I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 377 Meeting with Yang Yang’s team

The ground was still trembling, and no one knew whether the land would collapse. Jing Shu really admired these people who did not run for their lives but still guarded the exit.

Xiao Hei raised his hands: Hey man, if you have anything to say, let's put down the gun.

The dark muzzle was lowered, and the old face George appeared. The man who collected the zombie hippopotamus a few days ago. He clapped his hands and applauded, and said with a smile: Congratulations, lucky Asians, you have escaped from a terrible disaster this time. For the surviving A-level mercenary team, you will be promoted to S-level and fight for the black market. Every time you win, you will receive sky-high black market coins.

The old man's voice came from a distance: Don't waste time, the new government will be here soon!

Jing Shu finally understood what the nobles in the underground black market were planning. They were anxious to select the strongest mercenary team from all the teams and compete with the teams in the urban area. The force value would be used to determine the right to speak and the allocation of resources. .

Whether it is the aristocrats of the underground black market or the luxurious urban area of ​​Sacramento, a war is finally about to break out on this side of the border. The New Deal and American soldiers are coming to forcefully take back power. There are also Mexican troops pressing the border and preparing to move into the United States. Sacramento There will be a large-scale war. If they, the fat sheep with abundant supplies, don't escape, they will probably be eaten clean.

so! These two forces want to temporarily cooperate, run away together, and then join the big boss in Austin. Then the question arises, who will bring how much material to join them, and what to do if they have different opinions along the way. There are more than a hundred middle-class people in the underground black market. The nobles of the class control the materials, but the Sacramen is a slave with only one boss. The two sides decided to let the strength of the mercenaries speak for themselves.

The entire underground black market collapsed. Jingshu didn't know how many people escaped. Anyway, there were only a few. However, another A-level team escaped. George simply took Jingshu's team, another A-level team, and The two teams trained by the nobles themselves embarked on the road to play the game.

I heard that this battle will determine the allocation of resources and materials for both sides. If you lose, you will have to contribute all your minerals and assets as protection fees for your refuge. The new government has threatened to destroy these two cancers in Sacramento. These two forces He was so scared that he would definitely run away.

So what does Lao Yang mean by asking us to become S-class mercenaries in the underground black market? Tank clapped his fingers and thought about the mystery, No, we are the thugs here, and they are the thugs over there, so Aren’t we going to kill each other?”

Xiao Hei sat in the corner and shivered: Can I quit? I don't want to play the game, I want to go back to the slums and live.

Just as he was talking, the entire civilian area began to rumble loudly, and soon it began to collapse. Xiao Hei swallowed his saliva, it was over, he had no place to go, he cried sadly: I, my 5,000 black market I’m not willing to spend the money, and I haven’t brought my luggage.”

Jing Shu had a little idea of ​​what Yang Yang was planning, and what was certain was that Yang Yang planned to keep it, whether it was supplies from the black market or supplies from downtown Sacramento.

I have to practice the Rubik's Cube quickly, otherwise I won't be able to keep up with this batch of supplies. Jingshu took out the Rubik's Cube and started practicing, forcing herself to constantly use illusions, approaching the limit again and again. Through these ponderings, Jingshu touched When she reached the threshold for promotion, she was just a little short of it!

I heard that the new government had crushed the surrounding cities and was approaching Sacramento. When Jingshu passed by the canal, she saw that the dock had begun to transfer a large amount of materials to the containers, and she was preparing to escape Sacrament tonight. Door.

So the venue for the competition was on the pier illuminated by big lights. Both sides gathered a group of people and set up two arenas. Each mercenary team could only occupy one arena. I heard that each of the two arenas represented a right to speak. .

The rules of the game are very simple. If you kill the mercenary team in the ring, you can get on the ring.

George said to everyone on the way: Listen, we have to win at least one arena. If you win a game, you will get 50,000 black market coins, and you will follow us to Austin. If every arena is full If you can't take it, you can only stay and join the new government. It's better to be eaten up by them than to be swallowed up by this high protection fee.

Jing Shu understood that if she didn't split up into teams this time, she would only be able to get supplies from the urban area, but not from the black market, so she had to balance it?

But Jingshu thought that the conditions in downtown Sacramento would be better.

But Ta Ma never expected that he would be so extravagant!

Yang Yang, who had not seen him for a long time, looked like a nouveau riche with a gold chain and a gemstone ring in each hand. He wore sunglasses, smoked a cigar and drank red wine.

And Hao Yunlai, who looks like an honest Buddhist and is said to have special luck, has a black beauty on his left hand and a white-skinned beauty with blond hair and blue eyes on his right hand. What's too much is that someone is massaging him! He still squinted his eyes and enjoyed life.

The monk who was expelled from Shaolin was holding a big bucket full of white rice and curry-potato-beef-like vegetables, and he was eating happily.

What kind of life are these moths living in the city these days! !

The only normal person was Zhen Nantian. He still had a cold and arrogant face, as if he couldn't fit into this world. He leaned against the wall and watched everything calmly.

Looking back at Jingshu's group of people, let's not talk about their daily life. They were wearing zebra uniforms in the underground black market competition just now. The competition was not as good as the competition. They finally came out of the garbage channel and were brought to the competition before they had time to clean up. Yes, one of them exudes an unpleasant stench. Compared with the two, one is in the sky and the other is on the ground.

Yang Yang shook his head quietly, indicating that the two parties pretended not to know each other, and the snake spirit complained to Lingling in a low voice.

As representatives of the strong side of Sacramento City, Yang Yang, Zhen Nantian, Monk and Hao Yunlai were the first to step into one of the arenas, while the A-level team that had escaped from the underground black market came up to challenge. In their opinion, these five Thousands of black market coins were obtained.

After all, there are only six people in a team, but there are only four Chinese people here. They look weak and easy to bully, so I will take the 50,000 black market first.

But they were wrong, and they were so wrong. There was laughter from all around, laughter that was gloating about one's misfortune. Those mercenary teams in the urban area who had suffered a loss were well aware of the perversion of these people.

The game started immediately, Yang Yang was still drinking red wine, Zhen Nantian was leaning against the wall motionless like a sculpture, Hao Yunlai was still enjoying himself and squinting his eyes, only the ascetic monk came on the stage with an iron rod.

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