I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 493 Scavenger Shiquan Dabu Decoction

Jing Shu blinked her eyes. What she said was that today was either an opening or a ribbon cutting. Is it so grand? But what are you waiting for her to do? You can't open the business without her. There are a lot of people here today. Who are they? She didn't remember inviting so many people.

Just as he was thinking about it, a slight cough sounded. In the crowd, a steady and elegant man stood up and walked towards Jingshu: You are here, let's get started quickly.

Hurrah, everyone around started to move.

What are you doing? What are you doing? Jingshu was a little confused.

But then I took a quick look and saw that this was Jin Tianci, the current leader of Wucheng! His complexion was much better than before, and he was rosy. He looked much more energetic, almost like a normal person, and the medicine was really effective.

Click The camera showed several close-ups of Jingshu, and Jingshu smiled subconsciously.

So Jin Tianci shook hands with Jing Shu in a friendly manner, and they both smiled at the camera. Jing Shu was confused and kept smiling. It turned out that the person in charge came to inspect the work in person!

Also, the land was bought with a huge loan from the corrupt government, the workers were brought in by the factory, and the various equipment were borrowed and converted into tools. Even the virtual currency was borrowed from the corrupt government. The corrupt government has nothing to do with this. The factory has put a lot of effort into it. If Jingshu's factory loses money, the government corruption account will not be recovered. No, all the [Doomsday Business Licenses] were given the green light in just half a day.

Looking at this scene, Jingshu guessed that this was to create a momentum?

Without giving Jing Shu any time to explain, Manager Tuo had already prepared a ribbon-cutting ceremony and invited leaders of all sizes in Wucheng to go with him. Only then did Jing Shu have the honor to say a word or two to Jin Tianci.

In the past few years, Wucheng has attached great importance to carrying out assistance activities to help food processing factories, and timely solved the difficulties faced by factories in production and life. We hope that through this assistance, we can contribute a small amount to Wucheng Food Factory. Jin Tianci Said encouragingly.

Click click click.

There was applause all around.

Jing Shu: ??? Such an official press release, emm, how should she answer it? Is it too late to search online? But then there was no need for her to answer, because a reporter answered for her:

“During the event, the person in charge of the food factory expressed his most sincere gratitude to the leaders of Wucheng City for their assistance, and said that he would not let down the expectations of the people of Wucheng, work hard to achieve results, and provide the people of Wucheng with Fresh and delicious red worms, please follow the reporter and continue to visit the only red worm breeding base in Wucheng.

Jingshu: ...Thank you so much. You said it very well!

In the brand new huge red worm breeding farm, most of the workers have moved small benches and sat down neatly. Under the energy-saving lamps, everyone looked curiously at the leaders inspecting the work, because they heard that the little one The factory actually attracted the attention of many leaders.

Director Su gave a speech first, and then played a piece of music with firecrackers and trumpets played. Under warm applause, Director Su, Jing Shu, Jin Tianci and Jun Jia, four heavyweights, were invited to the stage together. , cut off the red silk that I found somewhere.

Click click click, the camera keeps taking pictures.

This simple ribbon-cutting ceremony is complete. Although it is a bit low-key and too formal, it is indeed the ribbon-cutting of a heavyweight in Wucheng. With Jin Tianci here, who dares to underestimate it?

At the same time, what Jing Shu didn't expect was that Jin Tianci gave her a surprise. He even arranged a plaque that read Wucheng Excellent Enterprise, signed Wucheng Political Corruption Award below, and hung it at the gate of the factory. , the copper-plated paint color sparkles and makes the onlookers around point their fingers.

It seems that this factory has a background.

That's not true. Many leaders are here. I'm afraid this factory will do great things in the future.

Red worms cannot be cultivated in the whole country. You said that we have cultivated them in Wucheng. We also saw the cameras. They are all going to be on TV. What do you think will happen if other places find out?

It will make Wucheng look good. If we can cultivate so many red worms, the whole country will not starve. It is a good thing.

You said that the feed of red worms is the corpses of carrion worms and zombie diseases. Red worms will also get sick if they eat them. So it's not the same as last year. How can we eat red worms with zombie diseases?

You are stupid. That must have been solved. Otherwise, would the political corruption allow this factory to open?

Speaking of this matter, Jin Tianci didn't say anything openly, but Junjia came several times and took away the green algae, red nematodes, and red nematodes grown in the past few days, and tested them countless times to ensure that they were truly Only after the safety is guaranteed, the green channel will be so fast.

As for why all the camera reporters were summoned with such fanfare this time? Jing Shu felt that it was not only for the huge sum of money she owed, but also for performance? After all, if any place invents an edible food nowadays, it will definitely be praised in the news, and then it will be envied by people across the country.

After all, China is a huge country, with a large forest and everything can be studied and eaten. Some time ago, Guangdong and Zhejiang were in the limelight. In the second year, red worms were rampant. With the floods, people all over the country were trying to catch them. Catching red worms.

The scavengers, which were overrun before the end of the world, were about to be captured and taken home to be kept in captivity.

However, due to the proliferation of red worms, they are reproducing crazily by eating red worms. This year, Guangdong and Zhejiang not only have red worms to eat, but also grilled scavengers. They are very happy.

When the zombie disease infected all species, most of the scavengers that had become domestic fish in Guangdong and Zhejiang were infected, and a small number of uninfected ones were also in danger, with no food source to feed them.

However, after local research, it was found that this small group of scavengers can be fed with feed from various zombie species, forming stronger immunity in their bodies, and secondly, even if some are infected again, they will be fine.

The head and the zombie meat inside are removed, but the dry skin and tail bones are still edible and will not be infected with zombie diseases. Although the skin is very hard and cannot be bitten, the tail has no meat and the taste is not good.

But the Cantonese people directly boiled the skin, bones and tails, dried them in the shade and grinded them into powder to make the Shiquan Scavenger Tonic Soup, which became a hit and opened up China's new understanding of Guangdong.

For example: hot water can be used to make scavenger paste, and water steaming pot is said to be able to make delicious scavenger roll rolls. It can also be made into scavenger noodles and scavenger noodles. At least dozens of methods have been invented, and the taste is very good. Not bad. The TV said that we should fully learn the ability of Cantonese people to make food, and also said that there is nothing in the world that Cantonese people cannot eat.

For this reason, Jingshu was inspired to put the research and development of new food on the agenda after the red worm factory is on the right track. A single red worm cake can no longer meet the vast market demand.

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