I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 327: Can you exchange guns for donations?

As a man in a suit with a strong desire to survive, he looked like I have plenty of money and asked carelessly: The gun is a good gun, but I don't know how Captain Yan sells it? How do you count the bullets?

There was a pop sound on the table, and the fat police officer shouted, I like a cheerful young man like you, and I don't want to cheat anymore. These are indeed benefits for everyone, but in the current situation, you can't You know, the flood disaster has not completely passed, and before we can take a breath, the earthquake has come again, and there is no food and materials, so we have to do a fundraiser.

But it's not in vain. The hook-nosed police officer said calmly next to him.

The fat police officer agreed: That's necessary, so we applied to exchange all these guns and ammunition. Guns are now commercially available in the black market. The more expensive ones are bullets. We don't make bullets now. Yes, use one less, so you must seize this opportunity today.

What the fat police officer said made many people feel a little excited. Although they were also a little wary, wondering if it was a trap or something, most people still maintained a wait-and-see attitude. After all, everyone has an idea and knows this. Supplies and food will be in short supply right now, so if you show off too much, you might get screwed.

Only Jingshu's heart was beating loudly, Here he comes, he's here anyway, this insidious smiling tiger. For people like Jingshu, it wasn't Jingshu who was cheating on himself, it was really the government that let him out. Harvest the fattened leeks when the time comes. You won't cut them too hard to avoid damaging your vitality and preventing them from growing back. You won't cut them lightly either, because there are too many people behind you waiting for help.

The fat police officer pointed at these rifles and was very satisfied with their deterrence. He said with a smile: You must be familiar with these Type 95 assault rifles. Of course, in addition, there are Type 56 submachine guns, Type 95 light machine guns, and even Rocket launchers, helicopter gunships, grenades, bombs, body armor, etc., as long as our three teams have them, you can have whatever you want. As for bullets, don’t worry, our three teams will keep them in stock for a long time. Provided to you.”

Finally, someone was moved and asked, I don't know what to do? Whoever raises more donations and whoever raises less donations can both use the same weapon?

The fat police officer banged the table again, Good question. The rules are very simple. Please look at the projector. The list on the left is the virtual coins converted into donations after donating materials. Let's see how much you can donate first. , how much virtual currency is worth, write down a number and determine it. This is the virtual currency you can currently use here.

Once the number is determined, it can only be lowered but not raised, so I remind everyone here to donate more things, otherwise it will be very troublesome when you want to exchange for equipment but find that there is not enough.

The hook-nosed police officer added coldly from the side: It is recommended to write more virtual coins. If you don't have enough, you can borrow them. You can even write an IOU to us. If the points are not used, there will be no loss. But we only want supplies, not virtual coins.

The fat police officer nodded, Even if you ask for one million virtual coins, we will recognize that you can donate one million virtual coins.

Jingshu showed an expression of I believe you under the gas mask. These two bad old men are very bad. In this way, we can have a clearer understanding of how much wealth these people here have. After all, taxation after the apocalypse There are big loopholes in the bureau, and the tax payment area is also being improved, but it has lost control of many people.

Two years have passed, and the control over the middle class is even zero.

For example, I don’t know how much food each family has, what kind of supplies they have, etc. At this critical moment, the government needs to know more to facilitate cutting leeks in the future. In general, Jing Shu believes that this incident is A test before cutting leeks, who can cut more and who can cut less.

One pound of flour makes 25 steamed buns, which is equivalent to 50 virtual coins. It can indeed be exchanged for 50 virtual coins.

Look, the low price of a Type 95 is 1,500 virtual coins, and it only costs 30 kilograms of flour. Is it really that cheap?

See clearly, that's a low price, these are all going to be auctioned.

Jingshu saw clearly the price on the list on the left. It was considered a normal price and was in line with the current situation. However, if in such a disaster, the price of materials would increase and the virtual currency would depreciate. Over and over again, the price of weapons would not be the same. So cheap, but even though Fatty just scratched the itch of many people, the weapon is still priceless!

Don't talk about them, Jing Shu is actively getting weapons everywhere. If it weren't for a coincidence, Jing Shu wouldn't be able to get such weapons. Looking at so many weapons on the list, Jing Shu feels itchy, but when she thinks of Wang Dongpo coming in, she They were instantly awakened by cold water. Yes, this time was probably an assessment of their strength and wealth, right?

Using weapons as bait, I have to say that Jing Shu was tempted.

Write the virtual currency. Once you have written it, put it on the sign on your seat. Please think clearly. Once you write it, it cannot be changed. The total auction price cannot exceed the number on your sign. The fat police officer said with a smile.

The Smiling Tiger is vicious in this regard. Although it allows everyone to say how much money I have, or even say I have a million right from the beginning, no matter how much you write, they are the ones benefiting.

For example, you only have 100,000, but you write down 300,000. In the end, you must control the price within 100,000, but others don’t know how much money you have or how much supplies you can raise. The result is an auction premium and the items The price at the auction was too high.

Generally speaking, this is also a way to stimulate consumption. It has a kind of momentum of I'll open the white strips and ask for a million. If everyone has this momentum, doesn't it elevate things?

Some people are busy calculating how much money they can donate and how much virtual currency is appropriate.

Jingshu thought about getting the first shot, even if she wanted these weapons again, she couldn't be in the limelight, or else, would she just let the auction pass? Who told her to 'accidentally' write down the amount? Besides, she will go to the United States this year. She won’t have any weapons then, so why should she spend an extra sum of money to expose her identity?

At this time, the hook-nosed police officer suddenly said: We will select the one who spends the most money to receive a M24, and then select the one who spends the least. Haha.

What do you want to do by selecting the last one? Many people looked over, including Jing Shu.

That must be nothing good, maybe some kind of punishment, Jingshu thought.

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