I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 494 Jingshu’s hugely profitable red nematode industry

As a result, the most populous province finally relied on tenacious scavengers to survive, and the news reported every day which place had developed new species that could be eaten.

Therefore, he was afraid that there were red threadworms in Wucheng, and Jin Tianci would certainly let the people above know about it.

However, this is a bit difficult to handle. Jingshu touched her chin. In fact, Jingshu had already made preparations and plans for the matter to be known to the whole country, but it was unexpected to do it so early.

At the checkpoint where Jingshu was distracted, her uncle Su Yiyang trotted at the front, leading the leaders to visit the entire factory. Jingshu followed Jin Tianci all the time, and several cameramen kept making annoying clicks. There are also reporters expressing opinions directly in their ears from time to time, but it can be said that this reporter is very awesome and speaks well.

Manager Tuo started to use the loudspeaker to shout to all employees to officially start work. In an instant, everyone started to move. Except for the collector who had nothing to do now, he followed Jingshu to watch the excitement. Everyone else started to earn points. Today But there was a celebration banquet and commendation meeting, and everyone was excited. Otherwise, no one would be so free to watch the opening ribbon cutting.

Director Su started his preparation:

Dear leaders, please see, the first thing we have arrived at is the carrion worm storage base in our factory. The standard for storing each iron box is 1 ton of fresh carrion worms, and it can store up to 5,000 tons of carrion worms. In these few days, 500 tons of carrion insects have been collected in Wucheng, which has generated a lot of benefits for the people.

These live carrion worms can grow by about 10% after being stored for five days. After six days, a small amount of corpses are needed for feeding. Their containers are previously melted equipment, which can prevent the carrion worms from burrowing and escaping.

Jing Shu was also very curious. It was her first time to visit the reformed factory, but to be honest, it was the first time she had seen so many carrion bugs in her previous life and this life. These bugs claimed to eat anything. These iron box policies The fu masters did a great job.

The leaders were walking in a large warehouse composed of huge iron boxes. When they stepped down and lowered their heads, they could see that the iron boxes were densely packed with carrion worms like maggots squirming inside. If there were any dead worms, they would be very dangerous. Soon to be eaten away. Terrible.

The iron box has a curve. Some carrion bugs that are about to climb to the top will fall back due to the curvature, and some have successfully escaped. At this time, the workers who specialize in guarding the carrion bugs will pull them in with their hands. The workers are very busy, and the inspector They are responsible for counting and checking the number and weight of carrion worms, and some workers are responsible for arranging the carrion worm records neatly and entering them into the APP, etc.

Everyone had a clear division of labor, and some women were working with dolls on their backs. In short, it was quite lively, and the camera recorded this heated scene.

Jin Tianci nodded, and the leaders around him also expressed their recognition and praise. Someone personally grabbed a handful of corpse insects and put them in front of the camera. Unfortunately, he was bitten by more than a dozen red envelopes in an instant. Director Su reminded everyone, face to face Wear gloves when handling carrion bugs.

Factory Director Su took everyone further forward, and inside was another connected factory building.

This is the green algae breeding base of our factory. These patches of green algae are new varieties developed by our managers who spent millions of virtual coins. Expensive chemicals are used to filter out the green algae when they eat various carrion insects. The viruses on their bodies, despite the dirty appearance of these green algae, can actually be used as feed for various poultry. However, because of its high value, the feed ratio is too low to make it worthwhile.

A huge advantage of green algae is that as long as there is a constant supply of food, they can grow crazily, so carrion insects are an essential feed.

Then we saw that all the original factory equipment had been evacuated. This was a huge breeding base made of stone. There was a layer of silt on the ground, and the green algae was bubbling and secreting a thick green juice. Devouring the squirming carrion worms, the invincible carrion worms were as if they had entered a spider's web in this liquid. They could not move and could only be passively and quickly decomposed into nutrients.

The workers hurriedly began to pour boxes of carrion worms into the green algae, just like constantly adding coal to a boiler. The green algae expanded bigger and bigger at this moment, and it became much bigger in the blink of an eye. .

Director Su grabbed a handful of green algae, shook off the half-dead carrion worms, wiped away the sticky liquid on it, and then said to Junjia, You can try it. It tastes like grass, but a little bitter.

Junjia's face became extremely pale and he broke into a cold sweat. When would he dare to eat this? It looks disgusting!

However, Jin Tianci picked up half of it, put it in his mouth and chewed it. The cameras around him recorded this precious moment. Junjia, a big fat man, regretted it so much that his intestines turned green. He couldn't do acting, he didn't know how to act. !

It is indeed a bit bitter, but it is really good to use as information.

Next, please come and take a look at the factory's main breeding species, red worms. Please see, this pond made of earth has been waterproofed and covered with bricks. This is the red worm breeding base. Each pond can hold 10 tons. There are currently only 20 pools for red worms on the left and right. Each pool can be connected through various connections. If allowed, the scale will be increased in the future.

This is also our integrated room, and the red threadworms on the assembly line are completed from here.

It turns out that most of the equipment that was melted down in the former factory has been made into the crawler tracks and equipment in the assembly line operation room that are needed now.

Workers also started the busy assembly line process of making red worm delicacies.

“Each ton of carrion worms can cultivate 0.75 tons of green algae, and each ton of green algae can provide 0.75 tons of breeding feed required by red nematodes every day. This ratio conversion has cost us a lot of money. It’s a huge price, after excluding the sky-high price of two pharmaceuticals, labor, materials, electricity and other expenses...

Director Su was crying about being poor according to Jingshu's script. Jin Tianci glanced at Jingshu who was touching her nose. Okay, don't cry about being poor. One hundred kilograms of carrion worms only gave you 1 virtual coin, and you received 1 ton. Just give people 10 virtual coins, and you can harvest hundreds of kilograms of red worms with 10 virtual coins. Even if you throw away these costs, how much profit can you make?

How many red worms can be bought with 10 virtual coins now? At most, there will be ten pancakes, only a few kilograms!

Jin Tianci even felt a little dizzy. Previously, he thought Jingshu's factory was great, and he could eat a buffet with 1 virtual coin, but now it seemed that the businessman had a dark heart.

But yes, the research costs are here, and it costs a lot of money to research these potions.

So Jin Tianci had to interrupt Director Su: What is the growth cycle of these red nematodes? How many tons can they produce every day?

Director Su glanced at Jingshu dryly, and to be honest...

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