I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 333 Zhang Lingling, your vows have come true.

Ah, luckily, her connection with the Xishan Base is getting deeper and deeper.

But at this moment, the phone rang, and she and Mary Su were @in the high school WeChat group.

Xie Zihao: Look, everyone, are @Jingshu and @Su Mary mentioned in the news as donors to the Xishan Base Headquarters? These two people are too awesome, right? They are actually from Xishan Taoyuan!

Jingshu has a headache. She is really afraid of whatever she wants. How could such a secret thing be discovered by someone and @come to the group?

2E searched around for a long time before sending the picture.

Looking at the content and shooting location of the photo, Xie Zihao should be in a shelter in Wucheng. There is also a large projection of more than 200 inches. Tens of thousands of people were crowded in the square shivering. The government just broadcast the news network without damaging the projection. .

The 200-inch projection is very large, and the name is also very conspicuous, so you can recognize it at a glance.

Jingshu sighed and ate the braised beef and potato brisket while watching the activities in the group.

Wang Chao: It's beef porridge. Is it the kind of beef porridge that we eat for a year and only lose a little skin on a cow?

No way? Master Kong's beef noodles can use one cow a year.

It doesn't matter how much you use, as long as it allows me to drink some beef soup dregs, I'm willing to do it.

Jing Shu: ... She paid attention to the group silently but didn't speak. If Su Mali didn't speak, she wouldn't speak.

At this time, the group became lively again due to this incident. After the big earthquake yesterday, everyone was in shock. Now that the situation has stabilized, everyone has begun to jump out again.

Shi Lei: Why don't Jingshu and Su Mary talk to each other? Don't forget your old classmates when you get rich. That Shiyuan is very popular recently. I heard that they are recruiting workers there. Regular employees will have two meals of white rice a day, as well as living quarters. As for the place, I heard that even the earthquake has not affected Shiyuan.

Liang Xin: I'm kidding, it's a level 8 earthquake-proof shelter. Mr. Shi Yuan specially built it at that time. Why don't you introduce us to work? Let's start as contract workers.

A group of classmates all agree that the group has not been as active as it is today for half a year. Except for Zhang Lingling's incident of defrauding everyone of investing money was exposed half a year ago, very few people in the group have spoken.

Yao Zizhen: I heard that Nima has the zombie disease. Does anyone know how she is doing?

Wang Chao: Don't talk about her, I get angry when you talk about her. Come out for me, Zhang Lingling. Last time, you said it was to make money for investment, but it caused us so much harm. We ate poisonous red worm cakes for several days. We were so scared. I thought I was going to die for a month, but it turned out that Zhang Lingling ate the most and didn't get sick. It's really a disaster that will last a thousand years.

Liang Xin: Nima is being treated at Sumari's place. I heard that she is living a good life now. Every meal is white rice.

Yao Zizhen: I remember Zhang Lingling made a vow back then. I still have the screenshot. You see, the vow has come true.

With that said, Yao Zizhen sent out the screenshot, what Zhang Lingling had vowed to say back then.

How do I usually treat you? How am I a person? If I want to trick you, I will let my house be washed away by floods next year and collapsed by an earthquake the year after that.

The time and place matched, and they were so surprisingly consistent that Jingshu didn't even know who was the reborn person. This screenshot even inspired the incident of Zhang Lingling's deception.

Come with me for your hard-earned money! You said it nicely back then, but you still defrauded my family of so many virtual coins. Can I get it back now?

The students in the group were very angry for a while, and everything Zhang Lingling said miraculously came true.

At this time, a horrifying picture was sent, and Jingshu took a long time to load it before it was displayed.

@Zhang Lingling, you have hurt me like this. Even if I am a ghost, I will never let you go. Just wait for me.

The pictures sent by Nima scared many people. Even Nima’s ex-boyfriend Xie Zihao denounced: Zhang Lingling was an out-and-out beauty when she followed me, but now she has become like this. Zhang Lingling, you have to Responsible!

Su Mali said that she was responsible for treating Nima, but Jing Shu did not expect that Nima would be so miserable and became a faceless woman!

I saw Nima looking at the camera with an expressionless face, and this is the latest face to be removed. Because of the zombie disease, Nima is so immortal that the rotten flesh has expanded from her face. If this rotten flesh is allowed to If the flesh continues to expand, it will spread throughout the entire body.

So it must be cut off before it expands.

Nima had bad luck. After one piece was cut off, another piece grew again. In this way, many pieces grew back and forth. The entire face was also cut off. Now, rotten flesh has grown from her body. Nima has now become You can't win people, you can't win people, you can't win people, you can't win people.

As far as Jingshu knew, there was someone in the previous life who was ill and lived for the longest few years. His whole body was covered with rotten tumorous flesh, and there was no good place in the end.

Jinghu didn't know how long Nima could survive in this condition. This appearance was simply scarier than the whole body rotting, and it also scared many people in the class.

Deserved it.

Just when everyone in the class felt sorry for Nima, Zhang Lingling finally spoke up, saying that she deserved it, and then said: Go to hell, stop struggling, and don't think about revenge, you can't find me. , and I just wanted to trick you back then, so what? What can you do to me? Now it’s the end of the world, and you can’t do anything to me. Just wait, my enemies, you will definitely die a good death one day.”

With that said, Zhang Lingling decisively left the group.

After this person finished cursing, he left the group happily, which made a group of people in the class jump in anger, but he left.

The group was completely in shock, and many people said that they would kill Zhang Lingling if they found her.

After a lot of ups and downs, Sumary finally came out.

Yes, those two names are me and Jingshu, but I can't make the decision on the Xishan base. I can only introduce you to it. As for the result, I don't know, but Jingshu has more authority than me. I think If you want someone to ask for something, you have to go to her.

As soon as the matter in Shiyuan was mentioned, Zhang Lingling's matter quickly shifted back.

Liang Xin: We haven't had a class reunion for a long time. How about we take advantage of this earthquake and go to the Shiyuan to take refuge? @Jingshu, @Su Mary, aren't you the ones in charge there? Let us classmates Do you have permission to go in together?

Jingshu rolled her eyes. She tried her best to stay away from Shiyuan. When the group of people arrived, they went up and licked it. When the time comes, you will all have the surgery together.

Jing Shu felt that they had to understand the situation clearly, Even if I let you in, how will you get there without using any means of transportation? And the earthquake is so serious now, what if the earthquake collapses while walking?

Liang Xin: Send a car to pick us up.

Are you paying for the gas?

Liang Xin: Boss, isn't this oil very easy for you? We are all poor and can't afford that stuff.

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