RPG is a weapon that is worthy of being called the killer of tanks and the maker of deaf people. The power of a single-person rocket launcher is awesome. You can shoot a rocket launcher at the target. No matter it hits a tank or an armored vehicle, you have to say goodbye. The power and armor-piercing That's how awesome it is.

But it also has many shortcomings, such as its slow shooting speed. You can’t see the speed of the bullet it fires, right? But you can see the trajectory of the rocket launcher. This means that fast armed helicopters can be avoided, but the hit rate is really low.

If you see someone who has fired a rocket launcher and is not deaf, then he must be a novice, because the veterans are all deaf. The rocket launcher fired from the shoulder not only has strong recoil, but also makes a loud sound.

Despite so many shortcomings, the rocket launcher is still the most used, best and cheapest individual soldier by the United Nations. Its characteristic is that if one rocket launcher fails to hit, it’s okay. If I shoot ten of them at the same time, one of them will always hit. Bar?

So, under the strange looks in her teammates' eyes, Jingshu took out one, two...eight rocket launchers, which were Page's personal belongings.

Let’s talk about how awesome the armed helicopter is?

It comes with a single-barreled chain gun, carrying thousands of rounds of ammunition, various weapon attachment points, various weapons including towed missiles and rockets. In theory, it can destroy 16 tanks in one attack. It can be said to be a mobile arsenal. It is a real tank terminator (Tank: emmm, why is it that even a weapon is said to be a tank terminator?)

With such a highly maneuverable armed helicopter that can annihilate a regiment, Jingshu must use all her strength to save her own life. Some people say that when the armed helicopter locks on you, you are already dead. It is true.

All this happened too fast. The armed helicopter had already flown over, and it fired from a distance first, and then added a bomb when it was close. If it really missed, you could also use missiles. By then, the cargo ship and the people would be finished together. I guess The other side didn't use missiles because they wanted to protect the goods of this car.

The sound of strafing the cargo ship made Fat Chicken tremble, and even more so that Jingshu, who was fully armed, was afraid of being swept into dice. Fortunately, the distance was too far and the hit rate was very low, and the cargo ship was too big.

Maybe the other party didn't expect that the pirate group of hundreds of people only consisted of six people, a chicken, a bird and a dog.

Lingling had already aimed the rocket launcher and fired a shot.

Wu Zhi flexibly swung his wings in the darkness and passed by! It seems angry! It didn't expect that these people even carried weapons that could threaten its life!

BOSS, the opponent is holding an RPG rocket launcher, please use the Hellfire AGM-114 missile to annihilate it!

Permission to use! Please ensure the safety of the Apache helicopter gunship and sink cargo ship No. 25 when necessary!

Fighters worth hundreds of millions of yuan before the end of the world are absolutely indispensable in the world where whoever has the bigger fist is the boss. If the cargo ship sinks, you can still salvage it. If the supplies are gone, you can still grab them. If the fighter jets are gone, everything will be gone. .

On the other hand, Jingshu doesn't need to carry a rocket launcher at all. She may be the first woman in history to hold a rocket launcher with one hand. She grabs the rocket launcher with one hand and fires directly at the target. After firing one round, she throws it away and then picks up another tube. Continuing to shoot, the huge recoil made Jingshu's hands numb. Some of them were far away from the helicopter, while others just missed them.

But it also caused the helicopter to panic in the air for a while.


Lingling changed her rocket launcher and fired again, but was still dodged by the helicopter that was gaining speed in vain.

The tank controlled the cargo ship to increase its speed, avoiding the strafing from the helicopter. The war was raging, and the war was raging. The most worrying thing was that the helicopter finally fired a Hellfire missile.



A huge sound exploded in the ears, and the Hellfire missile exploded directly on the cargo ship, causing the large cargo ship of 10,000 tons to explode directly. It also made Jing Shu and his group stagger around, and the bow of the ship exploded directly, setting off a raging fire. !

Cargo ship No. 25 cannot be used!

Yes, this Hellfire missile is mainly used to attack tanks, anti-tank air-to-ground missiles, and is the terminator of tanks. (Tanks: endless!) It is characterized by long launch distance, high power, and high accuracy.

The high-precision missile directly paralyzed cargo ship No. 25. The tank crawled out in the raging fire wearing a skeletal mecha and was seriously injured!

Get ready to jump into the sea!

Lingling carried the rocket launcher and continued firing, One last shot, otherwise the threat from Wuzhi will be too great and we won't be able to escape.

Facts have proved that under the repeated attacks of this level of armed helicopters, the behavior of Jingshu and his group was as innocent as shooting with millet rifles and machine guns!

Manpower is really vulnerable in the face of this super firearm, which is where the confidence of the slave BOSS lies.

It would be great if we could have such a helicopter. Jingshu was extremely envious. She was now so swollen that she even wanted an armed helicopter.


The second and third Hellfire missiles followed. This time it was the culprit that accelerated the destruction of the cargo ship. The entire 10,000-ton cargo ship began to be filled with a large amount of water.

How big is a 10,000-ton cargo ship? Measuring 200 meters long and as long as two football fields, the ship sank at will! This cargo ship contains reserve-grade minerals, which are indispensable for refining and making various items. What a pity! It's a pity that Jingshu's space does not reach several thousand cubic meters, otherwise these minerals would all belong to Jingshu! Jingshu's heart was bleeding. What could she do with dozens or hundreds of cubic meters?

Lingling held her breath and fired the last shot. Jingshu opened her bows from left to right to cover Lingling. She saw several rocket launchers flying towards Zhiwu in the sky, but they all passed by. The helicopter swung up and down flexibly, suddenly rising high. The sudden low makes it difficult to see the trajectory.

Empty. Lingling regretted, if she had been given more time, she would definitely have been shot!

But at this moment, as Lingling's bazooka was fired into the air, the helicopter accelerated in vain to successfully avoid this pre-judged and tricky blow, but suddenly hit the bazooka that Jingshu shot casually, which was originally beyond the reach of eight poles. place, after all, even experienced pilots don’t know where he will appear next second, how can the other side know?

Beautiful sparks exploded in the air, rendering half of the sky, shining brightly in the dark night. The helicopter exploded, and after the sparks were scattered, it plummeted from the sky, causing a splash of water, along with the 10,000-ton ship. sunk in the canal.

Why bother? Why be in a hurry!

You really bumped into this yourself. Jing Shu definitely missed the mark. Facts have proved that no matter how awesome Wu Zhi is, he will be shot down when encountering a fool like a rocket launcher.

A group of people looked at the sinking cargo ship and had no choice but to get ashore before it completely sank. They watched helplessly as the large cargo ship disappeared. The other party's plan was not only to kill people but also to silence them. The ore that shot down the sunken ship was still in the river and could be salvaged later.

It's getting better. I'll just keep it for a few more days. There will be another update in the evening. The update time may be unstable recently. Try to adjust it, but it will be updated twice a day.

(That’s it, it’s not the flu, it’s not the days of the month, I won’t talk about the hard-to-speak-up part)

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