Now, our family is not short of the virtual coins, so we should save all the meat. When the next batch of piglets comes, I will use the piglets to exchange for something. After the meat is processed, I will put it in the cellar. Nothing has happened in three to five years, and rice is getting harder and harder to get. Even the government supplies old rice. It seems you are right, we need to save more food. Jing Shu's eldest uncle was also considered He was awakened by the cold water. Previously, he had planned to vigorously develop black pigs.

After all, in the livestock farm, the couple are relatively well-known pig-raising experts.

Jingshu nodded, it would be good to save more food now.

Killing so many pigs must have been a big deal before, but now no one has time to care about it. The aunt and Jing Nai are taking care of Qiaolian with peace of mind, while Wei Zheng and the eldest uncle are busy hurriedly killing the pigs. Take care of it. Food is so precious in the last days, and every part of the pig cannot be wasted.

Afterwards, my eldest uncle sent thirty pig trotters that had been burned and processed. My uncle knows that you like to eat pig trotters and braised soybeans, so he brought the pig trotters to you. You guys have an RV and you can cook and eat them yourself. Don't Refuse, let Wang Mazi kill the pig and he will go into the water, you have helped so much, I must thank you, and you come to my house to help, and let you cook by yourself, I am really sorry.

The eldest uncle had an attitude of being very sad if you don't want him, so Jingshu happily got into the RV and discussed with Wu Youai about eating roasted pig's trotters in the evening and braised pig's trotters the next day.

The thing about the RV was when it was time to eat at noon. Jing Nai said she wanted to go back to the RV to cook. Only then did everyone realize that this time Jing Shu came in an RV.

The RV is so small, how can it still cook? How can I have the reason for you to come to my house and ask you to go back and cook for yourself? Isn't this killing me? The aunt said, forcing Jingshu to ask for it. Eat the special rice here, batter mixed with vegetables.

In this post-apocalyptic world, it is indeed a rare good meal, but Jingshu shook her head vigorously at Jing Nai and made just such a pot. Not to mention the taste, she said that the portion was definitely not enough for her alone.

The second aunt said enviously: Mom, I also want to see what the RV looks like.

As long as you can, if you don't show me, you might show off again. I know your mouth. Jing Nai glared at the second aunt, I know you want to eat the food above, so I will bring some to you later. . The second aunt laughed.

However, the RV attracted the country people. Even her aunt wanted to see what Jingshu's RV looked like and how it could cook in it. Jingshu took her aunt, uncle, Wei Zheng, and two others with her. The girls walked around outside and stood at the door looking around.

Tsk, tsk, it's really big, it's two layers, be good.

After bringing a few people into the RV, the first thing that came into view on the left was the kitchen and dining room. The second aunt opened her mouth wide. She didn't expect that it was so luxurious and had everything.

However, several people stood at the door of the car and refused to come in.

The eldest uncle rubbed his hands and said sheepishly: Jingshu, I didn't expect your house to be so clean. It can't compare to a mud house. We won't go in. We are covered in mud and pig blood. Just stand at the door and take a look.

The second aunt also said: It's just that it's hard to take care of it if it gets dirty. Just bring us some food in the car later. After all, she only cares about the food.

As country people, I really don’t understand the meaning of this luxury car. I only know that it is very expensive. Compared with this, it would be better to put a house of rice in front of them. It can also make them even more shocked and envious. In the end, it is all Real people.

Jingshu didn’t force it.

It was originally planned that Jing Nai would come to cook, but this time it was better. Qiao Lian was in a bad situation and her thoughts were focused on her children, so Jing Shu cooked the food herself and cooked a table full of dishes, leaving Jing Nai with nothing to eat. A lot, but Jingshu has a good appetite and eats cleanly without wasting any.

The day passed quickly. Jingshu had a good experience of the two-story RV at night. It has to be said that except for the toilet, which is a bit small and needs to be handled every day, everything else is very comfortable so far.

Jingshu's bedroom has a 270° panoramic glass with a wide view. After turning on the RV and Qian Duoduo's gift of a defensive grid, she felt extremely at ease sleeping, especially sleeping on the silk quilt that Jingshu had just made. She felt like she was being wrapped up. It's awesome.

After the power grid turned on the defense mode, Jingshu tested small snakes and bugs from the outside. They would be electrocuted within a few seconds as soon as they came close. The longer they were close, the greater the electricity. Jingshu did the test, and it took less than five or six seconds. , the snake was burnt black by the electricity.

Jingshu is very satisfied with this defense, except it is a bit of a waste of fuel.

Jingshu thought that Qiaolian would give birth in just a few days, but she didn't expect that more than ten days had passed. Seeing that it was mid-November, Jingshu began to get anxious.

My eldest uncle looked for oxytocin and the like every day, and even went to Wucheng, but he couldn't find it. He changed several other medicinal materials.

The doctor came three more times, and his expression became worse each time. In the end, he left with a sigh. He seemed to have secretly told his eldest uncle that he would either force the child out through external force, or continue to wait. But this difficult childbirth is definitely a problem. Don’t think about whether to protect the baby or the baby when the time comes. It will definitely not be possible to save the baby.

After hearing the news, the family finally couldn't sit still and sent Qiaolian directly to the hospital. In the end, they could only decide to use external help.

There are no good Chinese doctors here who know how to massage, so it's like treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and Jingshu can't do anything about it. After all, her spiritual spring is not the spring water of the Daughter's Kingdom. Drinking it can give birth to children.

The whole family followed them to the hospital. The second aunt was responsible for looking after the house and cooking. Jingshu had eaten her own meal in the afternoon, and then she took the lunch box and went to deliver meals to people with Wu Youai.

As soon as she arrived at the temporary hospital, which was actually a board room, she heard constant screams. It felt like she had entered a hell on earth. After searching for a long time, Jingshu found Qiaolian and her aunt Jingnai in a bed. He couldn't help but frown.

Naturally, there are not so many requirements in the apocalypse. The place is open and anyone can enter, of course, only women. My eldest uncle and Master Jing are both smoking at the gate.

People inside were all giving birth. I didn’t expect that there were so many people giving birth in this small countryside. But now there is no medicine, so we can only rely on natural birth.

Yi Qiaolian's situation was worse than the others, because the doctor was pressing hard on Qiaolian's belly. Qiaolian was tied to the midwifery bed with her legs crossed, and she kept screaming. She said she didn’t want to live or give birth anymore. The screams around her were similar.

It still doesn't work. Otherwise, just cut it open.

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