field of vision on the other side, it's hard for her to attack, so she can only send these little things.

I hope that when the Rubik's Cube space is upgraded, there will be a shared vision function. Jing Shu said in blessing, she needed the ability to detect vision so much.

The bees flew out buzzingly. In this noisy situation, no one paid attention at all. A shaky and unstable picture came out from the mobile phone. You can only see it clearly if you get close. The visibility is very low. Jingshu controlled After getting six bees in sight, she split up and found her parents to ensure their safety.

She desperately wanted to know what happened to her parents after the shooting and what their current situation was.

At this moment, a dozen burning oil bottles suddenly flew in from the door of the yard! Jingshu's consciousness was too late to stop it, because it came from a different orbital plane.

It's not good to have a big yard. The square yard is almost invisible. If you throw it hard from the door of the yard, the oil bottle will be thrown far away, which is very lethal!

They promised not to hurt innocent people, but the people outside may just try to comfort them first, and then use this unexpected method to catch the people inside off guard. In order to make the people inside unable to resist, they will add insurance! What if the people inside resist?

The people sitting crowded together in the courtyard suddenly screamed, and many people were directly burned! The fire spread quickly.

People outside rushed in shouting and excited, and were exposed to the monitor.

Brothers, rush! Find food first, and then find other things. If we can provide for a wedding for so many people, we will have a lot of food in reserve!

Ho! Ho! Ho!

These people want to use the chaos created inside to buy them time. Humanity has long ceased to exist in front of them. Jingshu knows that these people should be the wanted ones who survived.

Jing Shu calmly gave the order and let the cultivated poisonous bees sting them regardless of the consequences of casualties. There were eight people in total. No one was spared. They must be incapacitated within a few seconds.

The scene suddenly became more chaotic. Under the smoke bombs that had no vision, the people burned by the oil were screaming and looking for places to escape. The yard was instantly turned into a mess. Although there was not much fire from the oil bottle, it was still spreading! There were also people who were running towards the door in a hurry, and they happened to meet these people. Without saying a word, these crazy people took turns slashing at them with sticks and knives.

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