I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 469 The mudslide is because the earth has diarrhea

So what does diversion have to do with buying this land? Yes, it does matter!

Let’s start with next year’s mudslides. By then, the world will be plagued by mudslides for a whole year. According to experts’ nonsense, this disaster started with a massive flood that submerged many parts of the world in the second year, and then in the third year. The annual tornado and earthquake sucked in a large amount of floodwater and buildings. For example, the floodwater that submerged most of Wucheng quickly dried up in a few days, and even half of Wucheng disappeared into the black hole.

These are special mudslides that are brewed, squirmed, and digested for a long year before being excreted from the high-lying mountain passes.

Some of these mudslides are hard and some are muddy, and some of them are mixed with human buildings and undifferentiated plastics, door frames, and other garbage. Only you can't think of it, there is no garbage that it doesn't have!

Jingshu remembers clearly that a geologist once said this:

We must look at these phenomena in the end of the world correctly and objectively. These are normal phenomena of nature. It also occasionally gets sick, just like someone trying to fill your stomach with water and stuffing you with all kinds of indigestible things. , and then rock you for another year and a half.

Do you have diarrhea? Are you vomiting or not?

Therefore, this kind of mudslide is a way for the earth to excrete itself. Don’t panic. Once it has finished pooping and excreting its garbage, it will recover. The apocalypse will be over. All we have to do is to quietly make it comfortable. The toilet is restored as before.

I believe you, that old man is very bad. He says every year that the apocalypse is coming to an end, and it makes Jingshu feel like a giant is excreting every time she sees this kind of mudslide.

And Jingshu's villa is at the foot of the mountain. You can imagine how many mudslides will flow down from the mountain. Fortunately, the short mountain is not the kind of towering mountain. I feel sorry for the dense crowds in the mountainous area.

This year, less than half of the buildings will be submerged by mudslides and imprisoned in the ground forever, just like steel and stone. The key is, a lot of fields have been damaged. In the past, all the land that could be cultivated is now covered with mud and rocks. , how to plant on stony ground?

This has greatly increased the burden of political corruption. Originally, people thought that the land could not be planted due to severe heat in the first year, floods in the second year, and earthquakes in the third year. Unexpectedly, the land was directly buried in the fourth year. Soilless cultivation is now When everything was lacking during the stage, the cost increased again.

So having said that, if Jingshu wants to divert the flow, she must need such a 'bottomless pit' to store her portion of the mudslide flowing down the mountain. Otherwise, when the weather gets cold, the mudslide will advance slowly and the thing will wait for it to condense into blocks. If it does, it is likely to flood the villa or block the place where Jingshu needs to be diverted, such as other residential areas.

Of course this is not possible and will lead to complaints. Since we want to divert the traffic, we must not harm the interests of others, lest others take advantage of it and use it as an excuse. Therefore, these black holes are necessary.

If Jingshu's villa didn't want to flood one and a half floors like in the previous life, it would be better to divert the mudslide to the black hole.

Besides, she can't stop the mudslide that breaks out on the mountain. Even if she can stop it, it's not nice to say, can you stop it if you have diarrhea?

Sooner or later, it would erupt from other places, and Jingshu also wanted to change its direction. Unfortunately, it was a mountain. Unless the mountain that stretched for several kilometers was flattened, there would always be mudslides coming.

By the way, we still need to dig a new riverbed. This is a big project, but Jingshu is ready to wait until the debris flow arrives before digging. Now she needs to make other diversion preparations.

Whatever she thought of, she did it and Jingshu immediately contacted Li Yuetian.

Jingshu, I haven't thanked you properly yet. You have done a lot for our Banana community and have relieved so much of our burden. If you have anything to say, just say it directly. Li Yuetian was very polite and kept saying it again and again. Li Yuetian was worried that he would not have the chance to thank Jingshu for his gratitude.

You're welcome, Captain Li. It's like this. Didn't No. 26, No. 27 and the front building of Banana Community all collapse in? I want the right to use this collapsed land.

Oh Jingshu, are you talking about the treasure digging that is so popular right now? You can take over the entire collapsed land for 5,000 virtual coins, but here we will give you five treasure diggers for free, who can dig it out All valuable things are yours. You have one year's ownership of this land. Someone in other areas has dug up rare minerals such as core stones, and you can make a profit if you get one piece. How about it? Do you want to try it? I'll give you a call The price of a broken bone.”

Is there such a cool operation? Although it is a contract, one year of ownership is enough.

Jingshu had never heard of it in her previous life. Maybe she was too ignorant. After all, she couldn't even afford a steamed bun in her previous life, and no one seemed to be digging for treasures in this land.

Okay, how much does a broken bone cost?

2000 virtual coins.

make a deal.

Jingshu didn't expect to acquire this land so quickly. Naturally, she ran out of virtual currency, so she took the wheat brought back from the United States. It was shipped back from the black market. It was old grain that might not taste very good, so she just changed it. go out.

Now that the mudslide has a place to go, the first big problem has finally been solved, and Jingshu is closer to her next plan.

When the family talked about this matter at dinner in the evening, it was inevitable that they would sigh and be afraid. Wu Youai was even more of a false alarm. After getting off work at noon, she went to her tutor to study the latest topics. Fortunately, it was not a place under her jurisdiction, otherwise she would have been in trouble if she was not there. .

What trouble could there be?

If something happens within the jurisdiction of the visiting specialist, whether it is during working hours or not, if you are not present to arrange and manage the matter, you may be reported by the temporary worker. What are the consequences?

As soon as she said this, Jing's mother came back with her uncle and aunt who looked decadent, as well as Su Long's family of three who had just sent them away two days ago. The first thing Jing's mother said when she entered the door was:

Hey, they were not at the scene on the day of the earthquake. Although sleeping at night was not part of working time, they were still reported by the temporary workers. The above stated that they actively participated in the remediation afterwards, so only one person was laid off, and the other person could be temporary first. , if you perform well and bring it up, don't you let them discuss it, but today they don't even have a formal working place in the square, so they come to stay for one night first.

Wu Youai shrugged and said that's how it is, especially if you have no backer. If you make a mistake and are reported, you will lose all the benefits of a regular employee.

My eldest aunt lowered her head and wiped away tears. Her house was gone, everything was gone where she lived, even her job was gone.

However, the uncle apologized and came to bother me again, and scolded: Why are you crying? Women have no sense! If Jing Shu'er hadn't called us here, what's the use of talking about those things that are outside the body if we don't have our lives now? You can still make money. The above stipulates that it is normal to be kicked out for not fulfilling the responsibilities of a regular worker. If we escape with our lives, we will make a lot of money.

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