Beer, peanuts and melon seeds are not available, but the black market's specialty freshly squeezed human blood juice and popcorn are the most popular snacks. On this day, almost all the people who can come to the black market come to watch the fun. It has been a long time since there has been such a lively, large-scale and exciting scene. .

To select the only S mercenary team among these teams, many C and B-level mercenary teams came to watch, so the entire arena was filled with water. Of course, everyone was prepared this time. Yes, shields and body armor were put on just to prevent the last incident.

Everyone still stripped off all their weapons and equipment at the beginning, and was thrown into the new 'map' that occupied most of the arena. This time there were more covers, which can further stimulate the intensity of the gunfight, and there were even grenades, etc. arms.

The competition officially started. Jingshu and his team were placed on the edge of the entire map. Jingshu had tested it with bugs early. Not to mention assembling the gun, there was not even a bulletproof vest. The organizer must have done it on purpose!

Jingshu and his team had to start recruiting assembly parts and body armor.

In order to ensure sensory stimulation this time, we have also put in real traps, including explosions, quicksand submergence, etc. This is not only a killing game, but also a survival game. The host was talking. , the whole earth began to tremble, and even the ground in the stadium cracked. Not only that, there was a rumble of thunder in the sky outside. Even if it was underground, the sound was extremely loud.

Oh, look at this realistic effect and exciting gameplay. This is to make the mercenaries on the field feel panic and oppression. After all, the game has only started for one minute. These people are too stable, so there must be some excitement. !”

As soon as the host finished speaking, the whole earth shook even more violently. Now even the arena began to shake, and screams began to appear on the scene.

Hey gentlemen, calm down. This damn earthquake has come again, but don't panic. It happens several times every day. Although this time it seems a bit violent, it is an earthquake of magnitude 4 or 5, which is not enough to run away. It’s to the point where it’s just a matter of a few minutes. Now let’s turn our attention to the arena. These A-level mercenaries are not affected at all.”

Before he could finish speaking, the cracks grew bigger and bigger, bursting open in an instant. The center of the arena suddenly collapsed, and several mercenaries who were armed to the teeth were directly swallowed by the darkness. Not even the dregs were left behind. On the other hand, in Jingshu and the others on the fringe had a small life.

Jingshu screamed, Evacuate immediately! She knew she was going to be in trouble as soon as the rumbling sound came, and reminded the others to prepare to evacuate. She did not expect that the source of the earthquake this time was directly at the center of the black market arena. !

The arena quickly collapsed and began to expand crazily. The audience in the arena initially thought it was the organizer's work, but they did not expect that this was a real disaster! 1

My god! The game is terminated, everyone run away, this is a real earthquake! After the host shouted in panic, he walked away first. In the face of disaster, his own life is the most important.

Help, help!

Oh my god don't fucking push me!

You are trampling my father to death, get out of the way, get out of the way!

Oh my god, run quickly, the center of the arena has been swallowed up, it's too scary!

The crowded arena suddenly became a mess. As the earthquake became more and more serious, the people inside desperately wanted to escape, and a stampede inevitably occurred. The result was that the door was blocked directly, and no one could can not go out.

The mercenary team in the competition was even worse. More than half of them were mercilessly swallowed up. The few remaining people were also panicking and wanted to run out. Unfortunately, all three exits were blocked. It's impossible to get out because of the crowds.

Jingshu quickly put on her well-armed cotton coat and body armor, and carried all her luggage on her back. At this time, the arena had been completely collapsed by the earthquake, and she was heading towards the outer ring of the arena from the center. Spread, this group of people watching the excitement will be swallowed up sooner or later!

Originally, Jing Shu planned to throw the rope directly to the aristocratic area upstairs, but at this time, the aristocratic area directly opened the bulletproof glass to completely isolate the aristocratic area from the arena, blocking the way out of the arena.

The scene was extremely chaotic, with gunshots, screams, screams, and the rumble of the earthquake all turning into a mess.

In order to escape quickly, many mercenaries directly shot and killed the crowd blocking the front, but the result of this was that countless people were trampled under their feet and used obstacles instead.

At this time, the snake spirit spit out the letter and caught the host who had not escaped. This guy tried to escape from another exit but I caught him. Xiao Hei, tell him, we will be safe. Take it out.

Xiao Hei caught the host and translated it viciously. Xiao Hei even panicked.

The host was so panicked that he almost cried: Oh my god, there is really no other way. The only way left is the garbage tunnel in the Noble District. We can climb up and go directly to the ground, but there is also the danger of collapse. If you want to run, run quickly.

Everyone quietly followed the host to the garbage channel of the arena. Any garbage found in the aristocratic area on the top floor was thrown down from the channel. The garbage was then sorted or processed into food, or sold at a low price to people in the slums.

Except for Jingshu, who carried all her luggage on her back no matter where she went every day, the others would only bring valuable equipment and important supplies, but not bedding and clothes. This time, they could only leave them in the underground black market.

All my food is in the house and I can't get it out, damn it! the monkey said in annoyance.

Fortunately, I am strong and carry my luggage on my back every day. Tank was frightened for a while.

There will be nothing to build or eat in the future. Lingling said sadly while climbing up the garbage channel.

Jingshu simply pulled a long string of luggage bags with a rope. If it weren't for her strength, she wouldn't be able to pull the hundreds of kilograms of luggage. The most disgusting thing is that the fat chicken is leisurely hatching eggs on the luggage. , completely unaware of the current danger.

The area around the garbage channel was full of oil stains and bugs, and was filled with a rotten smell, but everyone could only bear to climb up quickly. From so far away, they could hear the screams and noisy chaos from the arena. The passage also swayed violently from time to time and could collapse at any time, which made everyone speed up.

But the good news is that everyone finally escaped and ascended to heaven before the underground black market completely collapsed!

However, before everyone had time to breathe, pitch-black guns were pointed at their heads, and a circle of people gathered around them, waiting.

It seems that some A-level mercenaries have finally escaped. If that doesn't work, let them help us fight the game.

More updates if needed: 1. More Addicted to Bookworm account is gone (first fan), 1. More Addicted to Bookworm account is gone (10,000 reward), 1. I’ll make you feel calm (10,000 reward), and Daemon Lorde ( Votes king)

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