I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 328 We can’t obviously rob you.

Those here who can live to the third year of the end of the world have gone through a lot of things. Some of them were even multi-millionaires before the end of the world. When the end of the world comes, how many materials have been forcibly collected by the government? Everyone knows it.

Some of the famous predators before the end of the world just disappeared out of thin air. Some disappeared for a while and then became more and more involved in the circle. However, they kept silent about the period of disappearance and the disappearance of some friends. , as if everyone has reached a consensus.

And the more these people can get along, the better, and they can't do it without clinging to the government's lap.

But anyone with a discerning eye can understand through channels that if someone has a lot of food, materials or things that are in short supply, they will be 'expropriated' by the government for no reason. Even though the richest energy tycoons in Wucheng are all on the same side as the government, these people are afraid They were also 'forced', so no one dared to act too wealthy.

The man in the suit wiped the pen and sign with a handkerchief, thinking slowly about something.

The fat police officer stood up and patted the first old man who was experienced in wandering. While giving a demonstration, he shouted: Write down how much money you can donate!

What are you writing about? The old man was called out and asked in confusion.

Write down how much money you have! the fat police officer yelled.

How much does what cost?

Write! the fat police officer yelled into the old man's ear this time.

What to write? The old man opened his eyes and gestured with the pen.

How much money is there!

Oh, how much money did you just say?

Everyone: ...

The fat police officer's face turned red. He simply wrote 3 million on the old man's sign in front of everyone, and then stood on the sign. When everyone saw 3 million, they couldn't help but gasp.

What does three million mean? This is not the three million yuan before the apocalypse, but after the apocalypse, you can exchange it for food supplies, buy thousands of guns, even cannons and rocket launchers. Even tens of millions of yuan worth of armed helicopters before the apocalypse may only cost this price after the apocalypse. .

At this time, someone asked him about the topic just now, What would happen if you consume the last one?

The fat police officer poked the motionless thin police officer, who suddenly woke up as if he was dozing off, and then said: Oh, in order to exercise everyone's enthusiasm and contribute to the people, being last is a very good reward and honor.

Hearing this, most people exhaled in unison. Fortunately, they thought that if they didn't consume anything today, they would have to explain it here.

But Jing Shu held her breath, these two bad old men were very bad, one was a bad guy, and the other was a bad guy. If they didn't poach today's group of people, she would be called Shu Jing from now on!

The fat police officer returned to his seat, crossed his legs and leaned on the seat, and said with a smile: This honor is the honorary president of the Wucheng Donation Association. This will be recorded in the file, and he will be directly promoted to a government civil servant, and his usual salary will be the same. It's very good. No matter how many people try to squeeze in, they can't. Look how lucky you are.

Jing Shu raised her eyebrows, why not give it to the first place instead of the last place for such a good thing?

Some people were commotion and some were confused.

The fat police officer praised his position so much that many people thought that being the last one was not bad. But then the thin police officer said: The responsibilities that need to be fulfilled are very simple. We need to attract one million worth of people every month. If you don’t donate enough supplies, you have to make up for it yourself. If you can’t make up, there’s really nothing we can do. After all, we can’t force people to donate, can we?”

When everyone heard that people were still being asked to donate supplies, their hearts ached, but when they heard the fat police officer finally said that there was no other way, they slowly exhaled.

Officer Shouzi continued: We can only deduct his credit points and add him to the big data blacklist. The account will be deleted and all communication items such as ID number and phone number will be deleted. In the future, big data will block this person and he will not be able to use transactions or transactions. Chat, buy stuff, and not be protected by the law.”

In today's era where even money is virtual currency, this is simply putting a person under house arrest. It is estimated that in the future, he will have to take his own son with him to pay for the bills when he goes out. He will even be deprived of the chat function. If you don't have someone with you at all times, If you were killed, no one would know.

Not to mention that some of the people here are businessmen, and this is even more unacceptable.

The next person looked extremely ugly.

Jingshu's face was also ugly. If she was really deprived of her trading function, it wouldn't matter if she didn't have virtual currency, but if many functions were gone, she would really be suffocated, and it would be very inconvenient to do many things.

Officer, we don't want to do that kind of thing that breaks people's trust, but we don't want to be that honorary president either.

The fat police officer smiled kindly and said, Then just don't be the last one.

Officer Yan, you see, I am the management director of Lingshan District. You can just deal with this kind of thing. Just don't take me with you. I have more important things to do.

The fat police officer waved his hand, Come on, sit down, don't worry, people from other districts are organizing this fund-raising meeting. No one can be left out, and no one can escape. If you have anything to do, you can wait until we finish collecting donations.

The management director of Lingshan District sat down impatiently.

Then I saw the lady in mink also stood up and walked out, This fundraising must be voluntary or involuntary, right? Didn't we agree to do a questionnaire survey? Why are we forced to collect donations now? I just took the photo The video needs to be well exposed and asked to others, why do we, the consumers, need to come here to raise funds?”

The fat police officer smiled happily, You go and ask, ask carefully, see if the upright netizens support us or support you, see if they will receive the materials donated from you, or if they are willing to give you nothing. Sit down, sister. Aren't we being fair? We exchange supplies for guns and bullets. Besides, we are indeed conducting a questionnaire survey. Aren't we surveying how many supplies everyone still has? The higher authorities can also introduce new prices, right? Don't worry, we are all civilized people. , I can’t rob you openly, right? There’s nothing to worry about.”

The current government will still be reasonable and have a good reputation. It will find a reason to ask you to donate supplies, and even give you guns in exchange for them. Just enjoy it secretly. When the shortage of various supplies becomes severe in the later period, Tens of thousands of people starve to death every day. How can they make up any excuse to give you some guns or something? Let whoever has one take it out. It's so overbearing.

As soon as I heard that the last one will be awarded the honorary president, this kind of cruel punishment, if it is not inappropriate, I will directly enter it into your file. If you don't meet the standards, it will be miserable. Big data will completely block you and you will not be able to do anything. This What's the difference between taking someone's life?

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