Jingshu found her professional pig-killing tool, a steel cone thinner than her finger, only about fifty centimeters. She made it in space. There is a bloodletting groove on the steel cone. It can be used as a gun in space. The instantaneous explosive power is not at the level of a rifle, but through the control of Jingshu's thoughts, it can penetrate the entire pig's head in an instant.

The traditional way of killing pigs is to kill them with a knife. Just like what my uncle said, the pig legs are tied up and suspended in the air. The knife is inserted into the pig's neck and rotated to make the pig die faster. The pig can only howl and cannot move.

Industrial plants generally use electrocution, which is placed on the pig's ears like headphones. It stuns and pierces the pig instantly. The blood is drained cleanly and neatly. Killing with drugs and gunshots are not considered. What Jingshu imitates is electrocution. Killing, instantly passing through the pig's cerebral palsy and then bleeding can achieve a quiet, fast, accurate and stable killing of the pig.

Of course, in order not to affect the taste of roasted pig brains, Jingshu still put in a lot of effort.

Taking a deep breath, Jingshu knew that she was very strong, but she didn't know how strong she was. She was about to go to the United States. She also had to gain a new understanding of her own strength and strength. Since going to the United States again was a thief, People who work with other people will inevitably encounter various dangers, and life-and-death situations cannot be avoided.

The ability to kill without exposing space, such as venomous bees and venomous snakes, and being unable to shoot, how to kill people quickly in close combat, killing with one hit, Jing Shu felt that she could practice it by killing pigs.

Take a knife and cut it with one blow. If you can't kill the person, the screams will easily scare the snake. Even if there is no one else, Jingshu's strength can cut off half of the shoulder with one strike, but it can also easily cause a deathbed counterattack. The scene And bloody.

Jingshu likes to use the knife in her hand to fall down and make the person fall to the ground without even making a sound, such as running away, or sneaking in when close combat is needed. It is very practical. Jingshu shook her head vigorously again, that's it. Don't add drama to yourself, it may not be so dangerous.

Let me test it on you. Jingshu took the steel cone and walked towards the leisurely black pig. The other pigs were either sleeping or grunting.

In the dark night, accompanied by the sound of dripping rain and silent footsteps, I kept approaching the pig pen, everything seemed so normal and casual.

Jingshu was obviously deceiving her uncle when she said that she knocked the pigs unconscious. She wanted to kill the pigs directly in the pigsty!

Walking up to the target pig, she took advantage of the pig's unpreparedness, bent her waist, and used her strength. The steel awl was rotated, aimed at the ear, and pierced suddenly. Jingshu used all her strength, only to hear a dull sound, and the steel awl pierced the pig's ear fiercely. It hit the ground hard, and then the pig's howl stopped suddenly. Jingshu didn't hold her hand down, and let the target pig run away for several meters, hit the wall, and then fell to the ground with a crash, blood flowing all over the floor. , the pig pen was in chaos.

It's a pity, it's a pity, the two spicy blood clots and Maoxuewang are gone. Jingshu took the pig blood from the bucket next to her. Following the commotion just now, the black pigs also rioted and panicked.

Illusion, activate!

In an instant, the pigs around them returned to their previous laziness, as if nothing had happened. I have to say that the ability of the Rubik's Cube Space is really powerful.

Jingshu took a breath. She had just used too much force and inserted the blood-letting tank into the ground. If a large amount of blood was not released in an instant, the pig would not have the consciousness to fight back. This is just like people. When someone hits you hard, they will Limbs kicking around

Jingshu constantly learned lessons and summed up her experience, and regarded the pig as the target to be assassinated in the future. She also simulated the scene of the pig attacking her, stabbing her from multiple angles and with different strengths, and how to use the minimum effort to kill the pig. Pigs fall down if they can't make a sound.

To this end, after spending more than 40 pig carcasses, Jing Shu finally gained experience, If you want to kill people, you have to be more careful. The blood-letting slot in the middle must be hollow. The faster the blood is drained, the faster the death.

Jing Shu calls it a 'close combat painless killing method'. Of course, Jing Shu has many other killing methods, but she has too many skills to overcome. Besides, in the United States, where gunfights are popular, the most important weapon is a gun. The method is rarely used, right?

When Jing Shu thought this way, she didn't know that in order to steal things, she not only used it, but also used it to the fullest. It was so much faster than Yang Yang's anesthesia gun. The two people cooperated so seamlessly that others were stunned.

So when my uncle ran in and said, Jingshu, I've boiled half of the water, but the more I think about it, the more something is wrong. You said you knocked the pig unconscious, but how did you knock it unconscious? What if you don't hit it correctly and cause the pig to succumb? What should I do if I resist? If I hit him directly with a hammer, I absolutely cannot...

When my uncle ran over, he saw pig carcasses placed in rows on the ground, with buckets attached. Buckets of pig blood still exuded a warm and fishy smell, and some pigs' feet were still smelling. Trembling, even my uncle's calves began to tremble when he saw Jingshu's devilish smile in the dark night.

Everyone has been killed? How did you do it? My uncle looked through it carefully. There were no extra incisions on the whole body. Except for the bleeding ears, the wounds were extremely small and could be said to be 'non-invasive'. .

It's a long story. It has to be done when the pigs are not paying attention. By the way, two female and one male breeding pigs have been reserved for you. I looked at them and they are the best ones. The pigs have been killed and the rest are You handle it. Jingshu said, taking the long steel awl in her hand and wiping it on the pigskin until there was no trace of blood, then she put it behind her.

My uncle was dumbfounded. How powerful and precise was this thing to pierce the pig's brain? If the piercing thing is not accurate, the result will probably be half-dead pigs running around the yard.

This completely overturned his understanding of the world. Wang Mazi next door had been killing pigs for decades. He could kill a pig in as little as thirty minutes, and it took four or five people to help tie the pig up. Then he went More than half an hour!

Uncle, what are your plans for these pigs? For example, pig skins, pig waste, pork, etc.

Huh? Oh, the pig skins are being charged by the government at a high price. I want to sell them all. My uncle knelt down and inspected the black pig, his mouth squeaking, it was awesome, really awesome.

Don't sell the pig skins, keep them to make cotton shoes and coats. Even if the sunshine returns tomorrow, there will be no cotton in the next three years. The earth will become colder and colder when the sunshine disappears. Now it has come true. No one knows that it will drop to What's the temperature? Jingshu walked out step by step. She had already reminded everything that needed to be reminded, and she would only say it once.

That's okay, that's what I think. In addition to looking for connections to get some oxytocin medicine, I also want to get some other medicines. This medicine is getting harder and harder to get. Let's get more rice and flour. In these last days, the most important thing is always food, and we save the remaining meat to make dry bacon and cured meat.

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