I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 472: Hold a meeting to announce something to everyone

The tyrant has said before that in an attempt to make employees work hard, not be lazy, and have a sense of belonging, it is never about forced rules and regulations, but about interests. In a word, people go to work just to earn virtual currency and food. Don’t talk about ideals and ambitions, or virtual currency. If you have enough food or food, you won't have to worry about anything, and you can work overtime 24 hours a day. That's how hard-working Chinese people are.

Ah? Everyone? Why do we need so many people? Lao Tuo's mouth was open, and even his uncle coughed and almost choked. Jing's father swallowed his saliva, is his daughter not crazy? Want to hire 2,000 people in these last days? Can you afford virtual currency and feed so many people?

Red worm breeding processing factory! Not only that, I also want to hire you as the personnel manager of this factory, responsible for selecting elite talents for various positions. As for remuneration, can you implement a dividend system according to your ability? You know, this factory Only those above the manager level have the right to pay dividends.

Of course, you don’t have to give up your position here. After all, your daily job is to understand and protect the safety of these people, right? Now, it's even more convenient.

You, you have conquered the technology of red worm reproduction?! Lao Tuo was pleasantly surprised, and the visiting specialists around him were even more shocked. If you have really conquered it, then the future of this factory will not be the same as printing money. .

Jing Shu raised her eyebrows and said nothing. It should be soon. The pie should be drawn first.

Under the huge temptation, Lao Tuo, oh no, Manager Tuo quickly integrated into his new role, and couldn't help but worry about the future of the factory:

Even if our factory can breed a lot of red worms every day, if we hire so many people and have to pay them, can our factory afford it? What if there is a surplus of labor and many people don't work?

What should we do with those who are unwilling to work just to stay? What if someone instigates trouble? It’s not easy to manage.

The corners of Jingshu's mouth raised slightly, Our factory does not distinguish between regular workers and temporary workers. There is no basic salary, only commission. You will get the amount of food you deserve based on how much work you have done. We also implement a remuneration grade system, and you can get it if you reach a certain level. The remuneration is better than that of regular political workers. I will explain it to you in detail in a moment. Please take note of it.

Manager Tuo, do you know that the greatest loyalty is to interests? If everyone's interests are tied together, and only a small part instigates trouble, what do you think will happen?

Manager Tuo wiped his sweat, he would be drowned in saliva!

Look, now that his interests as a personnel manager are involved, he will also be anxious. Interests are the best binding rope that drives people's hearts.

Uncle Jing and Dad Jing were completely stunned. When had they ever seen Jing Shu clearly lay out all the plans and promulgate almost new rules? The uncle even wiped his sweat. If Jingshu really said this, then he would really only be here to supervise. Oh no, he might have to go on stage to explain at any time.

More than half an hour later, the middle-aged manager Tuo held a stack of notes in his hand and couldn't help but admire Jingshu. He not only solved the accommodation problem of more than 2,000 people, but also firmly tied up everyone. The interests of some people, but the rat shit of a small group of people.

Haha, they don't need to solve it, the rest of the people will consciously eliminate the rats.

Jingshu picked up the thermos cup and took a sip of wolfberry ginger sugar tea before saying:

Mr. Tuo, while they are all here, you can gather everyone together and tell everyone about the acquisition of this place. At the same time, you can also promote our concept and hold a meeting. Let's have a meeting today. We will confirm the people in each position, and arrange the extra people to go to sales and collect carrion insects, and then divide them into some construction workers to repair the factory.

This area will also suffer from the mudslide next year, but it will not bear the brunt as much as the villa. In addition, the quiet hills in the wilderness here can divert water at will, and there is no fear of blocking Lao Wang's door next door.

Besides, this land is a land approved by a loan. If it is put into production one day earlier, it will produce results one day earlier. Jingshu, a big boss who is away from home and doesn’t have a penny of virtual coins, can still say: I never carry money with me, and the employees can’t pay their wages. I have self-produced red worms, but I still have to repay the loan every month!

The factory in the golden land is called the red worm cake processing factory. In order to enrich the taste, Jingshu is going to let the experts develop several more cheap and delicious flavors. We will talk about these later. First, we need to frame the factory shelves, and finally The important thing is to draw the big pancake!

What are you doing?

I heard that there is going to be a meeting. Yesterday there was a lot of rumors that the new boss of Pandi is going to kick us all out. Zhang Zi, you have agreed to hold your position with your hundreds of brothers. They Don't you want to open a factory? Just blackmail him for dozens of security guards. If they don't agree, we will make trouble and make trouble so hard that the factory can't open.

Tsk tsk, Liuzi and the others work as security guards for political corruption outside, taking care of one meal a day. Not to mention how good it is, it's easy. It's not like now when people dig up corpses and work hard to make ends meet. Lai Ziscar said with envy.

Zhang Zi nodded silently and said nothing else. He shook his fists. His wife and children were huddled in the room with other women for warmth. All he could do was work hard to earn virtual coins. The children received state subsidies. A meal was far from enough. He wanted to make sure the two of them had enough to eat, and he would do anything for that.

If there is still someone forcing them to leave at this time, then don't blame him for being rude, the same is true for the brothers behind him.

Most people hold this idea. Half of the urban buildings in Wucheng have been destroyed, and their original homes can never be returned. Earthquakes occur so frequently, and other shelters are full.

After the apocalypse, those who can pickle, grow vegetables, and have medical skills will become regular workers as long as they are of some use in the apocalypse. No matter how bad they are, they will be temporary workers. Only they, the office workers before the apocalypse, are of no use at all, so at this time they Where else to go?

The dilapidated factory building was extremely empty. The energy-saving lamps were turned on, which revealed a crowd of people below. They were as skinny as wood, with pale and sallow complexions. They were dressed in strange clothes, made of any fabric, plastic, sofa leather, etc. that could be used to cover them, and a makeshift podium. Placed above, Jingshu glanced over

It's like holding a martial arts conference to select the leader of the malnourished beggar gang!

At this time, the gap can be seen at a glance. Only the middle class and formal workers who can afford food have rosy faces and wear normal clothes before the apocalypse. The class gap is obvious, and it seems to be a seal stamped on everyone's forehead. , everyone has been stamped with grades three, six or nine.

Manager Tuo stood on the stage with a loudspeaker and his first sentence was:

Comrades, let me tell you some good news!...

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