I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 471 Chapter 473 I want to hire everyone here.

Wang Fang gritted her teeth: Yes, I will definitely be a temporary worker. Hmm, I may not be willing to let them ask me to be a regular worker when the time comes.

Wang Fang has already thought that when the time comes, she will have a worm on her hands, and she can sell it to whichever department she wants... Humph, so that she can get back all the humiliation she suffered today! Look at those people who are still fawning over themselves.

Seeing the pregnant cows and some black pigs in the yard, Wang Fang thought again that Jingshu's family was in trouble before the end of the world. When asking them to borrow money, if they would listen to a man and lend her 300,000 instead of 10 Ten thousand, then only three pigs will come back after the apocalypse. Oh, I regret it. Look at her milk, she still has a good taste. She immediately gave hundreds of thousands. After the apocalypse, look at the comfortable life she has lived.

Jingshu smiled and said nothing. She had very low requirements for her aunt, as long as she didn't make any mistakes or damage the family harmony.

Before going to bed, the whole family got into the German MAN RV and squeezed in. They didn’t dare to sleep in the villa. Wu Youai slept in her beloved space capsule, while Jingshu continued to practice the Rubik’s Cube on the big bed on the second floor. C. elegans experiments, and others huddled on the first floor.

The good news is that the red worms that used the Blood Spirit Spring reproduced much faster, and the red worms that used the ZS880 agent also reproduced much faster. Jingshu mixed these things together and did it again. As a test, Jing Shu had a vague suspicion in her mind about the Blood Spiritual Spring, and she was just waiting for the final verification.

After a night of silence, she got used to the regular aftershocks in her sleep. It was Su Long's screams that woke up Jingshu. When she wrapped herself in a big cotton-padded jacket to see what was going on, she realized that there were six or seven people sneaking around last night. I climbed up the ladder and bypassed the makeshift backyard fence, trying to climb in.

Unexpectedly, it directly triggered the high-voltage power grid of the RV. Like a string of grasshoppers, all the people in the group were scorched by the electricity. They were all frozen solid when they were found in the morning.

The uncle's family of three looked pale, and the uncle murmured: Why are there so many dead people silent, and I'm still sleeping so deeply.

Jingshu rubbed her eyes and said, After a person is electrocuted, his nerve reflexes will cause him to fall down like a log and not be able to make any movements, let alone make any sound. Don't ask Jing, a scumbag, why he knows this, just ask. Electricity passed.

On the other hand, Jing's father skillfully threw the corpse out with a bang, and you could still hear the heavy sound of the corpse falling to the ground. After a while, people gathered around outside and started grabbing the corpse and clothes. It was very lively.

There are desperate people who want to steal things again. They said there are many traps inside that are so scary that they can even lead to death.

It just makes us cheaper. Hey, these people are quite rich, and they have such professional tools.

Dad Jing clapped his hands and sighed: We still have to find time to improve this yard, otherwise there will always be people making plans.

Jingshu nodded, and she had to take other steps to prevent mudslides.

Jingshu took Jing’s father and uncle who were driving to the Golden Land Factory, the junction of Xishan and Xinshi District. This place is relatively remote in the suburbs. Before the apocalypse, it was an industrial factory with thousands of people. After the apocalypse, the boss collapsed due to insufficient raw materials. Everything that could be sold was sold. The ones that couldn't be sold were the large iron machines that couldn't be lifted away and were not easy to destroy, so they kept them.

There are several workers' dormitories nearby. Due to the terrain, the government officials have used them as temporary shelters. They are crowded with people. Some of the factory buildings also have people living there. If these people are not dealt with, the factory will open. Those who can't work, let alone stealing, must clean up the outsiders before opening the factory.

There are really a lot of people here. The uncle got out of the car and looked at a row of brown-red old-fashioned low buildings. There were many people in strange clothes surrounding them. People with big heads and small heads were looking here curiously. Whispering quietly and pointing.

Who made driving a car in this post-apocalyptic world such a sensation? It felt like I was back in the 1980s when driving a car and people from the whole village came down to watch.

Until this time, a few regular workers in normal clothes and uniforms finally arrived. The leader was a middle-aged man of medium build.

Dad Jing was shocked by such a big factory. He thought it was only a few hundred square meters, but he didn't expect it to be tens of thousands of square meters! The factory is so big!

Hello, hello, this is Ms. Jing. I am the visiting director of this area. Just call me Lao Tuo. Yes, the procedures and transfer related matters ordered above have been completed. Please come and certify it. Just confirm it via video on big data at once.”

The transfer procedures were very simple, and it only took five minutes to complete all the procedures. Jingshu exhaled. This golden land, no matter whether it experienced a cold winter or various disasters, would be hers from now on!

The chatter outside the door became louder, and faintly came:

Sure enough, the superiors sold this land to those people! The contract has been signed.

Really or not, then where will we live in the future? The old houses in the city have been destroyed by the earthquake, and other shelters are full of people. It is not easy to find a place to live now! It is so cold to live outside It’s going to freeze people to death!”

Whatever, this is a shelter designated by the authorities. So what if he buys this land, we won't leave. You guys just stick to it and live here!

The noise outside made Lao Tuo frown and shouted: If you don't go to work outside today, if you don't find corpses or dig out rocks, you won't have food to eat. What are you doing gathering here!

As he spoke, he closed the door with a bang, and then asked with a smile:

Ms. Jing, you see what the above means is that this land belongs to you, but the surrounding B\u0026Bs are still shelters. How about you open your factory and these people continue to live here? If your factory wants to choose some Workers can just choose some from these 2,000 people.

2,000 people.

Jing Shu shook her head and said: I made it very clear to my superiors at the time that this entire land belongs to me, but I never said that these houses are still shelters.

Lao Tuo's face suddenly stiffened and he forced a smile: But you also said that you would solve the accommodation problem for these thousands of people. You can't just kick them all out now.

Well, that's true, but I hope you won't use the word shelter again. From now on, it is private. What I said before is true about solving the accommodation problem for these thousands of people. My factory is for my workers. ’s, and I’m going to hire everyone who lives here.”

Of course, living in the dormitory is not free, and there is no free meal in the world.

Jingshu said, it's great to open a factory and send so many laborers. Although it seems a bit too much at the moment, and there are many gangsters looking for trouble, Jingshu is not afraid of these.

Follow the rules of the tyrant in the previous life, you bastard? nonexistent. Want to take advantage of freeloading? That doesn't even exist.

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