I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 507 It’s just the prelude to the beginning of the storm

Finish? This is just the prelude to the beginning of the storm, the real suffering is yet to come.

In her previous life, she simply thought it was coming to an end. Everyone thought it was coming to an end. Everyone believed that the darkness had been coming for too long, and that prosperity must decline. It has been declining for so long, three full years, it should be over. it's over.

Jing Shu showed an imperceptible smile, a little sarcastic. Although she didn't want to undermine the family's confidence in life, if they really thought so, then she would have to bring these lost sheep back. Regardless of whether the apocalypse is over or not, Everyone should live their own lives.

Dad Jing nodded vigorously, I think it is. Although food is becoming more and more scarce, the documents above are encouraging us, and issued new instructions, strengthened the raising of poultry, and allocated a batch of Feed, people have not had enough to eat in recent years, let alone raising poultry, it seems that the higher-ups have made a decision.”

Even Jing’s mother agreed, with a face full of hope: “The weather is getting colder and colder, and it is difficult to grow vegetables and whole grains. Our Ministry of Agriculture is under increasing pressure, but the superiors have made a new plan, asking us to take advantage of the opportunity. Plant vigorously when there is no disaster.

In the past few months, artificial sun has even been used, and the first batch of corn, potatoes, and soybeans are about to be harvested. Although food is still tight, I believe that as long as there are no more natural disasters, we can slowly recover.

Sangu wiped her hands and sat down. She drank a few sips of milk tea and rubbed her hands before saying with a sad face:

The food allocated to the canteen from above is getting less and less, but at least we still have insect cakes in Wucheng. Few people starve to death. The situation is miserable in other places. But after all, nothing has happened in the past few months. Everyone is holding back. I am waiting for the dawn of time to come again, so there are more and more rumors.

Seeing that everyone was looking forward to the end of the apocalypse, and even believed in the argument that the apocalypse was about to end, Master Jing couldn't help but sigh, shook his head, smoked a cigarette again, and turned to Jing Shu and Wu Youai, What do you think?

Wu Youai was chewing fish balls happily. After hearing this, she said with a nonchalant expression: I find it difficult. It's better not to get too happy too early.

Master Jing turned his attention to Jing Shu. In the last days, the quality of life of the whole family depends on Jing Shu. His granddaughter's words are quite insightful.

Jing Shu shook her head: My cousin is right. As long as there is no sun for one day, the apocalypse will not be over. We cannot relax our vigilance but must make various preparations and plans. Our family is living a good life now because we made early preparations. Ready.

As for what is said on TV, it is true. In this current situation, we really need to boost everyone’s morale and give everyone hope of survival, but that cannot be taken seriously;

In my opinion, this situation will become more and more serious. Think about it, there are all kinds of sequelae caused by the lack of sunshine, and there may be a snowstorm next.

So, Mom, you have to take your time during this period, don't spread it too wide and you won't be able to hold it back if there's something behind.

Jing Ma nodded, clasped her hands worriedly and said, No matter what, I wish you a good harvest this time, save some food for Wucheng, and let us all take it easy.

Jingshu can't be too foreseeing and can only point to this. Jing's mother can only take one step at a time.

Master Jing finally nodded happily. His granddaughter’s words spoke to his heart. He nodded and Father Jing started his daily venomous remarks:

A person of this age cannot see things thoroughly like a child.

Then he sighed and said: I am holding this family meeting today to remind everyone that the new year is coming soon. Although there has been nothing in the past few months, Jingshu is right. According to us old farmers, Look, this is the prelude to a blizzard, and we have to prepare.

Dad Jing frowned, Dad, after a few months of calm, we really don't want any more disasters... but did you find anything?

Mr. Jing shook the ashes from his cigarette, pointed to the yard and said, The yield of the things we grow has decreased! Haven't you noticed that we have eaten less of the vegetables recently!

Everyone looked at Master Jing, Nai Jing shook her head and muttered what a sin.

Jingye continued: In the past few years, you two have been busy working. The tomatoes, peppers, apple trees in the yard, the cabbage and spinach on the balcony on the third floor, etc. are all taken care of by me and her. Don't mention it. You are very considerate. During the driest period, there was no shortage of water. During the floods the year before, we did not skip fertilizing. We turned on the lights for four hours every day. Therefore, the growth of our vegetable field is not to mention how gratifying it is, and the yield is even better.

Only recently, the production has started to decline sharply, and it took me a long time to find out the reason.

Jingshu rubbed her chin and thought. She always served the vegetables in the yard on time. In order not to attract attention, she served very little. It would be enough to let the output reach the pre-apocalyptic level, but it should not be Production is down.

Then he saw that Master Jing had already stood up and took out a pile of soil from the yard.

Jing's father scratched his head in embarrassment, Dad, what's going on? You can tell me, the rest of us don't farm and don't understand this. Is there something wrong with the soil?

Master Jing nodded and said seriously: If her grandmother and I hadn't dug holes to save seeds, we wouldn't have discovered that the soil in the yard had seeped into this kind of sediment. If it were ordinary, it would have affected the harvest at most, but I don't know about this kind of sediment. What's in it is very sticky, which greatly affects the growth of crops. I went to other places again. There is no such silt in places with cement floors, but this kind of silt appears in mountains and other places. Look. It looks like ordinary land, but it’s not.”

Jing Nai cried out: Why did our good land turn into this kind of sand? Fortunately, the soil on the balcony on the third floor did not have this kind of sand. I was wondering if it was seeping out from the ground? I don’t know if it’s available in our area or if everyone else has it. I’ve also quietly inquired about it, but firstly, there are too few people growing vegetables, and secondly, the harvest is not good due to weather and other reasons, so I don’t know. It’s not just our harvest that is affected.”

No one is growing vegetables in the ground, so naturally few people care about whether there is any problem with the soil.

Jingshu frowned. In her previous life, she was at the bottom, so she had never planted vegetables at all. She didn't care that the soil in her yard was full of sand, there was no lighting, and the temperature was so low that she couldn't grow anything, so she didn't care. Thinking about the original eruption from the ground, the sediment that may have been washed by various chemicals such as magma can still seep out of the ground and affect crops.

But she ignored it. It seems that the plan needs to be adjusted.

This matter cannot be ignored. Our family's livelihood is here, by the way... Master Jing asked Jing's mother: You have a lot of things like that, have you ever found this kind of silt?

Jingma frowned and shook her head: In order to maximize resources, we generally implement soilless cultivation and space-saving frame cultivation. However, we have planted some cold-resistant species around the artificial sun. It seems that we will have to check it out tomorrow. If If it really has an impact, we have to find a way early.”

Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, rush out so late

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