I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 462 Can bullets also be used as wheels?

The bullets plus the box were extremely heavy. Even if she was a Hercules, how much could she carry? Is it possible for a person to move several tons of bullets without the help of external force? There are hundreds of meters from here to the exit. Even if she is Hercules, can she have the endurance to carry her there for so long? How much can it be lifted?

50 kilograms is as high as the sky. The best record in our team is that one person moved ten boxes, 120 kilograms, which is only 10,000 rounds of ammunition. The equivalent amount is almost 300,000 virtual coins.

Junjia found a place to sit down and shook his legs leisurely. He guessed that this woman would use her clothes to drag her away, but normal people would only run out of energy after walking a hundred or two hundred meters. Even those who have been trained may not be able to It would take ten boxes of bullets to carry them that far, let alone how such a petite woman would drag the bullets to the gate.

Time was running out, so Jingshu first confirmed what specifications of bullets she needed. To her surprise, there were also large-sized ammunition for the German MAN roof-mounted recoilless rifle.

Then they piled up the boxes one by one according to the needs. She Tunxiang was greedy and was talking about Jingshu. The ten boxes were piled two meters high, a total of sixteen rows, and there were as many as a whole hill. It was necessary to move so many boxes at once. , 2 tons of bullets plus a box, even Jing Shu couldn't do it, it would be too tiring and would attract attention.

Shocked, a girl from Wucheng lifted a 2-ton bullet and walked like flying. She was arrested by the [Institute for Sponsorships from Everywhere] for research. It is suspected that a new gene has evolved!

News like this is not causing trouble for Jing Shu.

The greatest advantage of human beings is the brain. The brain is a good thing.

Let me ask, will our bullet explode after being crushed?

Jun Jiahe tuied, shaking his legs and telling the ignorant Jingshu: It was black powder that would explode. Now it's all passivated TNT that has been processed, and only the fuse will explode.

Then I'm relieved. Jingshu clapped her hands, took out the special steel wire she got from Qian Duoduo, selected large-caliber bullets and placed them one by one under the bottom ammunition box, and then Tested it by pushing it.

The squeaky bullet is a little deformed due to the pressure. The deformed ellipse will be difficult to push forward and will become stuck. This means that stacking such a high box is still a bit heavy and will affect the forward movement.

Jingshu began to adjust the position, placing only eight boxes in a pile.

Hurry up, you only have fifteen minutes, and you haven't started walking yet. Junjia frowned, what does this little girl want to do? It took ten minutes to move out a box with so many bullets. Do you want to take them all away? Is she crazy? !

Now she has spent another five minutes tying things and doing various experiments. Does she want to tie bullets under these boxes and rely on round-tipped bullets to move forward? But there's no way to fix such a smooth bullet. Once it's fixed, it can't be moved like a cart. Just like what this girl tried, you can only push the bullet one meter out at most. How long does it take to push it to the door? .

Finally, the bullet is not a wheel. It is a special-shaped circle, with one end pointed and the other flat. How can this be used as a rolling wheel? Stop dreaming.

Hey, it's best to keep inking for a while. When the time is up, you won't be able to take away a single bullet, so you can just give me something and send it away.

After the test, Jingshu began to assemble it quickly, weaving two not wide but very long tracks. Boxes of large-caliber bullets quickly turned into tracks in Jingshu's hands. Jun Jiazhang Open your mouth, these large caliber bullets are damn good stuff, forget it

She can't be taken out anyway. At most, we can ask someone to pack her up and put her back later.

Junjia pinched her watch, There are only five minutes left. You haven't set off yet. You can't get out even if you run. Give up and pick something else and you can go.

Jingshu took a long breath, and after completing the slot for the last track, she clapped her hands and said, The time is right, let's go.

As he spoke, he pulled hard, and the boxes in the first row started to move first. Then, with Junjia's stunned expression, these stacked boxes were rolling like trains, row after row, and at the same time there was a slight sound. There was a creaking sound, and the bullets at both ends were put together to leave a little space, just stuck in the four corners of the box, and fixed the box.

There are only eight boxes in a pile, but there are twenty carriages. There are steel wires connecting them in the middle. The bottom layer is made of large-caliber bullets woven into two long tracks that are constantly rubbing against the ground to push them forward. It looks like Twenty carriages with independent tracks are connected by steel wires and rely on the power of the locomotive. Jingshu is the locomotive.

Jingshu was running happily in front, while Junjia was sweating after chasing her. A kind of fear, nonsense, disbelief and other emotions came up one after another, Am I crazy or is the world crazy? Is this woman crazy? What method did Ma use? Bullets can also be used as wheels?

Even though Junjia kept cursing that the ropes would break midway or simply fall off, the train seemed as stable as a dog.

Run slower, I can't keep up!

Nima promised to be nature’s porter! But you secretly installed the wheel!

It's too late if we don't run.

You cheated, it doesn't count!

I used the method you mentioned, dragging it with a rope, that's right; I also used the tools I had on me, but without any external force. As for the bullets underneath, there's no rule that they can't be used as mats. If you want to cheat, Let’s go find your brother-in-law to reason with you.”

Jingshu was an experienced driver and drove quickly and accurately. Junjia, a greasy middle-aged fat man, couldn't catch up behind him. When he ran out panting, Jingshu was nowhere to be seen.

The old man guarding the door was left with a straight face and stretched out his hand, You can pay for the ammunition you just transported.

Nephew, my uncle may have to use your little treasury again. I can't help you anymore.

Today, the superiors suddenly issued a document to replace another deputy director's position with me. Now even the director is very polite to me.

Some time ago, Minister Niu said that his position had been pre-determined, but today he suddenly informed me that he would take over his position in a while. Minister Niu said that I have such a strong backer that he directly replaced the person who had been appointed. They say that I have surpassed four levels in just two years and am even better than him.

What a coincidence! Jing's father and Jing's mother looked at each other and then looked at Jingshu who was sorting ammunition in the warehouse. Could it be the daughter's contribution again? It's just that my daughter was a little unusually excited today. She didn't say anything even after Su Long ate all the roasted gluten-free cold skin made for her by Jing Nai.

Instead, he smiled and said to Su Long gently: It's a big deal after eating all the food.

Congratulations to WY_1007, the first book holder, I owe you 2 more updates.

Recently, I have been inspired to be a diligent person, first revise the article (it will not affect the reading of the later articles, and there will be a small extra chapter about the revised article), and then explode, okay?

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