I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 311 Jingshu loses control

A dissection? What is a direct dissection? The aunt was stunned for a moment, Isn't there no medical conditions?

The doctor did not shy away from Qiaolian and said: The cervix is ​​now four fingers open. I just touched the baby and it is indeed huge. It is difficult to give birth. The longer it takes, the more time it takes, the baby will be in danger if there is no oxygen inside. I can just dig it without anesthesia. You can take the baby out first.”

Qiaolian Niang stood up and asked, What should we do after that? Stitch it up again with needles?

The doctor nodded, There are no medicines at the moment. If you can resist it, you can get through it. If you can't resist it, you'll be gone. I just don't give anesthesia to see if the person can stand it. Some people just go there if they can't stand it. But our hospital delivers babies and dies. The rate is not high, only about 40%. That is to say, on average, four out of ten pregnant women die.

Qiaolian Niang fell to the ground with a thud and cried: My dear, what do you think I should do, my poor grandson!

Jing Nai held her aunt's hand and asked tremblingly: Then you mean to save the little one first?

The doctor nodded, Otherwise, judging from the situation, I won't be able to save the size.

Is there no other way? Do we still have some anti-inflammatory drugs at home that we can use? The aunt asked anxiously, and the doctor shook his head, The stitches need a sterile environment, otherwise it will be too easy to get infected. Besides, the recovery after caesarean section requires some medicine. It will be used together with the dialysis injection for a few days.

Under current conditions, stitches cannot be sterile.

After hearing this, Qiaolian cried and struggled, but she couldn't get out no matter what. No, I don't want to do an autopsy. Protect me first, Mom, Mom! Where are you?

I'm here Qiaolian. Qiaolian Niang stood up and held Qiaolian's hand.

Tell them, don't give up on me. I want to live. I gave birth. I tried hard to give birth. I don't want to die. How can I survive after a caesarean section without medicine?

The doctor nodded: It's best if you are willing to cooperate. Then do it again and follow the breathing method I told you.

Jingshu took the lunch box and handed it over, asking everyone to eat first. Jing Nai and her aunt had no appetite. However, Qiaolian Niang said that she was hungry for a day and would go to bed first. She sat there by herself and ate the food in her mouth. Jingshu Shu then gave the rest to the male compatriots waiting outside. Wei Zheng asked directly about the situation, and Jing Shu had no choice but to tell the story, and he sat down in despair.

Jing Shu remembered that when Wu Youai was kidnapped, several holes were drilled in her thighs and anesthesia was used. She did have anesthesia. Unfortunately, the doctor also said that an incision was easy, but recovery and stitches after surgery would be troublesome.

It should be a miracle that Zhang Bingbing gave birth to a child. Her second child will be born in a few months. Look at the desolate scene in the delivery room. There were medical conditions before the end of the world, but now they can only lie in bed and howl. Those who gave birth successfully were overjoyed, while some were forcibly cut open when they no longer had the strength to give birth, and some had blood stains on the ground.

Even if the end of the world comes, it cannot change the continuation and reproduction of the next generation of mankind. These are the hopes of new life. Every mother is great. Whether it is an accident or preparation, giving birth to a child in the end of the world is definitely a narrow escape.

Jingshu later heard from the doctor that the birth rate in Wuxian County had dropped from 8% to the current 0.08%, a decrease of a hundred times. Previously, there were 3,000 newborns born every day, but now there are only more than 30 pregnant women in the entire county every day, who can give birth. Only a dozen came out.

But the mortality rate is as high as 15%. If this continues, the number of humans will shrink hundreds of times in twenty years. This is a terrible fact, so the country is also providing subsidies, exempting welfare fees for each newborn, etc. , it’s a pity that the current medical conditions are really not up to par.

Suddenly Yao Liang's cry rang out. It turned out that the baby in the next bed was born, and congratulations rang out around him.

The doctor here shook his head helplessly, The amniotic water has been broken for too long, and the baby has no air inside. If it doesn't come out, it may be stillborn. Now it's useless to cut the cervix through a side incision.

Qiaolian's voice became weaker and weaker, leaving only the ups and downs of her breathing.

Qiaolian Niang rushed over, No, you have to keep her safe. Qiaolian is young and has not properly honored her mother who gave birth to her and raised her.

The doctor frowned and thought about it, It's possible, but the risk ratio is very high. You can forcibly cut the child's body into pieces, break it into pieces and then excrete it. However, you have to discuss this among yourself. In the end, it is possible that both mother and child will die.

Jing Nai took a big step back in fright, grabbed Jing Shu, and said at a loss: Jing Shu, you are the only one with many methods. What methods have you used to deliver babies? We can't ignore adults just to have a baby. But it would be too cruel to forcibly cut the child into pieces. Is there no other way to protect the adult? The aunt also nodded with tears in her eyes, Is there any safe way to protect the adult?

The doctor shook his head, There is no medicine, so I have to break it.

If you really can't keep him older, let him keep him younger. But I have agreed that he will have to fulfill her mother's unfulfilled filial piety, and let me take care of him on behalf of his poor mother. Qiao Qiao Lianniang burst into tears.

The aunt really suspected that this was her biological mother who was still thinking about this at this time, In-laws, we have no decision-making power on this matter. Let the two children decide by themselves. Qiaolian has been listening.

Qiaolian was sobbing on the side, out of breath, Ask, ask Wei Zheng.

Wu Youai ran to convey the message, and after a while he came over and said, He said he wanted to protect his family.

Qiaolian's hand fell down with a bang, and her tears flowed down silently. She choked for a while before she gathered up the courage to say: Doctor, please keep me safe, hurry up, I really can't bear it anymore.

Okay, I'm going to prepare the tools.

The atmosphere of the family was immersed in inexplicable sadness. Jingshu was also hesitating whether to get some spring water after caesarean section? But is there really no better way? Her spiritual spring is also very rare, so don't use it if you can.

I want to try again before the doctor comes.

You try, try whatever you want.

Jingshu walked over step by step, holding Qiaolian's hand with one hand, stroking her belly with the other, and said softly: Qiaolian, close your eyes and think about the position of the child in your belly.

What Jing Shu said was all a pretense, but she was actually trying to use illusions to influence the child in her belly and make it consciously push out. After all, snakes and animals have been controlled, and they can only be hints to people.

Illusion, activate!

Suddenly, Qiaolian's stomach moved hard, and Qiaolian screamed in pain.

Jingshu pushed with one hand and pushed the baby's head outwards. While adding more targets, she also controlled Qiaolian to breathe hard according to the method taught by the doctor just now. The two sides worked together. At this time, Jingshu felt her head buzzing. .

When the doctor came in, he was surprised to find that the baby's head could already be seen. He made a decisive side incision and made a quick incision to increase the time for the baby to come out. Sure enough, a giant baby weighing nine pounds and sixty-two pounds was born in less than five minutes. Come.

While everyone was paying attention to the child, Jingshu covered her head and rushed out into the heavy rain, stumbling and kneeling in the cold rain.

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