I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 463 Jingshu’s plans and plans

This abnormal behavior made Su Long immediately beg Jing Nai to teach him how to wash his face and make Liangpi Gluten. He promised that Sister Jing would soon be able to eat her beloved Liangpi. He would never say such creepy words again. He was wrong. He would never do it again. Don’t eat more.

But Jingshu was in a really good mood today. Although the process was not that pleasant, the result was a bumper harvest. She briefly told Jing’s mother and Jing’s father about the situation. After eating, Jingshu locked herself in Germany. In his bedroom on the second floor of the MAN RV, he began to make detailed statistics on supplies and things that could pass through the open road, and of course everyone's gifts.

The fat chicken was lying in the nest, staring fiercely at the sulfuric acid ants that were laying eggs frantically. The sulfuric acid ants continued to occupy the fat chicken's territory, making it very anxious.

While Jingshu counted the existing supplies, she continued to make the next plan. After all, sometimes there were so many things that she forgot what she had and what they were used for.

First of all, the 120,000 newly added bullets of various types today will last a long time if nothing else goes wrong, and can even support Jingshu's full firepower in fighting several small-scale wars.

Secondly, the supplies that I will be returning today do not take up much space, so I put them in categories. Daily necessities are placed in the villa area, and work supplies are placed in the warehouse. However, because most of the food is not available, Lingquan Jingshu doesn’t like it. So I plan to use them as favors and as gifts, so these are good gifts for my aunts, aunts, and even friends around me.

Those with spiritual spring characteristics can be used by their own family members.

In the end, 4 million virtual coins were exchanged for 4 million red threadworms and Jinbaba for supplies, but the result was that the 4 million virtual coins were used to buy the 20 acres of golden land, and in addition to that, they had to add She used all the virtual coins she had saved in the past few years to make a down payment, and from now on she would have to use food and supplies to repay the loan every month.

Jingshu began to write down the current problems and plans:

1. Put the factory land into renovation and production as soon as possible, and solve the accommodation problem of thousands of people in the surrounding area with Junjia.

2. Find a suitable place in the factory to breed a batch of sulfate ants and extract sulfuric acid.

As for what the land was mainly used for, Jingshu had already made a plan, which was the spiral Anabaena that Wu Youai gave her yesterday.

Second form! With a change of consciousness, Jingshu's eyes appeared in the crowded Rubik's Cube space. Jingshu passed through the 'herds of cattle and sheep', walked to the corner of the Rubik's Cube space and squatted down, looking at this Something I cultivated yesterday.

I saw that it was covered with layers of carrion worms that are now everywhere. Yesterday, Jingshu fished out a large piece of carrion worms from the smelly ditch outside, killed them, washed them, and put them on the spiral fish. Fish algae as food for them.

Wu Youai said that as long as these things have protein, they can grow and reproduce crazily. Jingshu also equipped them with spiritual spring liquid No. 2 in order to speed up the process.

Today is just one day, and 1 cubic meter of space has been completely occupied by this seaweed!

After the seaweed was cultivated, Jingshu placed a small part of it with the red nematodes. This seaweed is feed for various fish. It can synthesize protein, bound nitrogen, etc., but Jingshu does not intend to follow what Wu Youai said. It is only used to feed fish, but is used to breed red worms.

In the past, the crazy breeding of red worms did not require any feed, but now Jingshu has found many ways to breed red worms but has not been able to achieve the same results as before. It is not realistic to just use spiritual springs to breed. She only has so many spiritual springs. How many reproductions are needed to achieve large-scale breeding? After all, the power of an individual is still too small.

I hope this seaweed won't disappoint me.

3. If seaweed can become a feed for red worms and increase the reproduction speed of red worms, then the next plan can be implemented. Recruit workers in that factory and divide the area into a dedicated collection of carrion worms at a low price or breeding. One part of the carrion worms is used to cultivate seaweed, and the other part is used to feed red nematodes to expand the scale of reproduction.

There are too many carrion insects. If I really find their value and use them, then it should be able to alleviate the disaster in Wucheng in the fifth year, right?

That's right, Jingshu took that piece of land not only for herself, but also to alleviate the situation of no grain harvest in the fifth year. At that time, political corruption was everywhere, and even the rich Shiyuan was confiscated. And Qian Duoduo was killed, all because of food.

If Jingshu's factory can breed red worms in large quantities and wear the same pants as the political corruption, so many people will not die when there is a famine, and the tyrant will not be cornered, and the tyrant will probably not attack Shiyuan. Bar? ..Maybe? After all, she also has shares in Shiyuan.

But who knows, the temper of that tyrant.

4. Through this study trip to the United States, I know that the number of cell divisions is limited. If the reproduction of red worms and seaweed reaches the extreme, can the drug ZS880 be used to increase their reproduction capacity?

So, Jingshu started the second batch of seaweed and red nematode experiments.

5. The second batch of materials, seeds and rare ores have not yet been transported from the imperial capital. When they arrive, talk to Jin Tianci.

6. Hao Yunlai is still in a coma. We must study the matter of dead trees and red liquid. After discussing with Yang Yang, we will start to conduct experiments on Hao Yunlai to verify my guess. Well, let’s start treating Hao Yunlai. I am so Do everything to save your teammates.

7. Breed lion-head geese. Since my family bought such a large yard, let’s renovate it together. I’m still looking forward to a 300-square-meter yard.

8. There are still six months to prepare for the mudslides in the next year. The villa and the large yard behind will bear the brunt of the mudslides. I remember that someone used that method in the past life and it was not bad, but I have to use some weird reasons. What about building such a big building?

Jing Shu bit her pen and suddenly had a flash of inspiration, No need for a reason, just because I like it, because I'm proud!

9. I feel that my mind is always blank recently, it is easy to get fragmented, and it is easy to forget some things. It is probably the new ability of the Rubik's Cube Space promotion. I must carefully welcome this Rubik's Cube Space promotion and speed up the promotion, because now There’s never enough room in a Rubik’s Cube!

10. To find an armed helicopter as a vehicle, set this small goal first.

Write this much first, and then add more when you think of it. Jingshu finished writing the recent plan with satisfaction, stayed up late to record all the supplies and put them in the space, and then fell asleep.

The next day, Jingshu looked very satisfied with her panda eyes and began to distribute the gifts she had sorted and prepared last night.

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