Chapter 372 He. Bah!

In front of a naked chicken, compared with a giant python that is more than ten meters tall, you can tell who wins and who loses at a glance. Not to mention, the fat chicken has no weapons, not even grenades. After using it, what else can the fat chicken do?

There will be no suspense in this round! Python wins!

The Fat Chicken is about to end its ten-game winning streak in the ninth game.

At this time, except for Jingshu, even the Chinese who bought the fat chicken and won felt that the competition was basically a foregone conclusion, let alone the black market staff. The Waiguo people were really shameless at this point. , it can be seen from the previous sports games and various gymnastics competitions that if the Chinese can do something that other countries can't do, they prohibit the movements and modify the various rules to do what is beneficial to themselves.

But Dad is always Dad.

It seems like this guy can't win the ninth game. The man breathed at the woman, licking Page's cheek with his tongue.

Paige chuckled: Not necessarily, it depends on what witchcraft she wants to use. There is an old Chinese saying that if you know yourself and your enemy, you will never be in danger. Let's see what kind of strength she has in this game. In the next tenth game, we can Know how to treat her.

The most powerful python in the black market has been dispatched. What other animals do you have in the tenth game?

Page smiled and did not answer, but said, You made me tickle, why not hum?

At your service, my noble lady.

Known as a battle that even a miracle cannot save, the fighting chicken versus the black market ace python finally begins! Being able to use the black market ace has obviously violated the bottom line of the black market. Many nobles came after hearing the news, and even placed a lot of bets in the noble circle.

It's time for this ridiculous fight to end.

The python came out, and when it saw the bloody python, it swayed excitedly and swam past quickly. A snake's head was almost as big as a whole chicken. The audience speculated that it would take a few seconds to kill the chicken.

The lonely chicken stood in the middle of the field, trembling a little. The owner of this cheating chicken, but when he thought of the delicious snake soup, the owner also promised to braise the whole snake head for it if it won, the fat chicken was full of fighting spirit!

Now we can see the python rushing towards the target. Oh look, the chicken finally started to run. I thought it was just a silly roe deer that couldn't run. Without the external force of weapons, it finally became scared. . Even if the host hopes that Fat Chicken will win, there is nothing he can do.

The python opened its bloody mouth, and the shadow shrouded it, completely covering the fat chicken.

it's over!

This is the mentality of everyone.

But at this moment, Fat Chicken made an action that puzzled everyone.

He bah!

The fat chicken spat twice at the python before flapping its wings and escaping. Then it flapped its wings like a nimble fat man and flew to the edge of the cage.

Oh my god, what is this chicken doing? But the speed of the chicken is still beyond my expectation, and it has escaped this blow, but what can it do? Look, the python is chasing after it again. The host also didn't understand the fat chicken's movements, not to mention the audience, who almost fell down laughing.

If the first 8 games were so depressing, this one was so exciting.

Is this chicken trying to laugh me to death? It spits at the python.

Haha, it thinks its saliva is biochemical poison.

But the fact is that the python continued to pursue it without any influence at all.

Soon, the chicken and the python got into a hard fight. Oh no, the chicken was probably being chased by the python, running all over the cage. The python was very big and fast, and the chicken could only run passively, flopping around from time to time. Stay above the cage to avoid the ferocious attack of the python.

But this cage is also half of the python's home. It often catches various animals here, so no matter where the fat chicken flutters, the python can quickly wander over and launch a violent attack.

Every time I was in danger, every time I almost swallowed the whole chicken alive.

The audience and nobles at the scene shouted excitement and excitement. This is the experience that the arena should have!

What's strange is that this chicken spits out a few mouthfuls of saliva every time. What does it mean?

The audience happily cheered and cheered for the python. The gamblers who invested money had already planned to have a steak dinner if they won. But for some reason, the python's movements became slower and slower.

The host noticed something was wrong: What's wrong with this python? It seems like it's exhausted? But I've seen it kill a bison in an hour before!

The audience soon realized something was wrong, but not long after, the entire giant python suddenly fell from the iron cage to the ground, landing with a bang, as if it was dead.

The audience started yelling, what's going on?

However, within a few seconds, the sound of the giant python snoring could be heard. Is this, was he asleep? Can you fall asleep during a game? Wake up, hey, this is a life and death race!

The fat chicken spit at the python for the last time, Hey! After confirming that the python didn't respond, he pecked the python's eyes vigorously.

Oh damn, wake up!

Why are you sleeping when you are about to be killed? Don't you feel any pain?

The host was surprised: Well, does this chicken's saliva have the effect of an anesthetic? Did it knock out the entire giant python? So was the chicken fighting just now waiting for the effect of the anesthetic?

Jingshu nodded calmly: Can the chicken's own abilities be used? Or are you planning to modify the rules again? This is naked ridicule. Fat chickens naturally don't have this ability. The anesthetic is what she used during the New Year last year. She got it from the robbers, and now she is feeling distressed, and now she has used all the stock.

There was no suspense next. An anesthetized snake didn't react even if its head was cut off. The fat chicken started to peck at the eyes, bit by bit, eating the whole head clean. After a while, it became a giant python. The headless python died carefree in its sleep, the fat chicken was a little sad, and the snake's head could not be cooked.

In the ninth battle, Feiji used his strange ability to ignite the insults in the audience and win! There's only one step left to win! The black market coins of Jingshu Bus will also be readily available.

Oh my God, I can't believe that a chicken has such strange abilities. Just after passing the inspection by the black market people, taking the samples and examining the chicken, it is indeed a fact. I have to declare, In the ninth battle, the fighting chicken wins! the host said excitedly.

Jingshu dragged the headless snake out of the arena with difficulty. The arena was noisy with all kinds of noises, including curses and insults. Unfortunately, Jingshu didn't know what they meant and automatically filtered them out.

The black market’s trump card has been revealed, so in the tenth game, what will the black market send to end her? Jingshu is looking forward to it.

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