I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 375 Chapter 378 Don’t worry, I’m in control of everything

I won fifty thousand. Lingling lowered her head and felt a little excited.

Tank gave a thumbs up: I have to re-report your combat chicken score this time, at least it's B.

Everyone had a new understanding of the fighting power of the fat chicken, and then they realized that the fighting chicken that Jing Shu said on the plane was true.

The companions all won more or less a lot of money. Xin Jingshu and the one who invested the money were all grinning at this moment. It can be said that it was a complete windfall.

Because the scene was too chaotic, Jingshu saw several people taking out guns as if they were aiming at the fat chickens. Jingshu did not dare to stay longer. After exchanging nearly 300,000 black market coins, she hurried away with her companions. .

When she returned to the house, Jingshu was equipped with body armor and bulletproof cap. Even the fat chicken felt something and put on its steel helmet. When the fat chicken held its own trophy in its mouth, Jingshu felt that this thing was big. After a full circle, when I glanced at it, I always felt that the fat chicken had changed somewhere, but when I took a closer look, there was no change.

Forget it, never mind.

Also coming back with Jing Shu were corpses all over the place, including all kinds of leopards, wolves, eagles, wild boars, etc. Tank and the others were extremely envious.

Snake Spirit said to Jingshu seriously for the first time: I want to exchange my contribution points with you for some snake meat, about half of it.

Jingshu looked at the meat on the floor. She had no worries about eating it recently, so she nodded: You can set a price.

How about 500 contribution value?

make a deal.

Her medicine is so precious that it only has 100 contribution points. The total value of the snake meat is not as valuable as her medicine. Besides, the contribution points are indeed precious. I learned from Tank that with 500 contribution points, you can bring a lot of things back home.

Later, Lingling exchanged some eagle meat, the monkey exchanged some bison meat, and only Tank exchanged 50 contribution points for a crocodile claw, saying that he would dry it and take it back to his sister. Her sister is a humanoid tyrannosaurus and likes it. Such gadgets.

Jingshu unconsciously collected another wave of contribution points, feeling that this time more and more supplies could be brought back to the country in a fair way.

Jingshu won so many black market coins in the black market at once, and it was a big hit that day. No matter for the black market or for the people, everyone hated that chicken extremely and threatened to kill the chicken no matter what method she used to see it again. Kill it and make it into roasted chicken.

In order to avoid the limelight, the whole team repaired for a day, and Jingshu did not take any time off. All the animal skins were roughly processed and prepared to be shipped home for further processing.

Snake meat is stewed to make snake soup, wolf meat is braised to make braised pork, pork is made into braised pork and eaten on the road, beef is made into air-dried pulled pork, onion, ginger and crocodile are home-cooked, and eagle and rabbit are stewed together, which is a perfect match. Jingshu also specially 'hunted' rabbits and made a pot of rabbit stewed with eagle. The last leopard meat was roasted, brushed with golden oil and sprinkled with cumin. When it was roasted and the oil was brown, sprinkled with sesame seeds. The green onions grown by Jingshu were torn and dipped in their hands, which made the teammates doubt their lives for a while.

None of this is the point.

The point is that she went abroad to do a mission in the last days. Why did Jing Shu bring such a complete set of condiments? God, who did they offend?

Of course, not all the ingredients are edible. For example, the giant lizard Jingshu processed them and took them back to China to make medicinal materials.

As a major contributor this time, we cannot neglect it. Although the fat chicken ate so many disgusting things, there was no trace of them after digestion in its rectum. However, all the eggs laid by the fat chicken that day were replaced by snake essence. Feed the snake.

The next day, Xiao Hei hired the pickup truck from last time and began to exchange all the black market coins in batches and in small quantities for various rice, grains and relatively large supplies from the United States, and then transported them to the truck. Then drive towards the pier.

Compared with China, which is now so poor that it can barely afford to eat red worm cakes, a small city in the United States has such abundant supplies, and everyone is really envious.

I don’t know if they were targeting them, but the prices on the black market increased by 10% on the third day. However, this did not stop them from continuing to exchange supplies. It took them three days in a row to exchange all the supplies in black market currency, which had to be worth hundreds of thousands. The value of black market currency is still very high.

At least these are private treasury, not mission items, and everyone is highly motivated. What is the purpose of these people taking the risk to come to the United States? Isn't it just to collect more supplies in this apocalyptic world where there is nothing.

But trouble still came. The black market issued a notice. Due to an emergency, one of the seven teams had to be selected to be promoted to an S-class mercenary team and then complete a secret mission. The reward was huge.

Yes, the black market used forcible signs. Anyone who was A had to go to participate in the competition. Jingshu felt deep malice from it.

According to Xiao Hei's information, this is indeed targeting us. After all, we won a large amount of black market coins before, and there was an exchange of materials the next day. I'm afraid this promotion is fake, and we must be killed openly to be real.

No, after receiving the information about the goat, something did happen. Maybe these nobles really have something to deal with, so they are anxious to choose the strongest team.

Then we'll do whatever it takes.

The plan was disrupted in advance, and Jingshu didn't know if it was because of her, but it didn't matter.

The crow's mouth of Tank really got it right. The competition to be held today is a huge PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds with dozens of people. Even the 'map' has been revised. And this time everyone's purpose is very simple, which is to eat chicken. Win the victory and become the only S-class mercenary team in the black market. Of course, these people also have another purpose, which is to kill the Asian team together!

When all the mercenaries unanimously wanted to kill Jingshu's team, everyone did not dare to be careless and used their own skills. Fortunately, this time they did not disperse the team members, which prevented the snake spirit from getting lost and the tank falling. Such a scandal in the pit.

The host was a little embarrassed. It was really hard to get money from the black market, but he still had to say what he needed to say. The crowd clapped their hands and applauded, and the nobles started placing bets on the stage. They also paid special attention to the Asian wizard team. .

Noble district.

Sister, what are your plans? You even dragged this group of Asians into it. There is no room for mistakes in our plan! George frowned and asked Page.

Page drank red wine and said with a smile: There is no way they can survive this game. Even if they survive and win, becoming the only S team in the black market, they will have to go to the city center for us to fight a life-and-death match. If we win, we can escape from here. If you lose, there’s really nothing you can do about it, we won’t lose money in this round of transactions.”

Okay, keep an eye on them. These Chinese people have bad intentions when they come here. I think they just want to steal our supplies.

It's too naive to just rely on a few of them. Don't worry, I'm in control of everything.

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