I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 332 Jingshu is also in the news

They have reached the point of watching the news, which shows that the situation is relatively important and meaningful.

Speaking of the Xishan base, Jingshu has not had time to care about it recently. Of course, before Jingshu can think of a way to solve the problem of Qian Duoduo being 'killed for meat' two years later, she still doesn't want to get too close to Xishan, because This is really a troublesome and dangerous thing.

Worrying things still happened. Since the establishment of the Xishan Base, Qian Duoduo has established a new order and developed rapidly, cultivating a batch of new agricultural vegetables and grains, and also vigorously breeding a large number of chickens, ducks, and pigs.

By motivating individuals, we also set up rich rewards and the most exciting class model in the apocalypse. That is, the higher the level you climb, the more comfortable you can live in the Xishan base. After two years of experiencing the apocalypse, , there are really not many places where you can live in such a good place and have guaranteed food.

Everything is extending the trajectory of the previous life. Jing Shu sighed, feeling a little headache after all.

Li Yuetian took out the document and Jing Shu signed it, and found that it was an authorization document, similar to how Qian Duoduo had to spend a large part of the materials, and as one of the 5% shareholders, she must go through it.

Did Qian Duoduo donate supplies? Jing Shu asked.

It does, but it doesn't count. Li Yuetian pondered for a moment, The big earthquake that happened today is global, and the affected area is huge.

So? Jingshu became more and more confused as she listened, so is there any connection?

Li Yuetian signed a contract with the government for 20,000 workers to expand the Xishan base again. It is a three-year contract. During these three years, the government will ensure that Qian Duoduo will provide 20,000 workers to work every day, and Qian Duoduo Then the government will be given a fixed value of supplies or grain every month. Of course, the government will be responsible for the food, drink, and toileting of these 20,000 workers.

Jing Shu nodded. This move was not Qian Duoduo's direct recruitment, but an intermediary government. Qian Duoduo did not care how much money the government paid these workers, he would pay the government every month.

This is equivalent to the government using the materials earned by 20,000 workers to feed tens of thousands of people.

This is really not that the Chinese are lazy, but that now that the apocalypse is approaching, there are no jobs and it is difficult to create value, which has led to a huge waste of human resources. Because of the high price of food, employees have to provide a meal for them Too much manpower has become a high cost, and the vicious cycle continues.

Let everyone move to create value. The less food there is, the more we have to find ways to create. I will let everyone eat. These were the words of the tyrant in the fifth year. At that time, Jing Shu was moved to pieces. A month later, he scolded the tyrant so much that he allowed people to eat, but he also made people work non-stop every day.

'Work' is not work before the end of the world, but endless work. It includes all imaginable physical work and various things, and it is divided into meticulous and perverted levels. It is specially supervised and confirmed. Those who specialize in helping people and delivering things will be divided into more than a dozen types of work after the end of the world.

According to the tyrant, the purpose of learning from African work types is to provide more employment opportunities, so that everyone can get involved, and the government will no longer provide relief meals.

Having said that, Qian Duoduo's approach is to please the government and give the government a big piece of cake.

Qian Duoduo himself still knows that he has meat to eat and soup for the government. He has been living peacefully with the government in the past few years, and he is also a smart man. How come he will be killed in two years? Hey, after adding and expanding , It’s like making a wedding dress for the government.”

Jing Shu sighed. She supported Qian Duoduo's handing over part of his profits to the government. Maybe there were other things that happened that led to the tragedy?

Okay, I'll leave first. You can pick up the rocket launcher you want after the earthquake is over in a few days. Li Yuetian just said that the superiors had assigned him job opportunities for a thousand people and gave him three days to choose. Sending healthy and capable workers to the Xishan base has really reduced the burden on the Banana Community.

The benefit is to take care of two meals.

Many people are struggling to go there, and now more than half of them can barely afford the cheapest red worm cake in the cafeteria, let alone mushroom soup that costs 0.3 virtual coins a portion.

The key point of the problem is that no value can be created in the apocalypse, and there is no source of income. Even the Coke bottles of rag pickers have been robbed. Now there is really nothing but garbage. The red threadworms are also extinct. I just pick them up occasionally. You can exchange a dead person's clothes for 0.1 virtual coins if you turn them in.

We don’t know what kind of food the government gives to workers, but now in the third year it is the time to eat red worm cakes. China has stored hundreds of millions of tons of grain reserves throughout the year. Even if there is a big earthquake this year, there will be nothing. Plant it, but you can still survive by eating it.

But I guess the things you give me with more money are more valuable.

Li Yuetian left in a hurry with more than a dozen people. Jingshu sneezed, couldn't help but wrap up her cotton coat tightly, and returned to the warm RV with a gas mask.

Seeing Jingshu's bad expression, Jing's mother thought she was sick again, and couldn't help but feel distressed, You kid, take off your muddy shoes quickly, take a hot shower and go to bed. Youai and your third aunt are already asleep. They still have work to do when they get up at three o'clock tomorrow morning, and they will go back to the community to feed the poultry tomorrow afternoon. If they don't get shocked anymore, I'll find a doctor to look at you.

Before she finished speaking, the whole RV shook twice, and Jing's mother didn't dare to say anything.

Jingshu went up to the second floor and took a look at Jingye's results. She filled the poultry room on the second floor of the RV with shelves so that no matter how violently it shook, it wouldn't cause any disturbance.

After getting into bed, Jingshu began to practice the Rubik's Cube. She felt eager to make a breakthrough, but she always missed something.

The news came out the next day. When the family was sitting in the restaurant watching the 37-inch local evening news, it was reported that the Wucheng Xishan base headquarters had donated various poultry and eggs, disaster relief food, and even a cow.

It is reported that Mr. Shi Yuan hopes that everyone can have a bowl of beef porridge when this disaster strikes and survive this disaster safely. The list of joint donations this time is as follows.

At this moment, Jing Shu blinked and saw her name, which was actually the first one in the second row! The key is that the last name in the last row actually says Su Mary. After all, it is Su Mary who is also a 1% shareholder. I didn’t expect that this donation would be so loose and that even 1% of people could be on TV.

Fortunately, the whole family was eating, and no one paid attention to this matter. After all, most people would not see the name of the news report, and no one paid attention to this matter. Jing Shu breathed out, Xishan's matter happened at home. No one knows it yet.

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