I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 356: Failure to pick peaches turns into peaches

Zombie disease is terrible because the living thing has lost its mind, but every part and every cell has become an independent entity. Therefore, it is not immortal, but divided into a whole composed of hundreds of millions of living bacteria. Even if the head is cut off, the head can continue. Foraging for food, other parts can also continue to eat. They continue to strengthen and evolve and eventually evolve into the invincible third generation. Under the microscope, each part has countless claws and mouthparts.

The third generation has successfully evolved self-repair. The most terrifying thing about bacteria is that they sacrifice themselves to strengthen the group. The sacrificed bacteria luckily survive and become immune to all kinds of harm and evolve to become more powerful.

Although a hippopotamus weighs 3 or 4 tons and is as long as three or four meters, they are no longer hippos, but giant creatures composed of countless powerful living bacteria inside. Therefore, six people surrounded them and kept firing with light machine guns. It's completely wrong to make this thing lose its combat power by glaring at its head and eyes.

Killing, not killing, the bullets shot in only destroyed one thousandth of the flesh and blood barrier, and did not affect the overall situation at all.

Take it with you, or take it away, even if eighteen people come to get a monster, they are extremely powerful, bad-tempered, like to live in mud swamps and like to eat fresh flesh and blood, these people happen to be delicious food!

Those who tried to get close to the hippopotamus and learn from Jingshu's method of cutting off the hippopotamus' legs and kidnapping them away were all eaten by this monster. The flesh, flesh and food could quickly replenish the damage they had just suffered. This group of people finally managed to kill a little blood. In a blink of an eye, it became a blood-tonifying medicine, which was all in vain.

Jingshu was happy. This super big guy was really difficult to deal with, and it had no obvious shortcomings. If we had to find a shortcoming, it would be that the fatal shortcoming of this zombie-like creature that eventually turned into bacteria was eating.

If there is always food to eat, these creatures will become stronger and stronger. Rotten flesh, flesh, and any living creature are their food, even bugs, plankton, etc. in the mire and swamp. It can be said that they will evolve into this in the end of the world. Monsters of all kinds of creatures can basically survive.

But if you starve them for a few days, the bacteria will start a self-rescue mode. Some of the bacteria will eat themselves, and they will wither quickly. In just ten days, they will eat themselves and die completely.

Did you record it? Jingshu patted Xiao Hei.

Hey, it's all recorded. I don't understand. What's the use of recording this?

Tank turned to look at Jingshu: So, what are your plans now?

Jing Shu smiled and said, These are precious research materials. To complete the task, you need a complete set.

Another thing is to prove that these people were not killed by them, but by these monsters. After all, people were appointed by the superiors, so there must be an explanation for their death.

Want to pick peaches? Are my peaches so easy to pick?

Tank frowned, and was about to ask what the relationship between recording videos and research materials was, when these monsters suddenly went berserk, as if they could suddenly 'see' people, and knew how to 'fight together'.

“Oh damn, shoot them, just kill them!”

They're coming towards us. Oh my god, how come they're so fast? How did they get up here?

oh, my god!


The monsters, who originally only knew how to forage for food, went crazy. It was so terrifying that they caught these people off guard.

These mercenaries had no special abilities and did not have the speed of the world sprint champion. Most of them were bitten to death in a short time. A few lucky ones escaped, but they did not run far because they were all killed by Lingling. Okay, so far, the 18-member team has been wiped out.

It's a typical case of stealing chicken but losing the rice, and in the end, it cost one's own life.

Okay, it's time for us to play.

To be honest, how to get this kind of living monster into the underground black market is also a question that Tank and his team have just considered. First of all, this monster is too big, so they can either drive it to the underground black market with an iron chain, or put it on a cart and drag it. go back.

But she never expected that Jingshu first cut the flesh and blood of several dead people into pieces to lure the hippos to the foot of the mountain, and then tied other flesh and blood to the back of a large truck, tying the hippos into a line side by side, constantly luring them forward.

Just like this, a piece of meat was thrown in from time to time, and the hippos ran happily behind the truck, just like a perpetual motion machine without feeling tired at all.

Lingling held the AK47 and kept wiping it, and the tank crew also found new weapons. In the blink of an eye, all the weapons of the 18-person team fell into Jingshu's team.

There is a saying that is really good, war can bring wealth quickly, and robbery is always the fastest way to make money. Unfortunately, most of these firearms are relatively old, and they are not as good as the original weapons of the tank crew. However, these weapons If you fill up the entire large truck and sell it on the black market, it will be worth a lot of money. However, the most valuable thing now is not the firearms but the bullets.

It took a whole four hours to feed all the human flesh before taking the three big hippos to the underground black market. When passing by the slums, the poor people looked at the big truck with frightened expressions, and Xiao Hei kept shouting. Standing in the limelight.

It really made a big splash. Hundreds of people were dispatched from the black market to greet these big guys and got their secrets to another place.

This time, I met a ‘noble’, George, in the underground black market.

With a big belly, he couldn't help but clapped his hands after watching the entire video. The words translated by Xiao Hei were: Look how well this mission was accomplished. Congratulations to your mercenary team for winning this mission. The mission B-level reward is a total of 8,000 black market coins. For capable mercenaries, the black market welcomes you. As for those teams, oh God, may heaven bless them.

Jing Shu's team suddenly became a B-level mercenary team. It should be the fastest-promoted team in the history of the underground black market. And the news spread like wildfire. The three mercenary teams that went there were all wiped out, and this was the only one who came back. Except for one person in the Asian mercenary team who was seriously injured, the others were all alive and well without any injuries.

The key point is that this Asian team also has a video, which proves that the mercenary teams were eaten by monsters, but such ferocious monsters were obediently driven back by the Asians.

I just said, the people in that Asian team are devils, they know terrible magic tricks!

Jingshu and others didn't care about the messages on the black market. After Jingshu gave the monkey stitches and bandaged the wound, the problem they encountered was where to stay at night.

The underground black market is no more earthquake-resistant than Shiyuan. It may collapse at any time in the face of increasingly powerful earthquakes, but the environment is much better than that of the slums outside. In addition to being dirty and messy, the slums have a poor environment, and earthquakes can at least escape.

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