I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 470 The factory director of the golden land is handed over to the uncle

The eldest aunt nodded her head and changed from being strong in the past to being a little bird. The eldest uncle also explained the next plan. Since it happened, we must make the next step. The eldest aunt nodded repeatedly in approval. At the most helpless time, a man still stood up. This is a man worth relying on.

Come on, come on, eat first, eat first.

Wang Fang and I have already eaten. Su Long can just go and eat something. The uncle said quickly. Eating and drinking in the last days is the most annoying thing. They are fine with being hungry for a day, but they really can't bear to let their children starve too.

Jing Nai forced people to come over to eat. In this apocalyptic world, she doesn't feel bad if her relatives and friends come to eat, but if they want to pack them away after leaving, they won't be able to get even a grain of rice. This is Jing Nai's way of hospitality.

The family finally started eating happily. Jing's mother also smiled and exhaled softly. She had never married the wrong person in her life.

Jing Shu looked at her uncle's change from being cowardly to now being assertive and having a way of doing things, and felt very emotional;

It turns out that the living environment and family atmosphere can really change a person. First, Jingshu's family thrived in the last days and supported her uncle, giving her the confidence to give the red threadworm business, and then... It was thanks to Heizhu that he became a regular employee for his aunt and uncle. The strength of the family and the experience of work made the uncle finally lose his former cowardice. He no longer had to ask his aunt and her family for everything, and he felt the same. Now that men can truly be relied on, the uncle is now the real master of the family.

Of course, the uncle's cowardice in not daring to speak out is different from Jing's father's ear-raking;

Jing’s father follows Jing’s mother because he loves and cares for her. Jing’s mother respects Jing’s father and also thinks about Jing’s father. Most of the decisions Jing’s mother makes are reasonable. Husband and wife respect each other. This is the way to get along, not the end of the world. The former Wei Nuo didn't dare to resist if he wanted to.

It's strange, how can Jingshu, a single person, know so much...

Having said that, I can finally entrust some things to my uncle. The matter of the land and factory can be entrusted to my uncle.

In the last three years, it can be said that Jing's mother has provided the least help to Jing's mother's family, while Jing's father's side, including the eldest aunt, third aunt, and others, are not stingy. Jingshu previously felt that her uncle's cowardly temperament had no independent opinions, and he was easily picked on by her aunt. Things have affected family harmony, but now that her uncle can take on the responsibility, Jingshu doesn't mind giving more support to her mother's only brother, so that Jing's mother can rest assured about her brother.

However, if there is a wolf or someone who instigates things, Jingshu will definitely deal with it before Jingma notices it. At present, it seems that apart from taking advantage of small things and being short-sighted, aunt has no intolerable shortcomings. Not everyone is perfect, just like Yes, she also has shortcomings.

Auntie, how many red threadworms do you have left? Jingshu asked suddenly.

Wang Fang stuttered reservedly, but couldn't slow down. Oh, this damn roast duck with sauce. The pieces were neither greasy nor greasy, and even the skin was browned and the meat was extremely tender and drizzled with the sauce. This Damn charcoal-grilled pork belly, dipped in barbecue sauce and sandwiched with lettuce, each bite is crispy and has the charred aroma of the skin!

Huh? Wang Fang licked her mouth intoxicatedly before she realized what she was doing. She quickly lowered her head and said sheepishly: Half of them have been sold. I originally wanted to save some more money to buy two chickens for Su Long to study in high school. Finished.

Jing Shu muttered: In this way, your share of red worms is not large to begin with. Don't sell it yet, keep it.

Ah, okay. Wang Fang was smarter this time and didn't ask.

Jing Shu continued: Uncle, the arrangement you just made is already very good, but I have a better idea here.

The uncle's eyes lit up, Jingshu'er, tell me.

Uncle, please don't be a temporary worker. I've contracted a piece of land and am planning to open a big factory. You can be the director of the factory. I don't trust others, but it will be very hard. Jing Shu said slowly.

Jing's mother opened her eyes wide, My dear, you've only been back for a few days, are you going to do this again?

The uncle asked with interest: How big is the factory? What kind of factory can be opened now? Apart from food, everything else is hard to use.

Jing Shu smiled lightly: The red worm farm is very big.

What! What? Real or fake?

Aren't all red worms extinct? We have been researching them for more than half a year, but they haven't found any results. The species that were left at that time are almost dead. After all, red worms have a very short lifespan. The uncle said in surprise.

Dad Jing scratched his head, Daughter, there are several large buckets of red worms in our big yard, and there are blood leeches you raised in them. Haven't we tried many methods but couldn't mass-produce them?

Jingshu smiled mysteriously and ignored Jing's father, but turned around and said: Uncle, I can only say that the breeding farm is not as easy as it used to be to collect red worms. It is very challenging and will employ a lot of employees. You also know the difficulty of raising red worms now, but if you succeed, you can imagine how big the demand for food is now. What do you think, do you want to do it?

The uncle stood up excitedly, Jing Shu'er, I believe you.

Okay, brother, let me settle the accounts. The factory will give you a monthly dividend. The detailed figures will be discussed later. We will also give you a house around the factory!

But uncle, our factory is likely to be a multi-party joint venture, so you, the factory director, are mainly responsible for the normal operation and supervision of all departments, and reporting to me in a timely manner when you find problems that cannot be solved.

In fact, he is equivalent to Jingshu's endorsement manager. He is the person who appears in front of the screen during all activities and meetings, while Jingshu stands behind the scenes and controls everything.

Uncle, I understand, but when will you start working?

It starts tomorrow, but there are still some problems waiting for us to solve.

Everyone gradually became familiar with Jingshu's vigorous and resolute manner, but his father was worried and decided to go to the factory with Jingshu tomorrow. They had no idea that Jingshu had borrowed a huge sum of money to buy such a large piece of land and Her real plan was to set up an acquired red worm factory and hire a dozen people like before.

However, Jingshu did not forget about her aunt who was a little disappointed:

Auntie, you will continue to work as a temporary worker, but not as a temporary worker visiting the specialists. Instead, when the factory breeds red worms, you will be responsible for the orders in the Xishan area. You are equivalent to the liaison between the two sides, and we will also give you With a salary, I think you should be promoted to a regular employee soon. After all, there is a stable red thread worm resource, and everyone is rushing to get it.

My aunt's face slowly became colorful, and she said excitedly: Does this mean I can get two wages? I am a regular worker here in the government, and I am a liaison officer here in your factory?

Jing Shu said with a meaningful smile: It depends on how you operate it. Anyway, we can let you sell the orders here. As for whether you still treat it as a temporary worker or not, it's up to you.

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