I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 331 Encountered a delay

Fifty thousand. Jingshu narrowed her eyes, with a dangerous signal in her expression. She was actually a little inexplicable. It could be said that it was a completely unreasonable disaster.

It was clear that no one wanted this rocket launcher at first, and it could be seen from everyone's looks, but the fat police officer shouted several times that no one wanted it, and this man suddenly decided to bid with him.

Even if everyone is stupid and has a lot of money, it doesn't seem necessary for this thing. Jingshu didn't see the need for these rocket launchers from his eyes. This is a very casual way of arguing with you. The man in the suit is totally We took pictures twelve times, and each time the prices were raised very high, including some weapons that even Jing Shu coveted at high prices.

As for ordinary things, he was completely indifferent to injuries. Jing Shu found this very suspicious, because everyone needed guns, but he avoided these in his photos.

Jing Shu also felt that the man in the suit was a little weird, that is, she stayed alone and kept a low profile, did nothing, and never offended him. Why did it feel like he was targeting her?

There is no enmity between the two of them. For a normal person with a sound mind, it wouldn't be like this. Jing Shu observed the fat man and the man in the suit, then glanced at the sleeping master and said There were expressions from some of the people present.

She felt like she was holding on to something.

Sixty thousand, I don't want the rocket launcher for any other reason. It's just for fun. I'm not short of the money. Why do you still want to fight with me? The man in the suit said with a smile while talking about the dust on his trouser legs.

Seventy thousand.

At this time, everyone here has changed from lively to quiet, because the price has been raised to too high a level, let alone the worthless rocket launcher before the end of the world, even now, the value is about the same as ordinary firearms, who Making it cheap, China has a lot of reserves.

Oh, 80,000, I'll play with you, it's up to you whether you dare to accept it or not.

Jing Shu thought about using her magic to make this person stop bidding, but suddenly, she reacted, especially when she saw the fat police officer whose mouth was opening wider and wider, and his small eyes that seemed to be constantly talking. Giving hints, Jingshu seemed to vaguely understand something.

Is this provocation method good to use?

I'll take it, Jingshu said with a smile, Then you can play by yourself, I'll give up.

There is no love or hate for no reason. The two met by chance. Especially when he saw her appearance, the man in the suit's eyes widened, but he said such things against his will.

This person is not dragging, Jingshu ate her little finger. Besides, she is very strange. If you have money, you will be rich. If you dress so showily, you are afraid that others will not know that you are rich. It is really too long for your life.

The fat police officer was dumbfounded.

The man in the suit was also dumbfounded. He gritted his teeth and looked at Jingshu, but seeing that there were too many people watching the excitement, he finally didn’t say anything. He could only grit his teeth and smile: I can afford it, but it’s a pity that you can’t. rise.

Congratulations, you spent 80,000 yuan on ten rocket launchers costing several hundred yuan. Jing Shu smiled, gloating about the misfortune.

If you don't take action, I'm afraid you will be the last one.

It's not easy for you to worry about it.

Jingshu felt a little regretful in her heart. It was rare that she met something she liked, but she ended up with a drag. She didn't expect that one day she would also encounter a drag. Jingshu looked up and down at the man in the suit, but she couldn't tell that he was Damn, they came here specifically to raise the price, and they deliberately staged this kind of drama in order to provoke something.

She asked why it was so rare that she seemed to dislike her.

The fat police officer's heart was bleeding, and he could only continue to shoot. As pieces of equipment were auctioned off, the old man and Jingshu still didn't take action. The end was coming, and they were the only two with duck eggs hanging on them. When Jingshu was thinking about whether to waste some money on anything, someone came into the makeshift conference room.

Not one person, but a group of people.

Hey, why are Captain Li here? Although the fat police officer said with a smile, he gritted his teeth.

Li Yuetian came in with a dozen gun-wielding police officers and laughed: Take me away as a VIP. You are not kind. You rob me of my exclusive VIP. Forget about the others. I have to take this person away. There are still big orders over there that depend on this boss.

The fat police officer's face darkened, What a VIP.

It's millions, if you influence it

The fat police officer waved his hand impatiently, Who is it? Take it away quickly.

Li Yuetian pointed at Jingshu and said, Let's go. Why did you come here if you weren't paying attention? Didn't you take pictures? It doesn't matter if you have nothing to do. You don't count as a person from this district.

Everyone looked curiously in the direction of Li Yuetian, and finally their eyes fell on Jing Shu.

Jingshu stood up, feeling a little sad. Li Yuetian came at the right time. Before leaving, Jingshu quietly said to the man in the suit: Everything is good, but I'm a little unfamiliar with the business. I'll try my best next time.

The man in the suit suddenly turned pale.

Everyone here looked at Jing Shu with envy. It turned out that a low-key woman like me from the beginning was the most awesome person tonight. She asked others to pick her up in person, but the fat police officer actually let her go without saying a word. Previously However, various methods have been used, and no identity can be used. Some people can't help but wonder, who is this VIP channel number 3? He is so awesome.

What Jingshu is more worried about is whether she will just jump out of this pit and jump into the next pit?

Walking out of the door, she asked: What's going on? You picked me up specially. It seems that I didn't tell you about my affairs. Jingshu really felt that this kind of favor could be gotten rid of for tens of thousands, and there was no need to spend any extra money. It is said that the favors of the day are repaid with favors, and the worst thing is to repay them. If you can solve it with money, don't use other things to solve it.

As one of the bosses of Xishan, don't you want to rescue you? What, is there anyone who likes them? We all have the same pattern.

Do you have a rocket launcher? How much does it cost? You don't have a tow, right? Jing Shu was more concerned about this.

Li Yuetian touched his chin and said: I'll give you a flat price, 20,000, and you discovered this? There must be some tows. How about I ask you to go over and do some tows?

It's really very conscientious. I didn't expect it to be a life-and-death shoot inside. The price outside is still very good.

Forget it, I can't do that kind of hatred thing. By the way, you said one of the bosses in Xishan, has something happened to the big boss Qian Duoduo again? Jing Shu's melancholy mood was swept away, and she asked Let’s start with this matter today.

This thing is a bit long to talk about. Just wait and see the news. I'm here to perform a task. You put your fingerprint on it.

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