I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 459 Accidentally bought a piece of land

That's why Jin Tianci didn't notice anything unusual. This joke was over, so he couldn't help but praise Jinbaba again, so that Jinbaba, who had suffered heavy losses, finally recovered some interest.

Speaking of not giving praise, Jin Tianci looked at Jingshu again with some surprise, and said with a gentle smile: I know you, I used to chat with you using that girl Mary's WeChat account, that time, um, Honeysuckle.

Hey, there's me, old man, watching you chatting on the other side of the video. Zhou Papi was quite proud. At that time, he was still looking for honeysuckle in Guangdong and didn't believe that anyone could raise honeysuckle so well.

Jingshu opened her mouth wide. Of course she remembered how strange Su Mary was that time. She didn't expect that there were so many wretched uncles opposite her when she was chatting. Jingshu didn't know that not only them, but also a one-eyed bald man, and Sumary's father is here.

Jin Tianci became interested and turned to ask Junjia: What conditions were imposed for donating the materials? You must satisfy people and implement them in place. Even if there are difficulties, we must do it well and use some backdoors.

Junjia felt bitter in her mouth. This really helped Jingshu make a free wedding dress, but she smiled on her face and said: It was a bit difficult to handle originally. I will definitely find a way after you said so.

Jin Tianci raised his eyebrows and said, Tell me.

President Jing wants to rent a large piece of land, but he has chosen a piece of factory land in the suburbs of the new urban area. It has about 20 acres of land (two football fields), and he wants to open a feed factory there. But that The surrounding area has been used as a place of residence for thousands of people. If these people are not arranged, we may not be able to start work;

Moreover, the venue and equipment are private. We wanted to expropriate that place some time ago, but they had to sell the equipment before they would move it. We are not such unreasonable people.

The devil believed what you said. Jingshu rolled her eyes, are you being reasonable?

Whose family does it belong to? Jin Tianci asked directly.

The second-in-command's family. Junjia coughed. Those with background are called reasoning, and those without background are called expropriation.

Jin Tianci pondered. Jin Baba couldn't help it several times. Why? Pingha, a woman who didn't pay anything, can now get a large piece of land for nothing? It's the end of the world, and usable land is even more precious. Although there is no industry anymore, many factories have closed down.

Jing Shu was thinking about her plan this time. It was an accident to rent that piece of land. The reason why she wanted that piece of land was because she wanted to develop it into a second doomsday refuge place.

That's right, if the villa was a place without danger in the first five years, then after returning from the migration, that piece of land has become a golden land, because in the few years that Jingshu knew, that piece of golden land was full of dangers. They narrowly survived the disaster and finally became the place where they slowly gathered.

This is just like playing the chicken game. You know that the safe place after shrinking the circle is that place. For the sake of safety and survival, will you hide in the circle in advance and survive until the end?

Another one, if she wants to prevent the fifth-year tyrant from killing Shiyuan, Jingshu also has her own plan for this factory. It can be said that this golden land is very important to Jingshu, even if she doesn't get it this time Here, next time she will still find a way to get it, and she will sign the contract before the tyrant comes to power.

After a while, Jin Tianci asked: Why do you want to rent this land instead of buying it?

Jing Shu was stunned, Didn't I just say that I can sign a ten-year lease and the first three years are free? Buy? It's too expensive and I can't afford it. How many billions have been invested in this before the end of the world, how much virtual reality does she need to buy it now? currency?

Moreover, this is the end of the world. Buying land is just like buying a house. If it is destroyed by natural disasters, there is no place to cry. Besides, Jingshu only knows the direction of the ten years, so she doesn’t dare to make guarantees about what will happen in the future.

Let's do this. You buy the land, factory and equipment. The factory and equipment are all ready-made. The property rights are 70 years. I will act as the middleman and give you half the price, in case I am no longer in office in the future and the lease will be void. Jin Tianci said.

Jin Tianci is afraid that if he dies, the lease will be taken back if it is not recognized later. Who knows who will be the next person in power? If this place really becomes popular in the future, it will not be a matter of minutes to take it away, or the rent will be long or there will be restrictions. If the condition is not to kill Jingshu, it is better to give it half for free.

Jingshu felt a little moved and excited: How many virtual coins? But I don't have enough virtual coins.

You collect half of the down payment, and then I will give you a loan, but we have agreed that the down payment can be made in virtual currency, but the monthly repayments must be made with food and materials of the same value now, to prevent future of inflation.”


My brother-in-law is so awesome. He exchanged a piece of land and scrap metal equipment for so much food in just a few minutes.

No one will suffer from this kind of win-win situation. Go and complete the procedures for President Jing.

Okay, let's go, Ba Ba, follow me and learn more, so that you can enter this field in the future.

Junjia took Jin Baba away, and Li Yuetian also followed to pay the bills. Only Mrs. Jin, Jin Tianci and Jingshu Zhou Papi were left in the huge living room.

Zhou Bapi complained in a low voice. He was finally done. Now he can talk about his own affairs, right? By the way, this girl Jing Shu is too courageous, right? It's the end of the world and you still dare to borrow huge sums of money. I don't know what you think. There are so many abandoned factories, but you want to choose the one with connections behind it. Why is that a Feng Shui treasure?

Not to mention Zhou Bapi, Jingshu is still a little confused. In fact, at the beginning she just wanted the supplies back. Later, she got greedy and wanted to rent that golden land for ten years to provide security for her family. , and plan the next big plan.

But she never expected that in the apocalypse, she would borrow a huge amount of money to buy an abandoned factory that was bigger than a football field! As for today's windfall, all Jinbaba's supplies worth four million virtual coins will be invested.

Originally, virtual coins were just numbers to her. Now, not only have these numbers been cleared, she also owes a large sum of money and has to repay supplies every month, becoming a person with real negative equity. Of course, she could bring out all kinds of supplies, as well as the supplies brought back from the United States later, but that would be a bit more than worth the loss. Jingshu couldn't bear to part with it, so she used the cheapest red worm cake to pay off the debt.

It stands to reason that houses and land should be worthless after the apocalypse, but the destructive power of natural disasters is too strong, flooding more than half of the city, and earthquakes have collapsed many buildings. Now more than half of the buildings and land that can be used are reduced. Many real estate developers secretly built simple prefabricated houses and rented them out at low prices. Otherwise, they would have to live in a house allocated by the government, with more than a dozen people living in one house, or find a single room with someone who had connections with virtual currency.

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