I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 508: Build a vegetable greenhouse

Think of ways to? What can be done? There is still some silt seeping out now. After a while, it will come out like a volcanic eruption. When the time comes, most of the city will be submerged. The seemingly mild mudslide disaster will eventually come!

The destruction caused by it is permanent, because when the mudslides no longer flow and completely solidify, they are like the hardest cement, permanently swallowing up most of the buildings and materials, and the land that could be cultivated becomes even scarcer. .

In the last days, even the soil has become precious.

Jingshu squinted her eyes and thought about the next countermeasures. This was a problem she had never encountered in her previous life. Even if she had made all kinds of preparations in advance, it was not as good as God. Fortunately, Jingye discovered it early and gave her something to do. Time to prepare.

I hope the land planted around the artificial sun does not contain this kind of sand. Otherwise, the harvest will be affected, and many people will starve to death.

Jing's mother said worriedly that it would be fine if there was a problem with her family's land. This was an isolated phenomenon after all.

Jing Shu felt that it was a good thing that I mentioned this matter, and that he was right to be worried. It was also a good opportunity for everyone to make more preparations, so she said:

In the past few days, I went to the mountains to walk my chickens and discovered that a lot of this kind of mud had seeped out of the mountains and had begun to flow down. It doesn't seem to be an isolated phenomenon, but I didn't know that this kind of mud was still coming from our yard. The most important thing that seeped into the land is that it affects the yield of crops, and it also makes our family have so many fewer vegetables.

Now that food is already in short supply, and this kind of sediment is starting to appear again, we must make preparations early, at least not to affect the plants at home.

If it develops to the point where there really is this kind of silt everywhere... It used to be cold and cold without the sun, but now there is a problem with the land. In the past, everyone could grow some lettuce, garlic, etc. that don't need sunlight. In the future, But what to do!”

When Master Jing shouted, the whole family fell silent. Everyone knew clearly how they could live such a comfortable life in the apocalypse. Even formal working-class families could only get a meager amount of vegetables every day, but their family was Eat a variety of fresh vegetables and fruits every day.

Master, don't be too pessimistic. Isn't there soilless cultivation now? No matter what, there will be a solution from above. Let's take care of ourselves first. Jing Shu said and said to the family:

Now we not only have to solve the problem of production reduction, but also increase the storage of food and various materials. I am right to worry, maybe there will be a more terrible disaster soon. Whether it is weather or soil problems, it will become more and more serious. The harder it is to grow food, fresh vegetables.

Master Jing took two more puffs of cigarette and said: Yes, yes, let's take care of ourselves first, and then let's remind the boss, the second's family and their relatives and friends tomorrow. Then we can think of a solution. How should we deal with the reduction of production in our family? Old man, I have changed the soil several times in the past few days. It is of no use at all. The mud, sand and water cannot be blocked, and it seeps out from the ground. The deeper you dig, the more it seeps out. The more.”

Eat, eat, and then think of something after eating. Jing Nai cheered everyone to eat their food first. Master Jing coughed twice, You should save some food. With such a big family, there is plenty of fish and meat every day. , no matter how much, it’s not enough to eat.”

Jing Nai snorted: It is my granddaughter who has the final say on how to eat in the future. Who told us that all the food in our family is brought by her? Even if you say that we should eat sparingly, what should we do if our granddaughter is hungry? You can't eat as much as you want. It’s not like I don’t know.”

Master Jing laughed awkwardly and whispered, It's my birthday today, so give me some face.

The whole family laughed, and Jingshu also laughed. She was reborn for no other reason than to have good food, clothing, and housing in the apocalypse. If her quality of life was to be reduced, why did she work so hard? Said: Let's find a way to solve the problem now, so we don't have to withhold food rations. Our family has a big appetite, so there is no need to wrong ourselves.

But can’t I wrong myself? More than a dozen people could finish this large table of dishes, but it was Jingshu's place. After everyone had finished eating, she started to start the disc operation. She was not picky about whether the dishes included green onions, ginger or peppers, and she could finish it in just a few bites. , that’s it, I have to have a late night snack before going to bed, otherwise I won’t be able to stay hungry.

After dinner, Dad Jing went to clean up the dishes, and the whole family came to the yard to look at the garden where they grew vegetables.

The front yard of the villa is small, and except for a sidewalk, the other areas are fully utilized. The house where chickens and ducks were raised before was too small. After the backyard was built, the poultry were moved to the backyard, so the house is now used It was transformed into a mushroom house.

Although Jingshu wholesaled a lot of dried mushrooms and the like back then, after years of consumption and gift-giving, only half of them are left to prevent problems before they happen, so now she will distribute more mushrooms of various kinds at home, but unfortunately there are too few types, etc. Find the lost seeds, and Jingshu will cultivate some more dry goods for use after the fifth year.

In addition to the fish pond built that year, the rest are planted with various vegetables.

In the past, when walking on the sidewalk, there were all kinds of fresh and vigorous vegetables on both sides. Some were cabbage, spinach, lettuce, etc. that would mature in ten days, and there were also sweet potatoes and potatoes in season. However, now they are much withered and sparse. .

On the surface, there was nothing strange about the land. Jingshu took a shovel and shoveled it down. After shoveling a few times, she found something sticky stuck to the shovel.

Most of the roots of vegetables were soaked until they turned white or yellow, and some roots simply stuck to the soil.

Master Jing showed everyone: It stands to reason that things can be grown on sandy land, but these, I feel, are like cement. Good crops have been ruined.

Jing's mother hesitated and said, Why don't we pull out the vegetable roots first, plant them in water, and then replace all the soil.

Master Jing shook his head: It's not easy to wash with water. It's just like cement. If the roots stick to it for a long time, it will solidify. If it takes a short time, it's okay. The ones in our yard are all fixed. Once you pull them out, the roots will be damaged.

This is of course not cement, but the characteristics of the mudslide in the fourth year of the apocalypse. It is still brewing underground and will not solidify for a short time, so it is thin mud. However, when they are all finished erupting and the weather gets cold, it begins to solidify.

Seeing how serious the situation was, Jing Shu shook her head: There's no way to save it. Pick everything that's edible and dig out the rest and plant them again. We've lost a lot of seeds.

Master Jing sighed, How can we continue to cultivate this kind of land? Fortunately, the vegetables on the balcony on the third floor did not suffer.

Jing Nai wiped her tears quietly and turned around to count the seeds left at home. Fortunately, she had the habit of saving seeds.

Jingshu narrowed her eyes and continued: It seems that the land in the yard must be completely filled with cement to prevent the mud inside from seeping up, and then a vegetable greenhouse should be built on both sides to set up a shelf. The shelf should be double-layered so that vegetables can be grown. I'll try to get some good soil so that the mud in the ground won't be polluted, and we can plant more things, so we can squeeze in as much space as possible.

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