I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 312 How to advance to the Rubik's Cube

The family happily surrounded Qiaolian, and the joy they received was incomprehensible to others. After experiencing various life and death situations and being helpless, the child was born safely and smoothly.

It's a girl, a princess!

Oh, it's so wrinkled and ugly.

Let's take a look. She's so beautiful. It's up to her mother. She's beautiful.

Wu Youai couldn't understand why the doctor and grandma thought such an ugly child looked good-looking. By the way, what about Jingshu? The child can be born smoothly, and the person who should be most grateful is Jingshu!

Grandma, where is Jingshu?

The doctor turned the child upside down and patted the soles of his feet, letting the child cry for a while before bringing him in. Jing Nai and Auntie looked at the child happily. After hearing this, they realized that Jing Shu was gone.

Qiaolian Niang hid in the corner and said weakly: I just saw someone running out.

This time I heard that Ping An gave birth to the baby, thanks to Jing Shu, so I said my grandson had something to do. Did she go to the toilet? Jing Nai asked.

I'm going to take a look. Wu Youai ran out to find Jingshu, but it was her aunt who told the doctor what happened just now.

I saw her pushing and holding it like this, while talking to Qiaolian to make her exert more force. My niece is from the Wucheng Pharmacist Association. She knows a lot. She is the pride of our whole family.

Jingshu covered her head that was about to explode. There was a constant rumbling sound in her head, like two huge helicopters roaring next to her ears. Jingshu felt that her eardrums were about to burst.

From hinting at the baby in her belly and Qiaolian's breathing, Jingshu felt her head pounding, but she persisted until the baby was born and then couldn't help but run out.

Jingshu gasped for air and banged her head hard, but it was of no use at all. In this dark world, Jingshu saw the dilapidated streets and simple temporary houses. It seemed that the whole world was shaking!

It must be that the ability to use the Rubik's Cube space was excessive, so it caused backlash. Jingshu comforted herself. Her life was important, so she drank a whole drop of the spiritual spring, but the omnipotent spiritual spring was of no use this time.

Jingshu was a little panicked. She didn't expect that excessive use of abilities would be so uncomfortable. She just added an illusion target. She could control a lot of living creatures, but she didn't expect that an adult or a villain would exceed her limit. Is it just because humans are advanced creatures? Or there are rules here that she doesn't know about.

It seems that I had a dream before that I could control a group of people with illusions when I went to the United States. If I really did that, I would probably die immediately.

Just like all animals can enter the space, only living people cannot.

The cold rain hit Jingshu's face, and the roaring in her ears made Jingshu very irritable. She felt like she was going to collapse at any time, until a pair of hands suddenly patted her shoulders. Jingshu turned around and saw Wu Youai. A worried face.

Jing Shu Shu Shu Shu

Jing Shu could clearly see Wu Youai's face and her eager mouth to talk, but in Jing Shu's ears, there was only endless responses and roars.

Am I going deaf?

Jing Shu shook her head vigorously, inserted her hand into her ear hole, and pulled it out with all her strength, guessing that Wu Youai's lip language was probably something like, What's wrong with you?

I feel a little uncomfortable. Let's go back to the RV and take a nap.

Wu Youai opened her mouth to say something, but Jingshu didn't understand and didn't want to care. Her skin began to slowly burst into veins, which was the result of extreme self-restraint. Jingshu didn't know how long she could hold on without breaking down. It turned out that This is what it feels like to hear high-frequency noise all the time.

Jing Shu stumbled back, and Wu Youai supported her. It was not too far away. After ten minutes of walking back to the RV, Jing Shu waved her hand and asked Wu Youai to leave. Wu Youai probably said a lot along the way. She found that Jingshu ignored her, and in the end she could only point to the phone, and then to herself, meaning to call if there was a problem.

Jing Shu laughed at herself, but she still nodded. Before Wu Youai left the RV, Jingshu grabbed Wu Youai and said, Just give me milk. They said I have a cold. I'll be fine if I sleep for two days. I also have medicine.

Wu Youai nodded and exited the RV.

Jingshu was finally the only one left in the huge RV. She took off her raincoat and all her clothes, lay down in the bathtub, opened the first and second forms of the Rubik's Cube, and checked that there was no difference in the space. This made Jingshu Shu breathed a sigh of relief. The Rubik's Cube space was still full of supplies. She was really afraid that the Rubik's Cube space would disappear one day, so she didn't dare to leave all the supplies in the space.

When she drank the third drop of the spiritual spring, Jingshu's stomach growled with hunger, but the ringing in her ears still did not improve, so Jingshu began to eliminate the food in the space.

The spiritual spring is effective against all diseases. The fact that he is hungry now means that the spiritual spring is not working. If the ability is really overused, the only choice is to wait for it to heal itself.

After taking a bath, Jingshu lay on her bed, restless. There was always a harsh roar bombarding her eardrums. She really felt like she was going crazy. She had to divert her attention, so let's practice the Rubik's Cube.

Jingshu took out the Rubik's Cube and started practicing. Unknowingly, several hours passed. Jingshu was suddenly shocked. This was because she was no longer forgetful about practicing the Rubik's Cube. She had not really practiced the Rubik's Cube for several months. She She always forgot to practice for no reason, so she wrote a reminder on her hand. Every time she practiced, other little things interrupted her, and she forgot to practice the Rubik's Cube again.

But now these symptoms are gone, and she has returned to her previous state! Even under the huge pressure during the roar, she can concentrate more on the connection, and she can improve some skills in a few hours.

At this moment, Jing Shu was surprised to find that the ringing in her ears had gradually become quieter. When she turned on her phone, she saw that it was already past six in the afternoon.

Although the ringing in my ears has decreased, my energy has become less and less concentrated. Perhaps this is the real way to advance to this level of Rubik's Cube space. Jing Shu had a vague idea in her mind, so she wrote it down and submitted it. alarm clock.

In the evening, Jing Nai brought old hen soup and a sumptuous dinner she cooked. After learning that Jing Shu had a cold, she also made red date and ginger soup. Auntie also made Jing Shu's favorite stir-fried fat intestine and pig's trotters soup. , after Jingshu had a full meal, she always felt that she had forgotten something, until the alarm on her phone rang.

Sure enough, I forgot again. It seems that I still need to turn on the self-abuse mode to advance to the Rubik's Cube faster. Does the Rubik's Cube want to train my illusion ability through this method?

This time, Jingshu didn’t dare to ask for help, so she still gave hints to the baby and the adults for dozens of seconds. Sure enough, after a while, Jingshu’s head began to hurt violently. Jingshu quickly returned to the RV and took out the Rubik’s Cube. Start practicing.

Jingshu became more and more curious about what the Rubik's Cube's new abilities were after her promotion.

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