I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 458 Lion Jingshu opens his mouth to ask for benefits

Some monks in Zhou Papi were confused. Weren't they praising this demon king just now? Why did Jin Ba Ba react so strongly now? Li Yuetian was thinking about whether Jing Shu wanted to threaten Jin Ba Ba through this method. Although he didn't directly offend Jin Tianci and Mrs. Jin, it still offended Jin Baba.

But if you want to get supplies back, you always have to offend someone. It was unexpected to offend two people now, but Li Yuetian still never expected that Jing Shu would open his mouth.

Being young and not very experienced in situations, Jin Ba Ba paced back and forth anxiously and said condescendingly to Jing Shu:

What's the benefit to you of doing this! You think you can get those things back by doing this! You are wrong! Even if you exaggerate the truth, I can only fill in the data to cover up, and you, If you turn everything over, you won’t get anything! And at worst, I’ll confess.”

Yes, Jing Shu didn't say that Jin Ba Ba extorted everyone's things while Jin Tianci was critically ill, but that Jin Ba Ba received five times more supplies and was praised by everyone. These supplies were for the Wucheng grain depot and the people. Okay, now Jin Tianci wants to check the accounts. Even if the fake show is really done, the things can only be kept in the granary and have nothing to do with Jingshu Mao. Jingshu has suffered such a big loss, so what is the point of doing such a thing.

Junjia, who has been working in the officialdom for half his life, sighed, shook his head, and fell into the trap. He couldn't do it without taking this scheming step. The cake drawn by this little girl was really good!

Oh? Do you really have the heart to see the disappointment in your parents' eyes after confessing? Are you willing to return all the materials collected during this period? Even if you use some of the materials, do you think your father's temper is not enough? I'm going to drain my family's wealth but also have to replenish it for you and then give it back to you before liberation? I have a way to get the best of both worlds. Jing Shu's three consecutive blows made Jin Ba Ba breathless.

He was finally afraid, and there was a look of fear on Zhang Yang's high-spirited face. This matter let her mother know that it was not a big deal, but let me know that without saying anything, she would definitely return the things and make up for what she had used during this period. thing! Jin Ba Ba looked at Jing Shu with fear and resentment, but couldn't turn his back.

Junjia, who was wearing a suit and ties, wiped the cold sweat from his head and showed a forced smile: President Jing, if you have any advice, please tell me directly. The top officials of the political corruption like to beat around the bush, and they are so polite when they are obviously asking for mercy. .

Jing Shu chuckled and took a step forward: First, return my supplies intact. If there are any used supplies, I will repay them three times.

Junjia nodded: Of course, no problem.

Jinbaba gritted his teeth in hatred, Just wait, wait until this matter is over and see how I punish you. I'm tired of having meat in my mouth.

Jingshu didn't care about Jin Baba who was so angry that he vomited blood and continued to speak eloquently: Second.

The emptiness of the hall made Jingshu's voice echo a little, but it still couldn't hide the fact that Li Yuetian swallowed in shock from time to time. He didn't expect that Jingshu's purpose was not only to get back her supplies, but also to dare to open her mouth and kill Jin hard. Ba Ba and Jun Jia each struck with a knife, but it happened to hit the painful spot, but they had a good sense of proportion and did not push the two of them into danger.

Jun Jia's cheeks were red from suppressing it. Jin Baba gritted his teeth and weighed the interests before giving up. Even Zhou Papi had an unfathomable look on his face. Now he seemed to understand that Jing Shu was not here to help after a long time. Lao Jin sees a doctor?

Ahem, that's all. Don't forget to take me to the arsenal to pick out weapons later. After all, you have to do all the acting. Jing Shu said calmly.

Li Yuetian looked at Jin Baba's expression and was afraid that Jing Shu would make him faint and faint, so how could he explain it later.

Jin Tianci climbed back onto the bed slowly like an old man. Junjia presented the latest data with both hands and said with pain in his mouth and blood dripping from his heart:

Brother-in-law, this is the red worm cake worth four million virtual coins and other materials worth one million virtual coins that Ba Ba collected from the second detachment Li Yuetian yesterday. The red worm cake has been recorded in the Xishan reserve. , and other materials are recorded in the grain depot.”

Jinbaba lowered his head and clenched his fists. One million virtual coins were obtained from Li Yuetian, but they had to be handed over to the treasury before they were warmed up. The most unacceptable thing is that in order to compensate this vicious woman, she The red worm cake he contributed from his own pocket would be converted into a low price and then returned to the woman with the same value of supplies.

To put it bluntly, this vicious woman gained a reputation as a contributor of four million without spending a penny, and got more valuable and better supplies than red threadworm cakes. He simply suffered a huge loss. It is really hard for a mute to eat coptis. It’s unspeakable. She gave everything but got nothing. This woman paid nothing but got a lot of things for nothing! But he couldn't disagree. If he agreed, he could keep something. If he didn't agree, he would.

Li Yuetian's merit record has been written and is waiting to be submitted for approval, and the second team will no longer need to solicit sponsorship and turn in materials for the next four months. As for commendation.

Of course, there can't be any commendation, otherwise those who have been blackmailed by Jinbaba will explode and complain, and the end will probably be even worse.

Li Yuetian also lowered his head. He wanted to laugh but couldn't hold it in because he was too sad. The supplies he had yesterday were originally handed over to the warehouse, although Jin Baba took so many extra supplies that were supposed to be handed over next month. , but now in exchange, I won’t have to solicit sponsorship for the next four months.

It was equivalent to Jinba Ba sponsoring him four months of supplies and filling the grain depot with four million virtual coins. He was also credited with credit for the amount of tasks he had 'exceeded' in completing, paving the way for his next promotion. With a layer of protection, Li Yuetian looked at Jin Baba sympathetically, and the roles were instantly reversed.

Coincidentally, the red worm cake worth four million virtual coins was contributed by President Jing. Of course, we also used the most fair weapons and met various conditions she raised in exchange for these precious Red thread worm cake, so when you left just now, President Jing tactfully explained to me that she was afraid of provoking some hatred if I wrote a commendation.

As long as there is such a thing in the big data that can be checked at any time, it means that it is 100% physical and the accounts will be reconciled every month. Otherwise, all the people in a department will be held responsible. We don’t dare to keep random accounts. Junjia doesn't have that much power to dare to play tricks on this. At most, it will be 'delayed storage'.

They just temporarily filled in the orders before putting them into the warehouse, and they did have a record of collecting and releasing the materials yesterday. The general ledger of 5 million and the time of putting them into the warehouse can finally be filled in and matched with the warehouse.

Because Jingshu’s red worm cakes have always been stored in the Xishan reserve, all she needs to do is make a debit like a bank. If Junjia fills in the supply replenishment form that Jinbaba scanned and then puts it in, Jingshu will definitely be exposed. Jingshu can take care of it. There was a time difference of half an hour, and it was expected that Junjia would not be able to complete the payment and replenishment within half an hour. At this time, wasn't everything decided by her?

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