Some of these gifts were transported across the ocean from the United States, and some were collected by Jingshu in the space. Jingshu had always chosen them to give to her closest family members.

However, Fei Ji, who was the first hero this time, was naturally the first to be rewarded. Fei Ji's favorite fried chicken legs naturally came with a basketful of them. Not only that, Jing Shu also rewarded him with a whole drop of spiritual spring. , the fat chicken held the chicken leg in its mouth, and went to show off to number 3 as if to show off its power.

Mom, the luxury accessories you have always wanted are Hermès bags, Chanel perfume, and Estee Lauder cosmetics. If you and my aunt like it, you can also take some.

Wu Youai adjusted her glasses and shook her head, My mother and I don't like these.

Jing’s mother looked around and liked it very much. It was like a toy that she couldn’t afford when she was a child and finally had the money to buy it when she grew up. She sighed: “The quality is not that good, why do so many people like to pinch it? Yu Caini was carrying this bag before the end of her life. Oops, the fragrance is a bit pungent.

Things that were unaffordable before are now at your fingertips. Jingshu feels that it is just one thing to truly have them. It is true that people pursue things that they can never get, but the happiness of rich people is indeed unimaginable before. This feeling of doing whatever you want. , Jingshu has become addicted, so Jingshu desires more and more to be powerful and possess more.

Dad, this is the Rolex watch you have always wanted. I have given you a dozen or so pieces, so you can wear them. By the way, these are all kinds of red wine and whiskey from the United States. You look at them and Please keep it well.

Okay, my daughter understands me.

Sir, this is a luxury cigarette from the United States. Do you think it's different from ours? By the way, it's a whole piece of crocodile skin. You can make it into something suitable.

Master Jing looked at it for a while and said, With such a big crocodile skin, why not make a leather holster and leather quiver for each of us.

Wu Youai was given a pair of live king crabs, which were of great research value to her, and Sangu was given a lot of fabrics brought back from the United States. Sangu liked to make her own clothes, and Jingshu also contacted Zi Jin, she will be back in two days. Jingshu also has a batch of cow and sheep skins and wants them to seize the time to make a few more sets of gloves, socks, and leather shoes for each person. After all, the cold winter of the fifth year is coming soon.

The temperature in Wucheng is now below freezing. If it's too cold, it's just right to make more cotton-padded clothes and leather jackets.

What she gave to her uncle's family were daily necessities and some meat brought back from the United States. After all, their house had just collapsed and there were a lot of things that needed to be relocated. At the same time, Jingshu was also thinking about where her uncle's family would live next. question.

Jingshu finally looked at Jing Nai, who was looking at her expectantly, and took out the candlestick like a magic trick: Nai, this is a candlestick that will never burn out for you. It relies on chips and magnets. Theoretically, the power generated will never go out, so you won’t have to waste electricity and not turn on the lights in the future.”

Jing Nai looked at it left and right in surprise. The brightness was very soft and just right. This is really magical. Okay, it's really good. Just put it on my bedside. Nai Nai needs this.

By the way, you may be busy in the future. Look, the lobsters, sea urchins, king crabs, etc. I brought back from the United States have to be raised in the pond. There are also longan meat and large hams brought back from the United States. , tuna, foie gras, caviar, etc. I had put them in the large refrigerator the day before yesterday. There are also a lot of olive oil, peanut oil, and rapeseed oil. When you cook, add more oil. Don’t just rub the pig skin and treat it like it. It’s oil.”

It aroused laughter from the whole family. The savings of Jing Nai are not to be boasted, especially in the end of the world. However, when the old man heard so many supplies, he couldn’t open his eyes with laughter. What is the most reassuring thing when there is a famine?

Just when she is watching the food in the warehouse go down little by little, and the fat chicken is not around, and she is so anxious, Jingshu comes back and fills it up directly, making people full of security. This is Jingnai's greatest happiness , I even sprinkle a few extra handfuls of feed when feeding chickens.

Yesterday, I went to Li Yuetian and brought back so much food that surprised the whole family. Today, Jingshu told them that a second batch of supplies was still on the way. At this time, the family members were all suspicious that Jingshu was going abroad this time. Did he go to be a robber? Also, are the goods in the United States really so abundant that they can be picked up casually? Just like in Dubai, there are luxury cars all over the place and no one wants them?

By the way, sir, I would like you to transplant these coffee saplings I brought back from the United States.

Why didn't you take this kid out yesterday? Let me see if he's alive.

In just two days, Jingye took the lead in building a house in the backyard and connected it to the floor heating of the boiler room. It was specially used for the breeding of Jingshu's lion-head geese. The family knew that these two babies were rented for breeding. At that time, don’t mention how careful you are.

It's just that they haven't been fed for two days. Jingshu said that she wanted to treat these two pampered geese. After all, in the imperial capital, they were pampered like giant pandas. They not only fight all the time but are also picky eaters, which is the most disturbing thing. What makes me unhappy is that I don’t have to look at you.

But after all, the fat chicken is well-trained, and often eats chicken legs in front of the two geese until its mouth is full of oil. It didn't take long for the stupid goose to surrender, so he was treated like the other chickens and ducks in Jingshu's house and ate ordinary food. The feed contains vegetable roots from Lingquan, and the remaining bone broth and juice of the family cannot be wasted, and they can eat whatever is available.

Jingshu didn't care about it after joining Lingquan No. 8. Fat Chicken, who has the nature of a shepherd dog, has a very persistent belief in managing poultry. He likes to be the class leader and take care of others. He is exactly the same as Jingshu ten years ago, but no matter what To say that the task of breeding lion-headed geese is going smoothly, it all depends on when the geese will lay eggs and hatch their young.

The next day, Zhou Papi called and asked when Jingshu would return to the Pharmacy Association to go to work. He also said that Jin Tianci’s effect was very good. After having diarrhea all day, he excreted a lot of toxins. Although he was haggard, he still felt tired. With the blood color, various indicators have become much stronger, and it will be normal after another week of training.

Jingshu felt relieved now, I'm going to take some time off. I haven't had time to go to the Pharmaceutical Association recently. If there is a competition, call me.

Junjia did not dare to neglect matters at the factory. Jingshu received the notice and could take over the factory and handle various procedures in five days. During this buffer time, Jingshu could not waste time, but did it over and over again. Experiments on algae, carrion worms, and red nematodes.

Jingshu succeeded in the first step, relying on carrion insects to reproduce seaweed in large quantities and quickly. It is currently unknown how many times this original solution can reproduce. But the second step is a bit difficult, because when the seaweed and red nematodes used as feed are put together, the red nematodes do not reproduce as fast as the seaweed.

Oops, why wasn’t the chapter name included?

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