I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 373 Either you eat it, or it eats you

Oh shit, did a chicken really win the championship for ten consecutive victories today?

There are no more powerful pets on the black market!

As the audience roared, the game was suspended again. Not only that, Jingshu was lucky enough to be invited to the top floor of the arena, the legendary aristocratic area.

Jing Shu was a little wary. Could it be that these people couldn't get their pets so they wanted to kill people and silence them? She had also checked the information on previous ten-game winning streaks, and most of them had problems, but this time she was different. She invested 2,000 black market coins at the beginning to win her ten-game winning streak, instead of buying one game to suppress one, she just fought with It's like buying a lottery ticket, she wins the jackpot!

The biggest key is the odds issue. It would be fine if it was 1:1, but the problem is that the odds are too high. If Jingshu really wins the black market, the losses will be heavy. All the money originally flows into the black market, which makes people want to part with it. If you take it out again, who would be willing?

Jingshu was still amazed by the way from the slums to the top-level aristocratic area. Although there are upper and lower floors in the arena, you can see the top floor from the bottom, and you can overlook the arena from the bottom, but there is actually no passage. If you want to go to the aristocratic area, you have to go around. You must go through the road and go through layers of inspections. You are not allowed to bring weapons, and you have to pass through a laser area.

I heard that this is the last defense against mob violence. If the laser area is turned on, no matter how many people come over, they will be cut into pieces instantly. This is also the first time Jing Shu has seen this high-tech gadget from the United States.

It seems that Yang Yang's plan is right. If forced to do so, he probably won't even be able to enter the noble area, let alone transport a large amount of supplies.

After carefully passing through the laser area, Jingshu was taken directly to the arena on the second floor of the noble area. Unfortunately, she heard the sound of applause before she could see the surrounding environment.

The room was filled with a strange smell, and Jingshu saw a typical foreign beauty with blond hair and blue eyes sitting in the box and lying lazily in the arms of a man with a blush on her face. The man was massaging the woman in his arms, as attentively as if Dog legs.

Only then did Jing Shu realize that this was Paige who had sent them the mission.

Ten times leverage can make you tens of thousands of black market coins, stop it.

This sentence was said by Page. I didn't expect that this person could actually speak Chinese.

Jing Shu frowned, What do you mean?

You can't win the tenth game.

How will you know if you don't try?

Okay, then let's ask Miss Jing to witness it together.

Paige smiled charmingly, but she didn't know what she was planning. In fact, no matter how hard Jingshu thought about it, she couldn't think of it. Paige did this just to prevent her from touching the fat chicken again, so that she could use the cup trick on it, the Chinese cup. The technique is really amazing.

What kind of battle pets will be dispatched in the tenth game? The answer was quickly revealed, and even Jing Shu was surprised, because after half an hour, the sound of dong dong dong was heard, and everyone saw that the black market had dispatched armored vehicles and pulled in a big guy. As expected, the black market was Someone with a trump card!

I'm coming.

With everyone's excitement, everyone finally saw clearly what kind of monster was sent.

This looks too much like a hippopotamus, right? But what's with the rotten flesh all over its body?

This is a zombie hippopotamus! The undead creatures that were finally brought back by the Asian team after killing three teams in the past few days have no response at all. Even if they are shot with machine guns, they will not respond at all. , they have their own 'healing' power, and their bodies can still survive even if their heads are lost.

Then this monster is so awesome. It turns out that this undead creature is the biggest trump card in the black market!

This chicken is completely useless. Its only ability is anesthetic, but it is of no use to this kind of creature! Not to mention anesthetic, it is not even useful for poison.

How could Ten Continental Dou be taken away by Asians outside the black market? !

This kind of monster has lost consciousness for a long time. It started looking for food immediately after being sent to the cage. It is not a boast to be able to kill 3 teams. It has no other shortcomings except its slow speed. It is rough-skinned and thick-bodied. It is not a boast. The previous few Even together they may not be able to kill this monster.

But the pythons and crocodiles in front of them will not provoke animals as large as hippopotamuses. In addition, they do not eat rotten meat. Therefore, in the end of the world, this dark invading creature has successfully lost its natural enemies and even eats itself in times of famine. Creature, not to be messed with.

Seeing the surprised Jing Shu, Page finally smiled, It's still too late to regret now, because the black market is invincible no matter what. Is there anything else you can do with your fighting chicken, or rather your cup skills? ?”

What chance does a chicken have of winning against an immortal hippopotamus?

So this tenth battle completely ignited the arena. People who originally didn't want to bet on the fight all started betting. In the words of the arena: Why don't you make money by giving away money?

Jingshu smiled and said nothing. This kind of monster, let alone other people, even she really had no special method except cutting the huge hippopotamus into pieces, because the undead species are really invincible and invulnerable to bullets. They can still be absorbed after entering. They are no longer living things, but are composed of billions of bacteria. They are covered with a huge hippopotamus skeleton. Who can handle it?

So how can a chicken defeat several tons of hippopotamus without weapons and grenades, and the anesthetic in its saliva doesn't work?

The game has started!

The rotten hippopotamus is left with only its instinct: to eat, it will find any food that can be put into its mouth. They have no pain, no anger, and no emotions.

As soon as the hippo entered the scene, it licked the leftovers on the ground and grunted happily.

Do you have any regrets? If you hadn't brought these monsters back that day, I'm afraid this wouldn't have happened today. You might have really won hundreds of thousands of black market coins. In your Chinese terms, did you dig it yourself? Did you bury yourself in a hole? Paige drank the bright blood-red drink and groaned with enjoyment.

Jing Shu said nothing. Although she could clearly see the situation in the arena from this position, it was still a bit far away. She was communicating with Fat Chicken.

It's useless. We have done a lot of experiments in the past two days and extracted very important genes from them. At the same time, we found that this kind of monster can eat like a bottomless pit. Once there is no food, they will become violent.

Sure enough, after eating the leftovers on the ground, the hippopotamus ran towards the chicken. The chicken fluttered its wings to avoid the attack and climbed onto the iron cage. But it couldn't always hide on the iron cage, right?

It seems that Fat Chicken really has no choice. If there is a grenade, it will be good, at least it can be blown to pieces. Now what can Fat Chicken do with his own strength?

Suddenly Jingshu smiled, a weird smile.

Jingshu gave Jingshu an order: Either you eat it, or it eats you, you choose one.

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