I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 357 Jingshu is probably here for vacation

Let's live in the slums and let Xiao Hei find a better house. If we live in the underground black market, we will be exposed and it will be difficult to run away. The snake spirit said while spitting out the letter.

Although Yang Yang's first step plan is to become an S-level mercenary team within ten days, the goal is the same, which is to transport as much of a city's supplies as possible, regardless of whether they can get it or not. If they are exposed, Being stuck in the underground black market is really a trap.

I thought about it with Jing Shu, but Jing Shu was afraid of being shaken by the earthquake.

Xiao Hei didn't understand. He had already become a B-class mercenary. Why did he still live in the slums? Damn it, he had just finished showing off. Well, he had no right to dictate where everyone lived. Xiao Hei went to find someone in the only remaining villa in the slums. On the first floor, you pay 20 black market coins a day. The slum is already full because many people come from Mexico every day.

The problem is that there are a group of residents on the second floor of the villa who don't know the details.

Hey, this is already the best place in the slums. After the flood, all the poor people in Sacramento were crowded here. It's good to be able to squeeze out a one-story villa. Either buy it, or go to the underground black market. There are many formal servants there. The price of soldiers is cheap, and the environment is good, just like before the end of the world.

Okay, let's deal with it tonight. Tank regretted a little. The environment in the slum was appallingly dirty. When a few people carried their luggage down, the residents upstairs stared with wide eyes, especially when they saw live animals. , a dog and a chicken that might be a chicken.

It's not bad to live in a truck, but it's a pity that Xiao Hei's truck is rented, which costs 10 black market coins a day, and the gas cost is extra.

There are no single rooms in the villa on the first floor. Snake lives in the kitchen, Tank and Monkey live in the living room, Lingling lives in the dining room, and Jingshu lives in the middle of what should be considered the living room and dining room. It can be said that these people have no privacy at all.

This is not only the worst living environment for Jingshu since she encountered the apocalypse, but also for those present here. All the furniture on the first floor has been moved, and except for a dining table that can be used to lie down and sleep on, it is completely useless. Trash and even smelled like feces.

You don't know which pile of garbage hides a piece of shit.

Everyone clean up and go to bed early. As per the old rules, each person works a two-hour shift. At 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, we will go to the underground black market arena to have a look. I heard that this is one of the fastest ways to advance to the mercenary level.

Tank was definitely one of the least particular men Jing Shu had ever seen and the fastest to fall asleep. As the captain, he assigned himself to the two most difficult hours in the middle of the night. The two women would pack their luggage after the earliest or latest time. He placed it on the ground, opened the sleeping bag, and started snoring as soon as he lay down.

Sleep in seconds! It's over, it's another sleepless night, and Jingshu can't sleep due to the sound of snoring.

Jingshu bandaged the monkey again with medicine. When doing stitches, Jingshu didn't know how to do it, so she used the technique of sewing clothes. There was no anesthetic, so the monkey grimaced in pain. At one point, he thought Jingshu was retaliating against him, and his whole shoulder was numb. It's almost gone. If it weren't for Jingshu's medicine, the monkey would be dead this time. With Jingshu's medicine, he will be a good man again in ten days.

After taking the medicine, the monkey was in so much pain that he couldn't sleep, so he had to feed Ah Huang and talk to Ah Huang in a low voice. The monkey was in a very gloomy mood. He had no income, so he had to pay Jingshu 100 contribution points for the medicine every day. Isn't it bad? Haven't you been working for Jingshu?

Lingling lowered her head. She originally wanted to give the only dining table to Jingshu, but Jingshu refused, so she took out her sleeping bag and spread it on the big table.

While the teammates were eating and wiping their bodies, feeding the parrots, or packing their bags, Jingshu refreshed their outlook again.

Then Jingshu started to clean up. Under the surprised eyes of her teammates, she cleaned up the piece of garbage that divided her. She took out a rag and wiped it up, down, left, and right. This was not enough. She also had to spray Fengyoujing and spread it on the floor. I took out the mattress and the single-person military tent, put the down sleeping bag in the big box inside and spread it in a soft and thick layer.

I thought that would be the end of it. Jingshu was away from home and this was considered a luxury package. After all, everyone’s luggage was limited. Apart from guns, the most important thing was food. Everyone brought enough food, so daily necessities and daily necessities It's relatively small. It's not like Jingshu is strong enough to carry so many things.

But Jingshu also took out the empty flower pots, went to the door of the villa and put some soil in them, then planted a row of seedlings in them, and put a plate of garlic in the water on a plate.

Are you going to plant flowers in that flowerpot? Lingling asked in a low voice. She was really curious.

Jingshu coughed: Can't you add some green onion, garlic sprouts and lettuce to your meal? These can grow without sunlight and they will be ready to eat in a few days.

Snake Spirit/Ling Ling: ...

Monkey: Women are just pretentious.

Jingshu rolled her eyes. In a few days, she will be able to eat a sandwich with ham and lettuce, which will make you hungry.

But there was something even more outrageous. Jingshu took out a complete set of picnic tools, including pots, shovels, disposable gas cans, and oil-heated pots.

Do, cook? After the end of the world, many people have never cooked. Those with good family conditions do not need it, but those with poor family conditions cannot afford it.

Then he pulled out the chicken's nest that had just been set up next to the tent, took out eggs one after another and put them directly into the pot. The sound of crackling eggs was heard instantly, and he took out the chicken and laid another fresh egg. Jingshu just took the egg and smashed it into the pot again, sprinkled some salt randomly, and fried an egg with a shovel.

The fragrance gradually spreads in the villa. How fragrant is the smell of fried eggs? Listen, that's the sound of swallowing saliva.

Jing Shu has no burden. Yang Yang made it clear that this time she is responsible for bringing enough food for herself, not a big pot of rice. Who can let her eat? She hasn't eaten enough today, so she must eat enough now.

Lingling and a few others looked at it with their mouths agape. They seemed to understand what the goat said. They brought a chicken to lay eggs to replenish their body. But these eggs were laid a bit too much, so they ate too much, right? One can lay eggs and the other can eat them.

The last few eggs were beaten, and Jingshu put in the ham sausage, beef cubes, and dried shrimps. She soaked the fried cooked rice and dried vegetables in water to absorb enough water and turned them into crystal clear white rice and The fat vegetables were then put into the pot and stir-fried, and finally some chopped green onions were needed. Jingshu regretfully held the pot of rice and swallowed it in two minutes.

The fat chicken squinted its eyes and hatched the two black American eggs obtained from the black market today. Both the master and the servant sighed with satisfaction.

The sound of people licking their lips and swallowing saliva could be heard all around. This hatred made Jingshu hurried back to the tent and began to practice the Rubik's Cube space. It seemed that this first stop had the most supplies. After eating and drinking, she wanted to Work harder.

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