Everyone gave Jingshu a thumbs up, sometimes luck is really important!

Just when everyone thought they had escaped, another armed helicopter came from behind! This completely shattered Jingshu's idea of ​​going to the river and stealing the frame of the armed helicopter into the space to see if anything could be used, and if it didn't work, fill the space with ore.

Run quickly, take shelter in the building!

Shhh, keep it down and turn off all the lights!

Hurry and hide under this big rock!

The group of people got ashore in embarrassment and wet. Fortunately, the tank wore a skeleton mecha and was slightly injured. Jingshu held up the package and would rather get wet than let these treasures get wet. Finally, the group got ashore. As soon as I ran away, I heard the helicopter turning on the beeping strafing mode on the river. Not only that, it was also hovering in the air with its headlights on.

Every time a helicopter hovers over her head, Jingshu's heart beats wildly. She has seen the power of this helicopter, but one day, she will be so awesome!

After flying for fifteen minutes and sweeping for ten minutes, the armed helicopter evacuated, and Jingshu finally heard the sound on the other side. It should be that the bodyguards of the nobles had arrived, and there were many slaves, planning to salvage the ore from the river.

As for the gaping canal, various cargo ships passed by one after another, except for the luxury yacht of the Slave King, which must have been chasing 23 cargo ships with a helicopter. After all, food means wealth and prosperity in the end of the world. life, and there is only so much time they can delay Yang Yang.

I don't know what to do when facing several helicopters over there. Lingling was a little worried.

I can only hope that Lao Yang and the others will go well. Several Wuzhi aircraft will definitely flatten more than 20 cargo ships. Monkey said.

Sure enough, the slave owner BOSS had the capital to bring so much goods on the road. If Yang Yang came to snatch it in front of him, there would be no return. But no one expected that someone would be bold enough to switch the goods. It is extremely ridiculous. It was successful, and it was undoubtedly a breakthrough in Tai Sui!

With the captain here, you have to believe in his strength. The snake spirit took off his clothes, revealing his well-proportioned muscles and the wounds that had just been scratched by a sharp blade and then whitened, revealing the upper body of Bai Zhe. Lingling lowered her head even more shyly, while Jingshu clicked her tongue and shook her head, not realizing it.

He was handsome for only three seconds, but when the cold wind blew, a group of shirtless men shivered from the cold.

Hurry up and stay away from here! I'm afraid they will raid us again. Tank carried all the weapons on his back. Damn it, all the other supplies have fallen into the water.

We will go directly back to Colusa to meet up with Lao Yang and the others. As long as we don't lose our weapons, just throw away our food and daily necessities. We have rich experience in the field, and we can grab them even if they are stolen. Snake Spirit said confidently. , but he didn’t expect that he would be slapped in the face immediately.

Xiao Hei shed tears. The bedding, toothbrush and stolen black bread he had just collected were gone again!

Speaking of this, everyone looked at Jingshu again. This woman regarded her luggage as life. She was in such a life-or-death situation, and she still clung to the luggage. Fresh garlic sprouts grew from the edge of the luggage. She also brought the lettuce she planted a few days ago. At this moment, she looked distressed and caressed the lettuce that had lost some leaves due to the war.

The key is that this person also brought such a high pile of meat, hanging dried pork legs, saying he was making ham, and beef ribs marinated with cumin and chili powder, saying he was making air-dried pulled pork. , and the leftover eagle stewed rabbit from the past few days was made into spicy eagle dried rabbit, which is said to be spicy and refreshing and a good dish to go with rice.

A few days ago, I exchanged all the black market coins for flour and rice in the black market every day. I didn't eat them. I just used a pot to fry fried noodles and fried rice, put butter and sauce on it, and made crab roe flavored fried rice and butter fried noodles. Said it was snacks.

What's even more outrageous is that I harvested a lot of corn and put it in a pot to explode into popcorn. I also made chocolate-flavored popcorn, brown sugar popcorn and milk-flavored popcorn. See, this is all done by humans! luxury! Hate! Every time I look at it, I always have to swallow my saliva. Do you want to swallow it openly or quietly?

Go forward, follow this direction for fifteen kilometers and you will reach Fred Town.

The tank was lightly bandaged midway, and everyone hurried on. Except for Xiao Hei, who kept complaining that he couldn't walk, everyone else's physical strength was professionally trained, but walking like this was really tiring.

But when everyone finally arrived at their destination.

So, where is this?

Everyone realized that something was wrong. They originally wanted to find a place with people to grab some supplies or daily necessities. If not, they could also find a car. However, this area was not only in the wilderness but also had a huge mountain. There was not even a house along the way!

Jingshu's brows wrinkled tighter and tighter. She was not like other people who couldn't see clearly in the dark night. On the contrary, she saw these things as clearly as day, and the more she could see the surrounding environment. She was brought about by the movement of the earth's crust. The sequelae are gone, the abrupt mountain in front of you has been squeezed here.

This shows that the original map is no longer trustworthy. The squeeze of the sections has caused many areas to be misaligned. The destination that may have only been reached in a few kilometers has become hundreds of kilometers or even longer.

Tank took out the map and looked at it with a flashlight and said: We have now walked from the canal to this town. If we go straight in this direction for two hundred kilometers, we can return to Luxa. If we get a car, it will only take two hours, but We have come this far and still have nothing, what do you think we should do now?”

The snake spirit frowned: Isn't this place a town? There should be supplies, and our positioning is correct. It is in Fred Town, but how come there are mountains? Even if the end of the world changes, the town cannot be changed. Have all the buildings been destroyed?”

The monkey akimbo said: We just keep walking along the road. We will always encounter crowded places and there will always be cars. If we can't walk 200 kilometers, we can walk there in two days. When we get to Luksa, they will be there. When we’re done, let’s sum up the contribution values ​​and start the next task directly.”

Everyone nodded in agreement. This was the most reliable one at the moment. Only Xiao Hei was crying. He really couldn't walk. He was tired, thirsty and hungry and asked: Then, what should we eat? I'm hungry!

The snake spirit spit out the letter, There are many things to eat in the mountains.

Jing Shu shook her head, I don't agree with this. I don't know if you have noticed that this mountain and the nearby wilderness areas seem to have been squeezed by the earthquake. The earthquake caused many places to move and change. We didn't The best way to ensure that Luxa is still at its original location is for us to return to where the canal was just now and follow the original route. At least Luxa is still connected to the canal when we came here.

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